The fall of the Roman empire holds ominous parallels to the Fall of the American empire, the greatest achievement of Rome, its roads into the known world, its globalism, for out of these same roads came cults, ideas and people who were the unraveling of its own civilization and Roman identity.
The same holds true for America in the form of globalism, America now has thousands of religions and cults, different cultures that have unraveled Americas identity into a self gratifying consumerist, merchantilist, feudalistic culture of basically nothing but crooked bankers, politicians, Walmart, McDonald's and hedonism with no sense of direction or purpose of unity, a fractured fake-nation, a nation crumbling under its own weight of ignorance.
Rome was a 1000 year effort to create world government, and they had in their known world, but at the end it fell under the one weight of its perversions from an identity. The same thing has happened in America, in addition international banks, the world bank, the IMF and the globalist elite are harvesting the wealth of America, importing slaves[cheap labor] and exporting war, gutting the middle class in one the most grotesque destruction's of a 1st world society to date.
Currently only 10 million factory workers exist in america, 1 out of 30 people, industry has been dismantled and shipped overseas to tyrannical governments like China who work slaves for 15 cents an hour and kill all who resist, in a disgusting gulag of concrete factories where human rights do not exist. In addition millions of foreign workers have been imported to work for low wages as third class citizens further undermining the middle class.
As Americas middle class disappears, our feudalistic monopolistic capitalist,[not to be confused with a free market system] society has become totalitarian to maintain this process, this done in the soft-totalitarian style as opposed to a hard Stalinist style. The latter being at least honest, a blatant brutal regime where the people understood they had a boot on their necks.
The west's or American soft totalitarian society operates with deceit, deception, phony democracy where the serfs and slaves do not even realize their plight so struggle not to be free of it, its invisible chains are on the mind and not the body. So as Americans watch society crumble, being dismantled and destroyed under globalism and the new world order, they are treated to Roman like games to distract them, music, drugs and alcohol, game shows, preachers and prostitutes. We live inside the dark ages, melded with technology makes for a macabre mix, blinded by what we see we cannot see ourselves under the spell of the smoke and mirror rulers who treat us as cattle. We will eventually have a global government, it is inevitable, however the choice lies in which path is to be taken, one of a totalitarian nightmare or of a free republic style society. The path we are headed is into a nightmare, as the new Rome falls [America] we will see a world awake from its dream as all will be plunged into decades of economic turmoil, wars and famine that will see few emerge. Our world, our planet will then only after suffering under our own creations, our own makings emerge out into the other side of consciousness, and realize with no illusion of who and what we are, beings on a planet shooting through space, having nearly destroyed ourselves over the wrong answers to this question of existence we have given ourselves for millenia, we will emerge not daring to answer that question again, as we cannot ever know its answer.-Citizen