At $16.91 and $900 or so Gold & Silver is a great buy,the markets just got flooded with sales of bullion to cover the massive losses in the markets, I think they are near the bottom, but we will find out monday, we might see another drop monday, so I might wait and see before I grab up some silver, but at the current price its a good buy. I hope it drops to 12 monday!, then I will grab a bunch up, because throughout history silver has been 15 to 1 ratio against gold, so its due to hit 60-70 an ounce as the economy spirals downward and inflation kicks in big from the fed dumping so much money into the system with its rate cuts. During the stagflation of the late 1970's gold hit $900, indexed to inflation thats $2500! so we have not seen the metals market react as yet to all this inflationary pressure, but it is coming. -Citizen
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Joseph Stiglitz, former head of the world bank economist sector said U.S. is heading into WORST ECONOMIC DEPRESSION since the 1930's.
Stiglitz say's FED cuts will do nothing!-
Many months ago this man quit the world bank in protest, saying that they were going to "Harvest the wealth" of the U.S. through contrived and planned financial turmoil, well he was right.
Let me say this, out of the ashes of this catastrophe that is unfolding will rise a better government, until this comes I strongly suggest buying as much food and supplys as you can!
Diversify your portfolio in real terms means Silver or gold as 25% of your means, buy food and supply as 50% of your means, and keep or take nearly all money out of the bank in smaller bills, 1's, 5's and 10's, 20's. In the time we are entering "COMMODITY" is KING, A 10lb. bag of flour will be worth more than an ounce of silver or a lousy $20, so stash some, flour will likely rise to $25 a lb. When people are hungry a 25 lb. bag of rice will bring $500 or more, so overbuy in goods now before we see food runs, you can find 25 lb. bags at Sams club for $15. Having enough plus, surplus will give you great bargaining power in the coming barter market/economy.
We are talking a long haul here, so it would not be out of line to buy 3-4 thousand worth of food, can you imagine the return value of this in a starvation scenario? A 50 lb. sack of flour will be like gold. We all see the U.S. economy crashing, only an idiot in denial does not take heed.
Simple supplys now will garner great amounts of worth in the near future, toilet paper, tampons, pads, flour, rice, dried beans, canned goods stc, If you are smart enough to see the writing on the wall buy and stash NOW, and tell no one, as those who hoard will be sold out to the government quickly when bellies get empty. Sim[ly put, a box of instant potatoes in the hand will be worth more than a silly $100.00 fiat piece of paper from the federal reserve.
We are NOW inside this collapse, do NOT be in denial...prepare and survive!-Citizen
Stiglitz say's FED cuts will do nothing!-
Many months ago this man quit the world bank in protest, saying that they were going to "Harvest the wealth" of the U.S. through contrived and planned financial turmoil, well he was right.
Let me say this, out of the ashes of this catastrophe that is unfolding will rise a better government, until this comes I strongly suggest buying as much food and supplys as you can!
Diversify your portfolio in real terms means Silver or gold as 25% of your means, buy food and supply as 50% of your means, and keep or take nearly all money out of the bank in smaller bills, 1's, 5's and 10's, 20's. In the time we are entering "COMMODITY" is KING, A 10lb. bag of flour will be worth more than an ounce of silver or a lousy $20, so stash some, flour will likely rise to $25 a lb. When people are hungry a 25 lb. bag of rice will bring $500 or more, so overbuy in goods now before we see food runs, you can find 25 lb. bags at Sams club for $15. Having enough plus, surplus will give you great bargaining power in the coming barter market/economy.
We are talking a long haul here, so it would not be out of line to buy 3-4 thousand worth of food, can you imagine the return value of this in a starvation scenario? A 50 lb. sack of flour will be like gold. We all see the U.S. economy crashing, only an idiot in denial does not take heed.
Simple supplys now will garner great amounts of worth in the near future, toilet paper, tampons, pads, flour, rice, dried beans, canned goods stc, If you are smart enough to see the writing on the wall buy and stash NOW, and tell no one, as those who hoard will be sold out to the government quickly when bellies get empty. Sim[ly put, a box of instant potatoes in the hand will be worth more than a silly $100.00 fiat piece of paper from the federal reserve.
We are NOW inside this collapse, do NOT be in denial...prepare and survive!-Citizen
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sinister retirement home shaped like swastica! lmao!
It seems we have reached a new level of HYPERSENSITIVITY in America, An old folks home resembles the infamous Nazi swastika from the sky! This is the most ridiculous whiny nonsense I have ever heard!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Tax payer bail out 4th largest american bank!!!!!
Tax payers bail out high flying Bear Stearns
(New York, New York) Ucs Financial News: Bear Stearns, squeezed by the sub-prime crisis, needs an emergency loan and America cash strapped tax payers will foot the bill. Finally after 7 years the Bush-o-nomics master plan is complete. Middle and lower class families facing foreclosure and record high fuel prices get to bail out Wall Streets Blue suited bandits.
Bear Stearns said its ability to finance its operations had "significantly deteriorated" in the preceding 24 hours, compelling it to borrow an undisclosed amount of money from the Fed. Meanwhile my neighbor is two months behind on his mortgage but the Fed isn't returning his calls.George W. Bush should be proud, the upward distribution of Americans wealth is nearly complete. I'm just waiting for Exxon Mobile to start buying up Americas foreclosed property. Maybe Alan Schwartz, Bear Stearns' chief executive will be selling his 2nd and 3rd homes to help rescue the working stiffs that just saved his butt? Or maybe he should turn his salary over to the share holders that just got wiped out? Maybe he should resign and let an adult run the show?
(New York, New York) Ucs Financial News: Bear Stearns, squeezed by the sub-prime crisis, needs an emergency loan and America cash strapped tax payers will foot the bill. Finally after 7 years the Bush-o-nomics master plan is complete. Middle and lower class families facing foreclosure and record high fuel prices get to bail out Wall Streets Blue suited bandits.
Bear Stearns said its ability to finance its operations had "significantly deteriorated" in the preceding 24 hours, compelling it to borrow an undisclosed amount of money from the Fed. Meanwhile my neighbor is two months behind on his mortgage but the Fed isn't returning his calls.George W. Bush should be proud, the upward distribution of Americans wealth is nearly complete. I'm just waiting for Exxon Mobile to start buying up Americas foreclosed property. Maybe Alan Schwartz, Bear Stearns' chief executive will be selling his 2nd and 3rd homes to help rescue the working stiffs that just saved his butt? Or maybe he should turn his salary over to the share holders that just got wiped out? Maybe he should resign and let an adult run the show?
The Amero has arrived! U.S., dollar to be inflated to nothing!

OK, these are not government issue but done by a guy, check this website...
Lou dobbs over a year
Here are some idiots joking about the amero 1 year ago...
VIDEO-2minutes on AMERO, this is 11 months old.
TAKE any dollars you have and convert them to gold, silver or Euros at least, everyday the dollar falls, they are printing them as fast as possibly to flood the market and pay debts with paper, making yours toilet paper, once everyone understands this they will all dump them fast and at once, literally overnight your dollars will be made into less than toilet paper, DO NOT WAIT! You think the FDIC insurance will save you? think again, what good in any case is replacing your 20K or 50 K or 100K if it only buys a loaf of bread?
We can see what they are doing, monitizing all debts by out of control printing, and soon, when they can no longer lower interest rates the economy will go into a freefall, out of this collapse and turmoil will the NAU be introduced as the only solution. IT IS HERE!
I think we will see all of this come to pass within several months.
When China and the other holders of this massive sham understand what is happening they will dump immediately. THE U.S. DOLLAR WILL BE WORTHLESS!
WE HAVE BEEN THE NAU FOR 3 YEARS! they just have not told the sheeple yet...
In an interview with CNBC, a vice president for a prominent London investment firm yesterday urged a move away from the dollar to the "amero," a coming North American currency, he said, that "will have a big impact on everybody's life, in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."
Steve Previs, a vice president at Jefferies International Ltd., explained the Amero "is the proposed new currency for the North American Community which is being developed right now between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."
The aim, he said, according to a transcript provided by CNBC to WND, is to make a "borderless community, much like the European Union, with the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso being replaced by the amero."
Previs told the television audience many Canadians are "upset" about the amero. Most Americans outside of Texas largely are unaware of the amero or the plans to integrate North America, Previs observed, claiming many are just "putting their head in the sand" over the plans.
(Story continues below)
CNBC asked Previs whether he thought NAFTA was "working and doing enough."
He replied: "Until it created a lot of illegal immigrants coming across the border. I don't know. You get the pros and cons on NAFTA. For some people it is a good thing, and for other people it has been a disaster."
The speculation on the future of a new North American currency came amid a major U.S. dollar sell-off worldwide that began last week.
Yesterday, the dollar also reached new multi-month low against the euro, breaking through the $1.30 per euro technical high that had held since April 2005.
At the same time, the Chinese central bank set the yuan at 7.0402 per dollar, the highest level since Beijing established a new currency exchange system in 2005 that severed China's previous policy of tying the value of the yuan to the U.S. dollar.
Many analysts worldwide attributed the dramatic fall in the value of the U.S. dollar at least partially to China's announcement last week that it would seek to diversify its foreign exchange currency holdings away from the U.S. dollar. China recently has crossed the threshold of holding $1 trillion in U.S. dollar foreign-exchange reserves, surpassing Japan as the largest holder in the world.
Barry Ritholtz, chief market strategist for Ritholtz Research & Analytics in New York City, in a phone interview with WND, characterized today's downward move of the dollar as "wackage," a new word he coined to convey that the dollar is being "whacked" in this current market movement.
Ritholtz told WND that yesterday's downward move "was a major market correction that points to the risk of subsequent downside to the dollar."
Asked whether he would characterize the dollar's downside move as signaling a possible collapse, Mr Ritholtz told WND, "Not yet."
Ritholtz pointed out market professionals had long looked at a dollar collapse as a "low probability event," but the recent fall suggests "the probabilities have increased of a major dollar correction, or even of a collapse."
U.S. trade imbalances with China have hit a record $228 billion this year, largely reflecting a surging flow of containers from China with retail goods headed for the U.S. mass market.
Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez is in Bejing leading a trade delegation of more than two dozen U.S. business executives.
"The future should be focused on exporting to China," Guiterrez told reporters in Bejing, noting that this year, U.S. exports to China are up 34 percent on a year-to-year basis, surpassing last year's gain of 20 percent.
One way to improve the U.S. trade imbalance may be to ease up on restrictions of exporting high-tech products and allowing technology transfers to China, a move likely to be politically charged in the U.S.
The decline in value of the dollar will also make U.S. exports more attractive and Chinese exports to the U.S. more expensive.
In February 2007, a virtually unprecedented top-level U.S. economic mission is scheduled to travel to China. Included in the mission are Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Jr., Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Previs declined to be interviewed for this article, telling WND in an e-mail he did not want to be quoted directly in any article that may express a political point of view.
Related offers:
For a comprehensive look at the U.S. government's plan to integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a North American super-state ? guided by the powerful but secretive Council on Foreign Relations ? read "ALIEN NATION: SECRETS OF THE INVASION," a special edition of WND's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine.
Get Tom Tancredo's new book, "In Mortal Danger," from the people who published it ? WND Books.
The master plan to rule the world exposed
Shocking, connect-the-dots expos? of globalist plot
Steve Previs, a vice president at Jefferies International Ltd., explained the Amero "is the proposed new currency for the North American Community which is being developed right now between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."
The aim, he said, according to a transcript provided by CNBC to WND, is to make a "borderless community, much like the European Union, with the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso being replaced by the amero."
Previs told the television audience many Canadians are "upset" about the amero. Most Americans outside of Texas largely are unaware of the amero or the plans to integrate North America, Previs observed, claiming many are just "putting their head in the sand" over the plans.
(Story continues below)
CNBC asked Previs whether he thought NAFTA was "working and doing enough."
He replied: "Until it created a lot of illegal immigrants coming across the border. I don't know. You get the pros and cons on NAFTA. For some people it is a good thing, and for other people it has been a disaster."
The speculation on the future of a new North American currency came amid a major U.S. dollar sell-off worldwide that began last week.
Yesterday, the dollar also reached new multi-month low against the euro, breaking through the $1.30 per euro technical high that had held since April 2005.
At the same time, the Chinese central bank set the yuan at 7.0402 per dollar, the highest level since Beijing established a new currency exchange system in 2005 that severed China's previous policy of tying the value of the yuan to the U.S. dollar.
Many analysts worldwide attributed the dramatic fall in the value of the U.S. dollar at least partially to China's announcement last week that it would seek to diversify its foreign exchange currency holdings away from the U.S. dollar. China recently has crossed the threshold of holding $1 trillion in U.S. dollar foreign-exchange reserves, surpassing Japan as the largest holder in the world.
Barry Ritholtz, chief market strategist for Ritholtz Research & Analytics in New York City, in a phone interview with WND, characterized today's downward move of the dollar as "wackage," a new word he coined to convey that the dollar is being "whacked" in this current market movement.
Ritholtz told WND that yesterday's downward move "was a major market correction that points to the risk of subsequent downside to the dollar."
Asked whether he would characterize the dollar's downside move as signaling a possible collapse, Mr Ritholtz told WND, "Not yet."
Ritholtz pointed out market professionals had long looked at a dollar collapse as a "low probability event," but the recent fall suggests "the probabilities have increased of a major dollar correction, or even of a collapse."
U.S. trade imbalances with China have hit a record $228 billion this year, largely reflecting a surging flow of containers from China with retail goods headed for the U.S. mass market.
Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez is in Bejing leading a trade delegation of more than two dozen U.S. business executives.
"The future should be focused on exporting to China," Guiterrez told reporters in Bejing, noting that this year, U.S. exports to China are up 34 percent on a year-to-year basis, surpassing last year's gain of 20 percent.
One way to improve the U.S. trade imbalance may be to ease up on restrictions of exporting high-tech products and allowing technology transfers to China, a move likely to be politically charged in the U.S.
The decline in value of the dollar will also make U.S. exports more attractive and Chinese exports to the U.S. more expensive.
In February 2007, a virtually unprecedented top-level U.S. economic mission is scheduled to travel to China. Included in the mission are Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Jr., Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Previs declined to be interviewed for this article, telling WND in an e-mail he did not want to be quoted directly in any article that may express a political point of view.
Related offers:
For a comprehensive look at the U.S. government's plan to integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a North American super-state ? guided by the powerful but secretive Council on Foreign Relations ? read "ALIEN NATION: SECRETS OF THE INVASION," a special edition of WND's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine.
Get Tom Tancredo's new book, "In Mortal Danger," from the people who published it ? WND Books.
The master plan to rule the world exposed
Shocking, connect-the-dots expos? of globalist plot
OK, the above coins were made by a sculpter for fun, but yes the amero is coming...vid below...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Former Labor Secretary Reich: 'I Think There's a 20 Percent Chance of a Depression'
I always thought this guy Reich was very intelligent, but I think he is being far too optimistic, there are simply too many factors driving the economy into the toilet, low paying jobs, housing crash, coming commercial housing crash, insolvency of banks and mortgage lenders, endless expensive wars and coming war on Iran, hyperinflation coming as Fed bails out "banks?!?!" The crashing dollar will decimate peoples savings accounts etc. etc. etc.-I say there is a 100% chance of depression, the corner the Fed and its policys have painted our economy into there is absolutely no way out of!-Citizen
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Raising rabbits?
I Was thinking of getting some rabbits to raise for breeding and food, they are quiet and require not much space, a good protien food especially when economys bust something like this might be great to have, check out this video, and the links on the right.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Why America must fall!-Citizen

The fall of the Roman empire holds ominous parallels to the Fall of the American empire, the greatest achievement of Rome, its roads into the known world, its globalism, for out of these same roads came cults, ideas and people who were the unraveling of its own civilization and Roman identity.
The same holds true for America in the form of globalism, America now has thousands of religions and cults, different cultures that have unraveled Americas identity into a self gratifying consumerist, merchantilist, feudalistic culture of basically nothing but crooked bankers, politicians, Walmart, McDonald's and hedonism with no sense of direction or purpose of unity, a fractured fake-nation, a nation crumbling under its own weight of ignorance.
Rome was a 1000 year effort to create world government, and they had in their known world, but at the end it fell under the one weight of its perversions from an identity. The same thing has happened in America, in addition international banks, the world bank, the IMF and the globalist elite are harvesting the wealth of America, importing slaves[cheap labor] and exporting war, gutting the middle class in one the most grotesque destruction's of a 1st world society to date.
Currently only 10 million factory workers exist in america, 1 out of 30 people, industry has been dismantled and shipped overseas to tyrannical governments like China who work slaves for 15 cents an hour and kill all who resist, in a disgusting gulag of concrete factories where human rights do not exist. In addition millions of foreign workers have been imported to work for low wages as third class citizens further undermining the middle class.
As Americas middle class disappears, our feudalistic monopolistic capitalist,[not to be confused with a free market system] society has become totalitarian to maintain this process, this done in the soft-totalitarian style as opposed to a hard Stalinist style. The latter being at least honest, a blatant brutal regime where the people understood they had a boot on their necks.
The west's or American soft totalitarian society operates with deceit, deception, phony democracy where the serfs and slaves do not even realize their plight so struggle not to be free of it, its invisible chains are on the mind and not the body. So as Americans watch society crumble, being dismantled and destroyed under globalism and the new world order, they are treated to Roman like games to distract them, music, drugs and alcohol, game shows, preachers and prostitutes. We live inside the dark ages, melded with technology makes for a macabre mix, blinded by what we see we cannot see ourselves under the spell of the smoke and mirror rulers who treat us as cattle. We will eventually have a global government, it is inevitable, however the choice lies in which path is to be taken, one of a totalitarian nightmare or of a free republic style society. The path we are headed is into a nightmare, as the new Rome falls [America] we will see a world awake from its dream as all will be plunged into decades of economic turmoil, wars and famine that will see few emerge. Our world, our planet will then only after suffering under our own creations, our own makings emerge out into the other side of consciousness, and realize with no illusion of who and what we are, beings on a planet shooting through space, having nearly destroyed ourselves over the wrong answers to this question of existence we have given ourselves for millenia, we will emerge not daring to answer that question again, as we cannot ever know its answer.-Citizen
The same holds true for America in the form of globalism, America now has thousands of religions and cults, different cultures that have unraveled Americas identity into a self gratifying consumerist, merchantilist, feudalistic culture of basically nothing but crooked bankers, politicians, Walmart, McDonald's and hedonism with no sense of direction or purpose of unity, a fractured fake-nation, a nation crumbling under its own weight of ignorance.
Rome was a 1000 year effort to create world government, and they had in their known world, but at the end it fell under the one weight of its perversions from an identity. The same thing has happened in America, in addition international banks, the world bank, the IMF and the globalist elite are harvesting the wealth of America, importing slaves[cheap labor] and exporting war, gutting the middle class in one the most grotesque destruction's of a 1st world society to date.
Currently only 10 million factory workers exist in america, 1 out of 30 people, industry has been dismantled and shipped overseas to tyrannical governments like China who work slaves for 15 cents an hour and kill all who resist, in a disgusting gulag of concrete factories where human rights do not exist. In addition millions of foreign workers have been imported to work for low wages as third class citizens further undermining the middle class.
As Americas middle class disappears, our feudalistic monopolistic capitalist,[not to be confused with a free market system] society has become totalitarian to maintain this process, this done in the soft-totalitarian style as opposed to a hard Stalinist style. The latter being at least honest, a blatant brutal regime where the people understood they had a boot on their necks.
The west's or American soft totalitarian society operates with deceit, deception, phony democracy where the serfs and slaves do not even realize their plight so struggle not to be free of it, its invisible chains are on the mind and not the body. So as Americans watch society crumble, being dismantled and destroyed under globalism and the new world order, they are treated to Roman like games to distract them, music, drugs and alcohol, game shows, preachers and prostitutes. We live inside the dark ages, melded with technology makes for a macabre mix, blinded by what we see we cannot see ourselves under the spell of the smoke and mirror rulers who treat us as cattle. We will eventually have a global government, it is inevitable, however the choice lies in which path is to be taken, one of a totalitarian nightmare or of a free republic style society. The path we are headed is into a nightmare, as the new Rome falls [America] we will see a world awake from its dream as all will be plunged into decades of economic turmoil, wars and famine that will see few emerge. Our world, our planet will then only after suffering under our own creations, our own makings emerge out into the other side of consciousness, and realize with no illusion of who and what we are, beings on a planet shooting through space, having nearly destroyed ourselves over the wrong answers to this question of existence we have given ourselves for millenia, we will emerge not daring to answer that question again, as we cannot ever know its answer.-Citizen
Monday, March 10, 2008
I am predicting this, last friday was death on the markets, people are freaking out and banks are becoming insolvent, this week will prove to be the blackest week since 1929! The U.S. dollar is in a freefall! If you have some cash in the bank get some out, or most before others react to a meltdown because they don't have enough to pay all the accounts! If you have not already buy something, metals, gold or silver or stock up on food, spend it now because next week it may be worth alot less.
Gas is already going over $4.00 a gallon, soon $5 this will break the back of whats left of the economy, we are not in a resession but going very fast into a DEPRESSION! CASH IS KING![even though it is shrinking as I speak!]
READ this article, this guy is spot on-Citizen
Another excellent article...history shows what is happening happens just before a DEPRESSION!
Gas is already going over $4.00 a gallon, soon $5 this will break the back of whats left of the economy, we are not in a resession but going very fast into a DEPRESSION! CASH IS KING![even though it is shrinking as I speak!]
READ this article, this guy is spot on-Citizen
Another excellent article...history shows what is happening happens just before a DEPRESSION!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
DRUGS found in U.S. drinking water supply!
Mood stabilizers and anti-convulsants??? so now in addition to the deadly flouride and chlorine they are dumping in some extra happy medicine. They do this in gulags, maybe we are just on big gulag, a prison planet!-Citizen
Are your pennys Zinc or copper? does it matter?
This may seem a trivial affair, however copper is $3.92 lb. versus zinc at 1.19 a lb. 1982 is the cutoff date, prior to this pennys were 95% copper pennys after this date are 97.5% Zinc or called "clad" plated in copper or layered. So it is plain to see that penny between 1959-1981 have much more value than those minted after that point. Congress made it illegal to melt down both pennies and nickels, this simply because the value of the metal in the coin exceeded the face value. And as history suggests, coins as these quickly become extinct. A copper penny is worth about 1.2 cents and a nickel is worth about 7.5 cents!
If you possess any quarters , dimes, halves or silver dollars 1964 or older they are 90% silver, worth over Twenty times their face value, these quickly got sucked out of circulation when our coinage went to worthless clad some 40 years ago.
So basically it is illegal to melt copper pennys down however it is not illegal to "HOARD" them!
Pennys between 1959-1981 are more valuable than you can buy them at! 1958 and below are called wheaties or wheatbacks and have collectors value beyond that of metals value so are in a different field.
Copper demand in India and China are massive, copper is rising drastically every week/month.
So basically those bothersome handfuls of worthless pennies laying around everywhere should be thrown into a jar, or a 5 gallon bucket!, everytime you recieve change in "copper" you make money. Before long they will pull all our coins out of circulation and replace them with...mmm..aluminum? or some other crap metal. So hoard coinage! If you walk into a bank and buy $100 worth of nickels you are walking out with $140 worth of "nickel". this scenario will not stand for long.-Citizen
If you possess any quarters , dimes, halves or silver dollars 1964 or older they are 90% silver, worth over Twenty times their face value, these quickly got sucked out of circulation when our coinage went to worthless clad some 40 years ago.
So basically it is illegal to melt copper pennys down however it is not illegal to "HOARD" them!
Pennys between 1959-1981 are more valuable than you can buy them at! 1958 and below are called wheaties or wheatbacks and have collectors value beyond that of metals value so are in a different field.
Copper demand in India and China are massive, copper is rising drastically every week/month.
So basically those bothersome handfuls of worthless pennies laying around everywhere should be thrown into a jar, or a 5 gallon bucket!, everytime you recieve change in "copper" you make money. Before long they will pull all our coins out of circulation and replace them with...mmm..aluminum? or some other crap metal. So hoard coinage! If you walk into a bank and buy $100 worth of nickels you are walking out with $140 worth of "nickel". this scenario will not stand for long.-Citizen
Friday, March 7, 2008
NOT recession...DEPRESSION!
Todays job numbers report accelerated the complete wall street meltdown! People are no longer talking recession but DEPRESSION! as all faith is being lost in the "game" people flee to bonds with net loss returns! soon they will all flee to metals in a panic. The U.S. dollar is in a complete freefall and the Fed is running out of room to cut rates, which causes more inflation and tumbles the dollar, in short this is the 1929 all over again!-Citizen
ANOTHER excellent article-doomsday analysis!!!GOLDEN JACKASS
ANOTHER excellent article-doomsday analysis!!!GOLDEN JACKASS
Thursday, March 6, 2008
OIL JUMPS $5.00 in one day!!!
You would think this would be news but no, all are to concerned with the nonsense of Obama and Hillary! Very shortly we will see $110-115 a barrel, gas prices in California have topped $5 a gallon!
But as we all well know the revolution will not be televised, they will not talk about rising food and fuel prices they will talk about bunk!!! nonsense!
As Gold and Silver spike as people buy it as a hedge against inflation, the crap dollar continues to decline and become wallpaper. OPEC just stated that they will NOT increase production because the spike is due to irresponsible economic policy, ie. the federal reserve, lowering interest rates during a time when inflation, or the weak ass dollar is tumbling.
We are all right now inside the economic screw, the dollar is very very rapidly becoming devalued, buy Gold or Silver, since the year 2000 the dollar has lost HALF!!!! its value!
These worthless federal reserve notes are a plague, get rid of them, they are just and I mean "just" paper!
Since I advised my friends 5 -6 weeks ago to buy silver it has went up 25-30% as the dollar plunged, it went from $15.20 to $20.91!!!!
We could see Silver at $100 by the end of the year and Gold at $2,000!
FACT- The federal reserve bank is printing money as fast as they can, they are turning our currency into wallpaper, get out NOW!
We will soon see war with Iran and Venezuela, this will cause massive problems, people will flock to commodities, ie, Gold and silver.
Truth told, we are entering a time in american history that will make the great depression look like a circus, those who hold TRUE MONEY, ie. metals WILL dominate!-Citizen
But as we all well know the revolution will not be televised, they will not talk about rising food and fuel prices they will talk about bunk!!! nonsense!
As Gold and Silver spike as people buy it as a hedge against inflation, the crap dollar continues to decline and become wallpaper. OPEC just stated that they will NOT increase production because the spike is due to irresponsible economic policy, ie. the federal reserve, lowering interest rates during a time when inflation, or the weak ass dollar is tumbling.
We are all right now inside the economic screw, the dollar is very very rapidly becoming devalued, buy Gold or Silver, since the year 2000 the dollar has lost HALF!!!! its value!
These worthless federal reserve notes are a plague, get rid of them, they are just and I mean "just" paper!
Since I advised my friends 5 -6 weeks ago to buy silver it has went up 25-30% as the dollar plunged, it went from $15.20 to $20.91!!!!
We could see Silver at $100 by the end of the year and Gold at $2,000!
FACT- The federal reserve bank is printing money as fast as they can, they are turning our currency into wallpaper, get out NOW!
We will soon see war with Iran and Venezuela, this will cause massive problems, people will flock to commodities, ie, Gold and silver.
Truth told, we are entering a time in american history that will make the great depression look like a circus, those who hold TRUE MONEY, ie. metals WILL dominate!-Citizen
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

and I am poor! oh and innocent! and cute as all hell! anyway....oh no, giant coming...
Venezuela pumps troops to border...War?
All diplomats have been recalled between Equador, Venezuela to Columbia and all trade halted, In my opinion this will be a full scale South American war. The second it takes off watch oil go through the roof! Venezuela is one of our largest oil suppliers. Bush also said today we will back Columbia. I believe this is the "IN" door Washington wanted and needed to justify invading Venezuela, so here we go again. Aphghanistan...then Venezuela.....AHH! don't forget Iran and Chavez, Equador and Cuba are basically firm allies. We might have $8.00 a gallon gas if this happens.

I purchased a simple Roman coin cleaning kit with instructions which included 5 uncleaned coins and what do you know! One of them is gold, no not bronze, no not copper, no not silver but friggen gold!!!! I am in shock! This "trashed" coin weighs in at .15 of a troy ounce worth about $147.50!!!! I purchased the stupid kit for $15.00!
It seems I have a horseshoe jammed up my ass! yeah!!!!!!!
The more I cleaned the 2,000 year debris off of this coin the more it was evident, a yellow gold we all know so well. Using olive oil, distilled water and a toothbrush I removed centuries of coating. This is an absolute pleasant suprise!-Citizen
Monday, March 3, 2008
Venezuala/Equador to go to war with Columbia/United States
It is a well established fact that Colombian government is tightly allied with D.C., and now that it's looking like full scale war what will that mean? Well for starters the Oil rich Venezuela will stop exporting to us driving up oil drastically, plus let us not forget Cuba is allied with Chavez as well. Its my suspicion that the recent Columbian bombing inside equador was a carefully crafted Washington D.C. effort drastically provoke a war. As we know the plans for invading Venezuela to take that oil have been on the table and it must be made to look like a Chavez the madmans fault.
If this does lead to an all out war it would be a "PERFECT EXCUSE" to start a U.S. draft, I can here it now! "This aggression in our own hemisphere cannot stand!" SEND IN THE TROOPS!!!
Our economy is already crashing, this would put a nail in its coffin!-Citizen
CARACAS: Venezuela said on Monday it is expelling Colombia's ambassador and other diplomats, deepening a crisis between the neighbours over the killing of a top rebel on Ecuadorean soil. "The Venezuelan government has decided to expel the Colombian ambassador in Caracas and all diplomatic personnel from the Colombian Embassy in Caracas," Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro said in a speech to the National Assembly. The foreign ministry said in a statement that President Hugo Chavez's government is acting "in defence of the sovereignty of the fatherland and the dignity of the Venezuelan people." In his speech to lawmakers, Maduro said Colombia's armed conflict "has become a threat for all the countries of the region" _ as shown by its killing of a top rebel leader across the border in Ecuador over the weekend. "It's a problem of all of us," Maduro said, reiterating a proposal by Chavez "to form an international group to search for peace in Colombia and search for peace in the region." Chavez last week proposed forming a group of governments to help mediate in Colombia's long-running internal conflict.
If this does lead to an all out war it would be a "PERFECT EXCUSE" to start a U.S. draft, I can here it now! "This aggression in our own hemisphere cannot stand!" SEND IN THE TROOPS!!!
Our economy is already crashing, this would put a nail in its coffin!-Citizen
CARACAS: Venezuela said on Monday it is expelling Colombia's ambassador and other diplomats, deepening a crisis between the neighbours over the killing of a top rebel on Ecuadorean soil. "The Venezuelan government has decided to expel the Colombian ambassador in Caracas and all diplomatic personnel from the Colombian Embassy in Caracas," Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro said in a speech to the National Assembly. The foreign ministry said in a statement that President Hugo Chavez's government is acting "in defence of the sovereignty of the fatherland and the dignity of the Venezuelan people." In his speech to lawmakers, Maduro said Colombia's armed conflict "has become a threat for all the countries of the region" _ as shown by its killing of a top rebel leader across the border in Ecuador over the weekend. "It's a problem of all of us," Maduro said, reiterating a proposal by Chavez "to form an international group to search for peace in Colombia and search for peace in the region." Chavez last week proposed forming a group of governments to help mediate in Colombia's long-running internal conflict.
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