Saturday, April 28, 2007

Disease mongering engine

This would be funny if it was not true, I randomly generated a couple disorders myself, they are so official sounding, I can't see how they peddle this stuff with a straight face really, it goofy, every other commercial on TV has some slap happy people riding bikes in lah lah land in perpetual bliss all attributed to drugs. Whats their new slogan for our times "Say no to their drugs, not ours!"........How about "PRTTD"- or "People who refuse to take our drugs disorder", don't worry they probably have a pill for that too! I believe in rare cases some people actually benefit from some meds obviously, but it seems they are handed out like candy now to the population.


Anonymous said...

There is a class action suit against the U.S. for injecting us with vacc shot when we were little.
Many think we come down with diseases by messing with the body.
Although meds keep me alive today did other meds cause the affliction I have now? Could be.

Anonymous said...

If anything, people should re-examine everything they put into their body everyday, we are what we eat, literally, so many drugs and toxins make people feel like crap all the time, their answer, more drugs!