Bullion whether Gold or Silver always spikes up in economic turmoil! Which we see happening now, as the bottom completely drops out of the U.S. economy people are fleeing the markets ie. the DOW just dropped 2.5% today some 320 plus points!, where will these people go with that capital? SECURITY! metals!!!!! THE BIG WIGS are leaving, EXITING the markets quietly just like before the 1929 crash. So buy silver Bullion as it is much more volotile for growth than gold.
Silver was $15 just 5 -6 weeks ago, now $19.71 or so, when I first told everyone to buy!
If they would of bought say $1500 dollars worth or 100 ounces, they would of made $471 already!, If they bought 1000 ounces at 15K they would of made $4,710,00!!!!!! and turned 15K into almost 20K, that's about $5000.00 in 5 weeks! a 25% return in one month, NOWHERE ELSE can you reap that return! SO listen to CITIZEN! BUY NOW! gas will hit $5.00-6.00 this summer, crippling the economy, people will FLOCK to metals! DO IT NOW!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The dollar IS collapsing!
The inevitable collapse of the dollar-VIDEO
Frm 3-24-07, this guy predicted the doubling of silver...
Frm 3-24-07, this guy predicted the doubling of silver...
Silver watch!

Check out this chart, Silver about quadrupled in the last 6 years!
And doubled in the last 2 years!
At the current industrial use and weak dollar we could see it double again in the next year or two, no where else can I find such a promising return. People are flocking to metals as the fiat currency devalues, this will hasten the limited supplies.-Citizen
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Exchange your monopoly money for real money BEFORE its too late!
FED TO CUT INTEREST RATE BY ANOTHER 2.25%!!!!!, this will pump massively more amounts of cash into the system pushing the dollar crash! http://english.pravda.ru/business/finance/22-01-2008/103576-key_interest_rate-0
I agree with the bloggers comments on the link below, Americas economic spiral downward is contrived and executed with the purpose of harvesting as much wealth and property from the americans as possible. The recent "lowering" of prime interest rates will create an even larger bubble, pumping huge amounts of fiat cash into the system causing rampant inflation and even more foreclosures, just like the contrived margin call of 1929, the fed is set to create debt slaves and poverty that will make the great depression look like a holiday. The U.S. dollar is holding on by its fingernails. The international bankers are set to expand their deathgrip on america, if you have dollars get rid of them and buy silver or gold, becauce before too long if you don't the best they will be used for is toilet paper. Anyone who has a savings account is being robbed as I speak, its being eaten up by inflation.
From 2003-2008 the dollar has went from .93 cent to .67 cents against the Euro!
READ ARTICLE BELOW----------------------------------------------------------------

THE LAST people to know anything that is to come in america is the american people, with the worlds food stocks empty and the corresponding higher prices along with coming out of control inflation as the us dollar collapses, with foreclosures now in the millions, car repossessions doubling, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the coming war with Iran, Syria and possibly Russia and China, the 40 million illegals running around gutting our infrastructure, the broken federal government choked with corrupt blowhards and rigged elections, the media controlled by corporate interests, the overmedicated zombiefied idiot known as the "average american" is going to be like a deer in the headlights of this dark future.-CITIZEN
REMEMBER- THE REVOLUTION will NOT be televised! When cars are burning in the streets and turmoil overtakes the broken empire Americanus the nice talking head on the idiot box (also known as the electronic false reality population control device) will be telling you about Dumbo the whale giving birth at the local zoo! LMAO!
February 24, 2008
Canadian Troops To Patrol US Cities As Food Riots Feared
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today that the United States has, for the first time in its history, granted rights to a Foreign Army to have ‘full power’ over the life and death of American Citizens in their own country.
Though not being reported to the American people by their propaganda media organs, the United States Northern Command Military Leader, US Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, and his Canadian counterpart, Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais [both pictured top left] announced this new Military Pact this past week, and as we can read:
"U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, have signed a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.
“This document is a unique, bilateral military plan to align our respective national military plans to respond quickly to the other nation's requests for military support of civil authorities,” Renuart said. “Unity of effort during bilateral support for civil support operations such as floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and effects of a terrorist attack, in order to save lives, prevent human suffering and mitigate damage to property, is of the highest importance, and we need to be able to have forces that are flexible and adaptive to support rapid decision-making in a collaborative environment.”
It is interesting to note, too, that the Canadian peoples, like their American neighbors to the south, were not told of these plans for their Military Forces, and as we can read as reported by Canada ’s Canwest News Service, and who say:
"Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal. Neither the Canadian government nor the Canadian Forces announced the new agreement, which was signed Feb. 14 in Texas."
Russian Colonel Gen Vladimir Bulgakov, Commander of Russia’s Far East Military District, points out in these reports that it is ‘no wonder’ that neither the US or Canadian War Leaders want the masses of their citizens to know about these ‘unprecedented’ events as ‘soldiers by their inherent training are for use in war, not peace’.
These reports further note that though Canada currently possesses 125,000 active Military and 36,500 Reserve Troops, the majority of which have been ‘combat hardened’ in the US Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the only Canadian Troops available for any, so called, ‘civil emergency’ in the United States, are soldiers from its Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM), and which Russian Military Commanders rate as being one of the top Special Forces Units among all of the World’s Army’s.
The more likely use of these Canadian Troops on American Soil, these reports go on to say, would be for the patrolling of US Cities during times of civil war, internal unrest, or, most fearfully, the assisting of US Police in the rounding up of masses of US Citizens for arrest and internment.
This assessment of the truest intentions of the United States War Leaders granting power over their own citizens to Canadian Special Forces Troops, appears to be supported by information coming from US Troops returning from Iraq, and as we can read as reported by the Prison Planet News Service in their report titled "U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens", and which says:
"U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate guns and shoot American citizens, including their own friends and family members, as part of a long-standing program to prepare for the declaration of martial law, according to a soldier who recently returned from Iraq.
We received an e mail from "Scott", a member of a pipefitters union that runs an apprenticeship program called Helmets To Hard Hats, which according to its website, "Is a national program that connects National Guard, Reserve and transitioning active-duty military members with quality career training and employment opportunities within the construction industry."
Scott writes that his company hired a soldier who had recently returned from Iraq, who told him that U.S. troops were being quizzed on whether or not they would be prepared to shoot their own friends and family members during a national state of emergency in America."
An estimated timeline in these reports states that the American people could begin seeing Canadian Soldiers in their cities as early as this summer, as many experts are predicting that the massive food shortages being reported all around the World will begin causing food riots in many American cities.
To how bad the Global Food Crisis is becoming we can read as reported by Australia ’s Adelaide Now News Service, and which says:
"A WORSENING global food shortage is a problem far more urgent than climate change, top Australian scientists have warned. The Australian Science Media Centre briefing heard why prices for some staple foods had risen by as much as 60 per cent in the past year, and how dramatic price rises are expected to sweep across all staples in the near future."
There remains no evidence to suggest, either, that the American people themselves are aware of the brutal future being planned for them. Even more sadly, perhaps, is the evidence suggesting that they don’t even want to know.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
SILVER UP TO $17.90!

I have done some research and found that MONEX appears to be the number one dealer, pricewise etc. There is only 300 million ounces estimated above ground and dwindling as industry, medical use, electronics etc. drain the supply much faster than it can be mined continually driving the prise up in combination with inflation driving the dollar down makes this the single best investment, security you can have.
Watch the silver bullion video short below link from Monex, they don't dabble in 10 oz. bars though, just 100 oz. and 1000 oz. and of course 1 oz. coins.
though 1000oz. is out of financial reach, the 100 oz. is about $1850.00 right now.
Time to get on the silver bandwagon if you can, its a no brainer!, we will easily hit $20 this summer and maybe $25 this year. Unlike Gold, Silver is devoured by industry at great levels and there is only so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.monex.com/prods/silver.html.
Watch the silver bullion video short below link from Monex, they don't dabble in 10 oz. bars though, just 100 oz. and 1000 oz. and of course 1 oz. coins.
though 1000oz. is out of financial reach, the 100 oz. is about $1850.00 right now.
Time to get on the silver bandwagon if you can, its a no brainer!, we will easily hit $20 this summer and maybe $25 this year. Unlike Gold, Silver is devoured by industry at great levels and there is only so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.monex.com/prods/silver.html.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Marxist globalist Obama is the darling of the globalist elite, a corporate run planet, no nations, no personal rights, U.N. nightmare for all and for one, complete with a global gun ban!
We have been waiting for the overt push for a global tax to fund the U.N. and world police controlled by the world bank, here we have its trumpeteer in Barack Hussein Obama. (yes that's his real middle name), like I stated earlier, next to Obama Hillary looks like a conservative!-Citizen
We have been waiting for the overt push for a global tax to fund the U.N. and world police controlled by the world bank, here we have its trumpeteer in Barack Hussein Obama. (yes that's his real middle name), like I stated earlier, next to Obama Hillary looks like a conservative!-Citizen
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gold is a rich man's game but silver is in my opinion the absolute best way to transfer bogus and worthless paper fiat currency into something real.
As governments and banks cannot control its worth like the inflated and ever shrinking dollar even if the government were to completely collapse you could take silver anywhere and redeem its value because its value is real because there is only so much and its mining costs will keep it ever growing whilst its use in manufacturing and electronics etc. will drain the supply.
Older silver dollars are only 90% pure and you pay to much for collectors value so the best way to do is 1 oz. rounds or bars, 10 oz. bars bullion, anything larger than that may be hard to transfer easily, but they do sell 100 and 1000 oz. bars!
Bottom line if you do happen to have a savings account, every day it is being devoured by inflation, basically the central bank is "stealing" your wealth, your labor!
If you had $100,000 in the bank in 2002 at the modest interest they give you may now have $110,000 at best, now index it to inflation and you will see that in six years the dollar has lost 33% of its value, that $110,000 is now only worth about $70,000, so the stole $30,000 dollars from you. One the other hand if you had bought 100 grand in silver you would have close to a quarter million bucks!, even indexed to inflation you still almost doubled your money.
So order one ounce a week at least and transfer fiat money into metals, because as the dollar turns into toilet paper silver will rise not only because of the inflated currency but because of supply and demand and industrial use.
To be blatant, hoarding bogus paper fiat currency is a tax on the niave, just say no!
HERE IS JUST ONE PLACE TO GO, YOU CAN ALSO BUY ROLLS OF 20 and 60 coins unopened if you look around.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Why do I believe Hillary will win?

Let's do this by elimination, though I would like Ron Paul to win, his only chance now would be to run as an independant and the party machines would exclude him any way possible from even being on the ballot, or simply erase of flop over votes.
Mike Huckabee will dwindle off and his and his delegates will go to McCain.
John McCain is basically Bob Dole with a bad temper, and cannot secure conservatives let alone mainstream voters because he is really not a Republican let alone a conservative.
So the Republicans are out in any case, thanks to what the country has seen in the last seven years.
That leaves Barack and Hillary, Baracks purpose was to make Hillary appear mainstream, next to him, the contrast puts her as a viable option. Though many whites say in public, or voted in the primary for Barack, he is a novelty, or a liberal statement, he will conceed his delegates to Hillary because she is seen as far more "electable", because they would not take the chance of having him lose to McCain when the curtain closes on election day.
So it will be Clinton versus McCain, and because McCain is Bob Dole he will lose. Many women left and right will vote for her simply because she is a woman inside the booth, and next to McCain and with the medias help she will win. McCain and Barack are both fall guys.
I see this as simply an elaborate staged game, kind of a act to make the electoral process appear to be legitimate and the people have a choice.
The only one not inside the inner circle is Ron Paul, and for all purposes he has been "dissappeared" by the media.
So basically the american people have a choice, Lenin, Stalin, or Trotsky, yes they are all in the same gang but a choice no less.
This type of fake representative government is even more devious and deceptive and criminal than that say of Saddam or Chavez because, the illusion is created, the lie, at least with Saddam he said "I am the only choice" which as screwed up as that is, was incredibly as the very least honest.
Stalin hardline totalitarian system was direct and honest as well, in the 1984-ish 2008 american election of soft totalitarian puppet games not only do we not have a choice we are told we do. So The western so called democracies are in fact much more sinister because the people are told they have a choice, have none thus do not seek change of a system that appears to work in their favor. Who has a better chance of freedom a slave with iron shackles or a slave with none that does not know they are a slave?
So do not expect the american zombies to march out in the streets any time soon by the millions demanding a correct honest system, or at least the destruction of a bad one like the Russians did almost twenty years ago.
In such a plagued mindscrewed and sordid corrupt affair as we stand in today within the American empire, like all things eventually the bubble bursts, as the gap between percieved reality and reality ever widens, the bubble, the balloon becomes thinner and thinner, and we all know what happens after that.
So......mmmm...let me back up a bit and say, Hillary 2008, whatever, because it really and truly makes zero difference at all, whoever has been chosen by those who run the earth will be the next figurehead, those who run the earth will have their way as long as they have their system.
It does not matter if Barney Frank, Jerry Sienfeld or Fred Flintstone was sworn in next year, everything will continue as planned.
To believe that any room whatsoever to allow anyone not within the inner circle access as the most powerful position on the planet be left to silly voting of the unwashed masses is incredibly niave. I am guilty of indulging in the fantasy sometimes myself.
The Bolsheviks in Russia fell after 70 years because they told the people the truth, and the people knew they had a boot on their necks, the new soft and more devious Bolshevism will not make that same mistake so make some microwave popcorn, pull up a chair and watch the puppet show.-Citizen
Mike Huckabee will dwindle off and his and his delegates will go to McCain.
John McCain is basically Bob Dole with a bad temper, and cannot secure conservatives let alone mainstream voters because he is really not a Republican let alone a conservative.
So the Republicans are out in any case, thanks to what the country has seen in the last seven years.
That leaves Barack and Hillary, Baracks purpose was to make Hillary appear mainstream, next to him, the contrast puts her as a viable option. Though many whites say in public, or voted in the primary for Barack, he is a novelty, or a liberal statement, he will conceed his delegates to Hillary because she is seen as far more "electable", because they would not take the chance of having him lose to McCain when the curtain closes on election day.
So it will be Clinton versus McCain, and because McCain is Bob Dole he will lose. Many women left and right will vote for her simply because she is a woman inside the booth, and next to McCain and with the medias help she will win. McCain and Barack are both fall guys.
I see this as simply an elaborate staged game, kind of a act to make the electoral process appear to be legitimate and the people have a choice.
The only one not inside the inner circle is Ron Paul, and for all purposes he has been "dissappeared" by the media.
So basically the american people have a choice, Lenin, Stalin, or Trotsky, yes they are all in the same gang but a choice no less.
This type of fake representative government is even more devious and deceptive and criminal than that say of Saddam or Chavez because, the illusion is created, the lie, at least with Saddam he said "I am the only choice" which as screwed up as that is, was incredibly as the very least honest.
Stalin hardline totalitarian system was direct and honest as well, in the 1984-ish 2008 american election of soft totalitarian puppet games not only do we not have a choice we are told we do. So The western so called democracies are in fact much more sinister because the people are told they have a choice, have none thus do not seek change of a system that appears to work in their favor. Who has a better chance of freedom a slave with iron shackles or a slave with none that does not know they are a slave?
So do not expect the american zombies to march out in the streets any time soon by the millions demanding a correct honest system, or at least the destruction of a bad one like the Russians did almost twenty years ago.
In such a plagued mindscrewed and sordid corrupt affair as we stand in today within the American empire, like all things eventually the bubble bursts, as the gap between percieved reality and reality ever widens, the bubble, the balloon becomes thinner and thinner, and we all know what happens after that.
So......mmmm...let me back up a bit and say, Hillary 2008, whatever, because it really and truly makes zero difference at all, whoever has been chosen by those who run the earth will be the next figurehead, those who run the earth will have their way as long as they have their system.
It does not matter if Barney Frank, Jerry Sienfeld or Fred Flintstone was sworn in next year, everything will continue as planned.
To believe that any room whatsoever to allow anyone not within the inner circle access as the most powerful position on the planet be left to silly voting of the unwashed masses is incredibly niave. I am guilty of indulging in the fantasy sometimes myself.
The Bolsheviks in Russia fell after 70 years because they told the people the truth, and the people knew they had a boot on their necks, the new soft and more devious Bolshevism will not make that same mistake so make some microwave popcorn, pull up a chair and watch the puppet show.-Citizen
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