Gold is a rich man's game but silver is in my opinion the absolute best way to transfer bogus and worthless paper fiat currency into something real.
As governments and banks cannot control its worth like the inflated and ever shrinking dollar even if the government were to completely collapse you could take silver anywhere and redeem its value because its value is real because there is only so much and its mining costs will keep it ever growing whilst its use in manufacturing and electronics etc. will drain the supply.
Older silver dollars are only 90% pure and you pay to much for collectors value so the best way to do is 1 oz. rounds or bars, 10 oz. bars bullion, anything larger than that may be hard to transfer easily, but they do sell 100 and 1000 oz. bars!
Bottom line if you do happen to have a savings account, every day it is being devoured by inflation, basically the central bank is "stealing" your wealth, your labor!
If you had $100,000 in the bank in 2002 at the modest interest they give you may now have $110,000 at best, now index it to inflation and you will see that in six years the dollar has lost 33% of its value, that $110,000 is now only worth about $70,000, so the stole $30,000 dollars from you. One the other hand if you had bought 100 grand in silver you would have close to a quarter million bucks!, even indexed to inflation you still almost doubled your money.
So order one ounce a week at least and transfer fiat money into metals, because as the dollar turns into toilet paper silver will rise not only because of the inflated currency but because of supply and demand and industrial use.
To be blatant, hoarding bogus paper fiat currency is a tax on the niave, just say no!
HERE IS JUST ONE PLACE TO GO, YOU CAN ALSO BUY ROLLS OF 20 and 60 coins unopened if you look around.
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