An inside joke on the USC football team went awry when a Facebook group sparked outrage among students.The racist Facebook group was created by a USC football player and showed a graphic of a black baby in handcuffs. An athletic department source said the group was a joke and had no serious purpose. Junior linebacker Clay Matthews created the group, "White Nation," which featured a graphic with the caption, "arrest black babies before they become criminals."
It was a joke, but people are hyper sensitive to white ethnocentricity in any form, I think what hit a nerve here was the arrest all the black babies, LMAO! people need to get a sense of humor. While congress and our tax dollars fund "LA RAZA" [the race] which goal is a conquest of the southwest U.S. , and the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations fund the top 6-7 groups who aim is the same, this Mexican racial nazi groups we pay for get a free ride, its all too ludicrous to see a Mexican Nazi with a sign "racist go home" and the one next to him with a sign, "For our race everything for them nothing!", "Go back to Europe white scum!" while protesting the minutemen. This is not news however, but a bunch of college kids with a silly joke is news, its ridiculous.-Citizen
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
North American Union replaces U.S.A.
Ahh! could the government have shared this with us first?
Women fined $2000 for smoking cigarette in her backyard garden!
Any other cigarettes lit up will be $280 a piece, evil smoker! Is this the kind of nutty world we want to live in?, some reason has to return, this is insanity, political correctness gone wild.
Give us a kidney and we will let you out of the cage!
Am I crazy or is this a ridiculous idea, and dangerous, if a program develops out of this it sets a dangerous precedent, prisons are already being farmed out to private corporations, and inmates held for long periods especially if they work well making McDonald's uniforms for 7 cents an hour. Now we will offer them a ticket out of hell if they dummy up some body parts! what is this the twilight zone? If this proceeds and I am sure it will, you can bet prisons will become the main source of body parts, run by corporations, you can bet it will not be long before donation is mandatory. Get a DUI, give us a kidney! this is a slippery slope if I ever saw one. People who break the law should be held accountable, but this scares the hell out of me. Hey tax evader, give us your eyes and some bone marrow you evil criminal!,CST-NWS-in09.article,CST-NWS-in09.article
101 year old women with walker beat by negro mugger!
Thats not the end of his fun, he heads down the road and beats and robs an old women with a walker with parkinsons disease. Is it time to educate america on the science of genetics? I believe so.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
U.S.A. and CHINA in arms race!
China sees the U.S. dominating the entire middle east, they are nervous, they are building their military at a stunning pace, they know that once we have all the oil, they are next. It's true whomever controls the massive oil resources can dominate, if we pull out of Iraq we are screwed. I hate war, but reason and necessity dictate we secure the region for American interests, if we are pushed out of the middle east, the U.S. is done. The propaganda people in Washington have dropped the ball, they need to redefine, reinstall the importance of our strategic and economic interests in the minds of Americans, in logical coherent and truthful terms, stop the lies and put the truth before the American people. Do we want China controlling all the oil in 2015? yes, China is a paper tiger now, but growing fast,.I say lock down the entire middle east whatever the cost. Crack open Iran like a coconut with all at our disposal, roll over the Saudis, Jordan, Syria, grab it all and raze every last damn Muslim temple to ashes, you want Allah? here you go! delivered. Its easy to sit back and say no more war, no more aggression, everything will be fine, but when the rest of the world does not share your rosy view of things that sentiment falls flat on its face. We withdraw from Iraq, it becomes an Islamic superstate under Iranian Islamic theocratic control, all the oil, with China sucking it up and us left sucking our thumbs. This is reality, make a choice, I believe this is all that needs to be sold to the American public to create the will to do what is needed, pussyfooting around will get zero respect, lay it all on the table in this manner cold and real. If we falter now, between the Islamic question and the Chinese question we are screwed and we know it.
China build rocketship da go to moon, finish spacesuits first!
Catchy title huh? Yes will China beat the U.S. to land a man on the moon? ha! ha! they say make spacewalk first, then go to moon by 2015, rocket happy to go now, only must first finish spacesuit for man! ......NASA is worried by rumors China will make 5 million spaceships real cheap, run them out of business! lol
U.S. Military needs to get its head out of its ass and take care of its people!
This is shameless, be all you can be! and when they do they get the big gigantic royal bend over.
U.S. truckers getting screwed!
Its the old deal, no one cared till they came for them, the construction trades have been screwed for years, now the truckers. Mexicans will drive for peanuts.
Why Mexico and America stand in stark contrast!
Mexicans have everything to gain and Americans have everything to lose.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Interview of guy who got kids 2&5 high on pot, no big deal!?
He says "they gonna be smokin it soona or lata anyways!" starting them off early champ?
Modern day witch hunt!
What is this Salem 1600 AD? The U.S. is well on its way to becoming a theocracy, when do we start burning people at the stake!
"Every school that I go to interview in I have to disclose to them that I was denied tenure for enticing children into witchcraft and magic."
This is all silly, when do we start rounding up Harry Potter books and burning them at rallies?
How is this different from what the radical fundamentalist Islamics do? it's not. Ever hear of freedom of religion? This lady converted from Catholicism to Judaism and is teaching witchcraft supposedly, she may not be very sane, but that's not the point, we tread a dangerous path, a theocratic fascist state would be a living nightmare.-Citizen
"Every school that I go to interview in I have to disclose to them that I was denied tenure for enticing children into witchcraft and magic."
This is all silly, when do we start rounding up Harry Potter books and burning them at rallies?
How is this different from what the radical fundamentalist Islamics do? it's not. Ever hear of freedom of religion? This lady converted from Catholicism to Judaism and is teaching witchcraft supposedly, she may not be very sane, but that's not the point, we tread a dangerous path, a theocratic fascist state would be a living nightmare.-Citizen
Middle school kids have intercourse in class!
"...during school hours in a classroom with an experienced teacher present, two sixth graders completed the act of least ten students were witnesses. No disciplinary actions were taken against the teacher... All teachers were told to keep quiet."
mmmm, maybe we need a tadbit more discipline in the classroom, ya think! east side of Indianapolis? ah-huh! yup you guessed it!
mmmm, maybe we need a tadbit more discipline in the classroom, ya think! east side of Indianapolis? ah-huh! yup you guessed it!
Man ejaculates on woman during flight gets arrested for assault!
An off-duty Northwest Airlines employee was arrested after a woman on a flight from Seattle complained that the man had ejaculated on her.The FBI identified the man as Samuel Oscar Gonzalez, 20, of Lakewood, Wash. He was charged in federal court with simple assault, a misdemeanor.
Near the end of the flight, the FBI said Gonzalez sat next to the woman as she was trying to sleep. He touched her, which she described as spooning, lifted her shirt and then got up and left. Court documents said she felt a warm fluid on her back, clothes and seat after he walked away. She told the officers he had ejaculated on her.
Near the end of the flight, the FBI said Gonzalez sat next to the woman as she was trying to sleep. He touched her, which she described as spooning, lifted her shirt and then got up and left. Court documents said she felt a warm fluid on her back, clothes and seat after he walked away. She told the officers he had ejaculated on her.
Britney Spears draws 666 on her bald head then screams "I am the anti-christ!"
While in rehab detoxing from drugs and alcohol she draws 666 on her head, runs around screaming "I am the anti-Christ" then tries to hang herself with the bedsheets...mmm dare I say mixing ancient religious dogma with detox is bad news! Ya know the bald head Joan Of Arc thing was kind of cool, but I can see she is freaking gone loony tunes. Did some religious nut convince her she was an evil seductress and should burn in hell? She may be a plastic media creation, but I don't think she has 5 billion demons in her head, maybe Pat Robertson sent her an e-mail, and she freakin read it! ,or some blood cult Christians tried to save her soul and screwed up her head, who knows! Someone is feeding her some screwy religious dogma and turning her mind into scrambled eggs, take some Librium Britney and chill out, nutty stuff man.
What have you bought from the world? what's in your bags? bought any lies?
Ever wonder why from the second you wake up in the morning till the moment you go to sleep you are bombarded with continuous negative story's of disaster and dismay? There is always some huge problem, some seemingly unsolvable mess, always some nasty story that is put on your shoulders to bear. The answer, they are selling you something, they are selling their worldview to you, selling their burdens, selling their wants, desires, hopes, dreams, nightmares, in total they are selling you bullshit. From day one you never had a chance, bombarded with ideology implanted by the world, yes you are a product of the world, there are things you bought and things you sold and things you decided to pass on, but many things you hold next to yourself as truth and every morning when the sun rises and your eyes open you download them as your operating system, this is what fills up a person, all of those things we bought.
Imagine if you can waking up one morning and not downloading anything, keeping the bare essence of consciousness, but without the baggage, without the nonsense, without all of these things we have come to believe as truth.
The amazing thing one can realize when you forget one day you have had enough is to not download the world, simply exist as a core, lose the rest, just consciousness, all the rest is illusion, all of the goods purchased for the price of your well being your sanity some may say the soul, it's all just to serve another.
That which we can see is truth, we exist, is truth, we are riders in a storm, thrown into a world we try to make sense of, with many salesman, and they all have the answers, the worlds marketplace is a dangerous place for any animal.
To be told our entire lives it is virtuous to be full of faith, spirit, and superstition falls flat on its face, but to get slammed into the dirt of reality and truth is refreshing. Life it real, when I wake in the morning there is just me, nothing else, no Gods, no demons, no illusions nor delusions, I am at home, finally and at last in complete peace of mind, having sold myself to nothing and to no one, I am neither afraid nor arrogant in the question of life, it as as it is. Think about death? why? have you never worried about where you were before you were born? is this not as equally puzzling? its the same place and I guarantee will hurt as much, not at all. It is that simple and you know it, and its OK. The preoccupation with death and afterlife in civilization destroys the joy of life, this is it folks, no evidence to say different, and that's fine, it's not like one minute after your dead you will say "Oh shit I am dead, this sucks" no your freakin dead! why is that so bad, what perverted salesman would sell someone a policy beyong that reality?
I say life and death is beautiful because its all nature, we must embrace life every second for what it is, I believe billions of people would live their lives better, and to the fullest if they understood that this is it, and that's perfectly fine, why struggle against a coming season? one cannot defy death no more than one can defy winter, and why would you want to? its natural.
What arrogance to think we can defy nature, we cannot no more than the flower, we are of nature, do not let anyone tell you different, it is the oldest lie.-Citizen
Imagine if you can waking up one morning and not downloading anything, keeping the bare essence of consciousness, but without the baggage, without the nonsense, without all of these things we have come to believe as truth.
The amazing thing one can realize when you forget one day you have had enough is to not download the world, simply exist as a core, lose the rest, just consciousness, all the rest is illusion, all of the goods purchased for the price of your well being your sanity some may say the soul, it's all just to serve another.
That which we can see is truth, we exist, is truth, we are riders in a storm, thrown into a world we try to make sense of, with many salesman, and they all have the answers, the worlds marketplace is a dangerous place for any animal.
To be told our entire lives it is virtuous to be full of faith, spirit, and superstition falls flat on its face, but to get slammed into the dirt of reality and truth is refreshing. Life it real, when I wake in the morning there is just me, nothing else, no Gods, no demons, no illusions nor delusions, I am at home, finally and at last in complete peace of mind, having sold myself to nothing and to no one, I am neither afraid nor arrogant in the question of life, it as as it is. Think about death? why? have you never worried about where you were before you were born? is this not as equally puzzling? its the same place and I guarantee will hurt as much, not at all. It is that simple and you know it, and its OK. The preoccupation with death and afterlife in civilization destroys the joy of life, this is it folks, no evidence to say different, and that's fine, it's not like one minute after your dead you will say "Oh shit I am dead, this sucks" no your freakin dead! why is that so bad, what perverted salesman would sell someone a policy beyong that reality?
I say life and death is beautiful because its all nature, we must embrace life every second for what it is, I believe billions of people would live their lives better, and to the fullest if they understood that this is it, and that's perfectly fine, why struggle against a coming season? one cannot defy death no more than one can defy winter, and why would you want to? its natural.
What arrogance to think we can defy nature, we cannot no more than the flower, we are of nature, do not let anyone tell you different, it is the oldest lie.-Citizen
Monday, March 5, 2007
U.S. Army staff sargeant orders recruits to dress as superman and engage in sex acts!
Hey Sarge, they never said anything about this in the commercials!...shut up private! LMAO!
Dare I say the quality of the military has dropped a few knotches, and that's not all they are dropping, unbelievable, sick, sick, sick!
Dare I say the quality of the military has dropped a few knotches, and that's not all they are dropping, unbelievable, sick, sick, sick!
Bush to send hundreds of millions to Latin America!
In a speech peppered with Spanish phrases, Bush told members of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Washington that U.S. aid to Latin American and Caribbean nations has doubled to about $1.6 billion [That's sixteen-hundred thousand million to U.S. high school students who don't know what a billion is.] a year since he took office in 2001.
Including 75 million to bring people here to study in the university's, wow!, what a nice guy! LMAO! No this was a bunch of payoffs to isolate Chavez, the recent meeting of all S.American leaders with Chavez twisting their arms trying to create a unified coalition against D.C. ,prompted Bush to fly down and shore up support against Chavez. Chavez runs an independent country, that is not allowed anymore, they will pay for defiance, much like the mafia, the are on the list with Iran and the rest. If the CIA does not topple, eliminate Chavez, I would say massive air strikes will do it in a few years, once our HUGE new air base is complete in Paraguay. Picture all world leaders like the godfather, with a dozen marbles in their mouths, a cigar and pin stripe suit and you will get a much clearer idea as to what really goes on, it is never what they say, c'mon you will never see the headline "Bush regime fly's to S. America to pay off S. American regimes to isolate and pressure Chavez regime, ramping up pressure to topple socialist upstart, moving closer to a CIA implanted puppet regime to secure the oil supply".
Including 75 million to bring people here to study in the university's, wow!, what a nice guy! LMAO! No this was a bunch of payoffs to isolate Chavez, the recent meeting of all S.American leaders with Chavez twisting their arms trying to create a unified coalition against D.C. ,prompted Bush to fly down and shore up support against Chavez. Chavez runs an independent country, that is not allowed anymore, they will pay for defiance, much like the mafia, the are on the list with Iran and the rest. If the CIA does not topple, eliminate Chavez, I would say massive air strikes will do it in a few years, once our HUGE new air base is complete in Paraguay. Picture all world leaders like the godfather, with a dozen marbles in their mouths, a cigar and pin stripe suit and you will get a much clearer idea as to what really goes on, it is never what they say, c'mon you will never see the headline "Bush regime fly's to S. America to pay off S. American regimes to isolate and pressure Chavez regime, ramping up pressure to topple socialist upstart, moving closer to a CIA implanted puppet regime to secure the oil supply".
Global warming a complete fraud!

OK Gore, busted and exposed! Looks like you have been skimming off the top of the Global warming coffers and sneaking a few Twinkies on the side, huh pal? Its about time this was made into a mainstream documentary to be aired, this whole global warming deal is a sham, designed to extract billions from the public because they are evil consumers, a U.N. lie backed by paid off kook scientists, junk science. 15 years ago I pegged this as a lie, Al Gore is a liar, a mouthpiece of global elites, we will eventually have world government, but lying to achieve the funding for that is nonsense, we all must demand honesty, we are not cattle, some of us anyway. Some numbskull's have turned global warming into a religion, sure I want clean water and sneaky corporations watched but we have to adhere to reason and truth, something that's virtually gone extinct, we need to start a movement to "save the truth" from complete and utter extinction! save the whales! save the seals! save the trees! save the bees! save our souls! save some money! how about save the TRUTH!-Citizen
Negro's [african american gentlemen] teach kids, 2 and 5 to smoke pot!
Your honor, the court, I rest my case!
Notice the title of the article "video appears to show brothers 2 and 5 smoking pot" These journalists are so browbeat by political correctness they can't even say it when they are looking right at it! it's so outrageous they have to report it but at the same time scared to death because it deviates from the official stereotype they always portray, the noble oppressed black whose poor behavior is always the fault of someone else. To illustrate the lunacy of these word games how about "video appears to to show undocumented immigrant running through bus stop killing 15 children", like the one in California. How about "Unlicensed illegal mexican border jumber plows through schoolchildren slaughtering them all over the pavement!" like the story from California that got little press,mmmmm?, I'll shut up now! but these suttle word games piss me off! -Citizen
Notice the title of the article "video appears to show brothers 2 and 5 smoking pot" These journalists are so browbeat by political correctness they can't even say it when they are looking right at it! it's so outrageous they have to report it but at the same time scared to death because it deviates from the official stereotype they always portray, the noble oppressed black whose poor behavior is always the fault of someone else. To illustrate the lunacy of these word games how about "video appears to to show undocumented immigrant running through bus stop killing 15 children", like the one in California. How about "Unlicensed illegal mexican border jumber plows through schoolchildren slaughtering them all over the pavement!" like the story from California that got little press,mmmmm?, I'll shut up now! but these suttle word games piss me off! -Citizen
Sunday, March 4, 2007
On portraying white men as idiots in media
This short article is 100% right, commercial after commercial vilifies the white male, this is done over and over again on sitcoms, the dumb idiot stupid dolt father screwing everything up as the wife rips him up and the kids talk down to him. This is malicious and sinister attempt to manipulate society into twisting their perception of reality to achieve many goals, one is the overthrow of the European power structure, to break down the nuclear family structure and another is genetic, the white man is far to rebellious for the tastes of the establishment, so they seek to cull the herd, and breed out this rabidly independent thinking animal, with perhaps a more subservient breed. If simultaneously the media can paint black men as noble powerful superheroes and white men as weak spineless weenies, they can encourage if not guarantee that young white women intermix in much larger numbers, this will facilitate their goals of wiping the European genes into oblivion by 2100 AD. This is social engineering on a most sinister level, committing genocide, once the host people have been psychologically disarmed. To illustrate my case a bit further, imagine if media portrayed black men as stupid dolts, weak fools, nerd like wieners, in order to convince black women to breed with white or Mongolian gene pools guaranteeing the black gene is watered out of existence, that no one would be "black" in 100 years? I believe the several thousand black civil rights groups would demand that their unique expression of people be preserved, because after all, diversity means "respecting the different" in modern PC terms, how is it that it is simultaneously a codeword for "the different does not exist"? they deny any genetic "racial" difference while simultaneously demanding that we respect those differences. I say people are different, but that's OK, that is nature, they are not equal by any measure, that is OK as well, it has to be, because it is the truth. What many do not realize is that culture comes from the top, it is manufactured then implanted into society, the gang banger gun toting drug kingpin MTV image came from the greatest intellects in social engineering, designed to facilitate the simultaneous slaughter of the black male with the culling of the white male, a process instituted into the diverse herd designed to achieve a specific goal. After all, their end goal is a genetic mix, a genetically engineered animal, capable of maintaining the gears of society without asking any questions, this can be achieved through media and government preferences based on sex and race. I do embrace diversity in a very real sense, I respect that the different species of the human animal each have their strengths and weaknesses, it would seem to me that to erase all the species genetic variants is really very hateful in a sinister sense. Though it appears the media and establishment have set their sights on destroying our diverse traits and especially target white people as evil incarnate, is one of the most devious genocidal programs they have ever embarked on. I believe in conversation and rational discussion, not censorship, the media creates a whole list of things the people are not supposed to talk about, this is one of them, I don't care, I believe its time to come out of the dark ages, all answers lie not in political thought policing, but in reasoned discussion.-Citizen
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Texas cop to get 7 years for violating civil rights of invading mexicans
They are trying to make an example out of every cop that questions or confronts illegal aliens, making them immune to law to serve corporate interests, shameless. Is it me or have mexicans become "super citizens" immune from all law that applies to everyone else. Clearly beyond a shadow of a doubt this whole situation is wrecking the nation.
Friday, March 2, 2007
NASA releases new pictures of Saturn
This is the closest and clearest photos we have ever taken, awesome. Of all the planets Saturn was worshipped more than others, "Saturnalia" with the possible exception of earth.
Pope is warned of green anti-christ! ...scary!........Yawn
Wow, the ultimate abomination, an ecologist and pacifist will be the biggest of baddybad guys warns the bishop of Boloney, Oh I agree the guys who like clean water and are against endless wars are the ones to watch, what? Its kind of like saying, "its the quiet one's you have to watch!", never mind the psychopathic ones running around slaughtering people daily, watch out for the pacifists!. It's all silly nonsense, as if daily life does not have enough problems to deal with I am suppose to burden myself with grave concern about some super evil dude they have been waiting for for centuries, all these idiots should lose the dresses and the silly hats, stop chasing alter boys, and get a real job. Whenever I see one of these bozo's I cannot help but think, "what a self important twat!" OOOH! your gonna burn in hell!, great I will let you know what its like so you won't be surprised!...oh you, I am going to be with God you heretic!, Oh yeah smart ass, I don't think she would have you!....LMAO! Good God is nothing sacred! OHHH, I am going to prey for you... No that's ok, but can I have the money instead? your hopeless, why can't you just believe everything your told to believe? because the world is stuffed full of 6.5 billion salesman, and I prefer to travel light, so I ain't buying jack. Good day-Citizen
No place for "nigger" in New York!
DON"T FLY off the handle with the child like "I'm offended" stuff, that's the actual title of the news article!
Is this kind of like eliminating the word "illegal alien" in Florida, more politically correct silliness, the main user of the word "nigger" is blacks, though through Hollywood they project it as the only word some toothless slovenly inbred backwood hick uses. It all ridiculousness, scared to death PC white people say, the "n-word" whilst we hear it from blacks 100 times a day, whatever, with all the problems the country has, condemning a word does absolutely nothing, its all feel good mushy cushy crap for liberals, turning the entire country into a dumb mass of worthless weenies, where are we, Romper room?
Is this kind of like eliminating the word "illegal alien" in Florida, more politically correct silliness, the main user of the word "nigger" is blacks, though through Hollywood they project it as the only word some toothless slovenly inbred backwood hick uses. It all ridiculousness, scared to death PC white people say, the "n-word" whilst we hear it from blacks 100 times a day, whatever, with all the problems the country has, condemning a word does absolutely nothing, its all feel good mushy cushy crap for liberals, turning the entire country into a dumb mass of worthless weenies, where are we, Romper room?
Germany to go to moon in 2013!
Germany is sending an unmanned craft to orbit the moon, and land on her. Sounds promiscuous! [yes, its a she, why? because if a ship is a she, a car is a she, the moon has to be a she!, besides I have never walked outside at night and commented "look at the moon, isn't he beautiful!" lol, no that sounds just plain stupid, in any case, I digress...]
Why is it unmanned? maybe because the radiation belt surrounding the earth would kill humans that's why, maybe they can do what NASA only pretended to do in 1969, what! you believe the moon walk, LMAO! one born every minute, their story has more holes in it that a Swiss cheese factory!, yeah!, like why was the U.S. flag flapping in the wind on the moonwalk, their is no wind on the moon folks, zero, ziltch!-
Germany became the first nation to launch a man-made object into space in the 1940s when it tested the V-2 ballistic missile,the entire rocket program of the U.S. was pioneered by Nazi scientists after WW2.
Why is it unmanned? maybe because the radiation belt surrounding the earth would kill humans that's why, maybe they can do what NASA only pretended to do in 1969, what! you believe the moon walk, LMAO! one born every minute, their story has more holes in it that a Swiss cheese factory!, yeah!, like why was the U.S. flag flapping in the wind on the moonwalk, their is no wind on the moon folks, zero, ziltch!-
Germany became the first nation to launch a man-made object into space in the 1940s when it tested the V-2 ballistic missile,the entire rocket program of the U.S. was pioneered by Nazi scientists after WW2.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
The Fourth Reich?
The following is an article posted at the website "paraniod times"
and my comments.-in red.
Americans Have Lost Their Country by Paul Craig Roberts March 1, 2007
The Bush-Cheney regime is America’s first neoconservative regime. In a few short years, the regime has destroyed the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, the Geneva Conventions, and the remains of America’s moral reputation along with the infrastructures of two Muslim countries and countless thousands of Islamic civilians. Plans have been prepared, and forces moved into place, for an attack on a third Islamic country, Iran, and perhaps Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon as well.
-Yes you are 100% right, the U.S. is taking over the entire middle east.
This extraordinary aggressiveness toward the US Constitution, international law, and the Islamic world is the work, not of a vast movement, but of a handful of ideologues – principally Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libby, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Zalmay Khalilzad, John Bolton, Philip Zelikow, and Attorney General Gonzales. These are the main operatives who have controlled policy. They have been supported by their media shills at the Weekly Standard, National Review, Fox News, New York Times, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page and by "scholars" in assorted think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute.
-The U.S. constitution has been eroded over time whenever it interferes with "the plan", as far as international law, raw power is the law, international law is words, ignored because it has no teeth, thus meaningless.
The entirety of their success in miring the United States in what could become permanent conflict in the Middle East is based on the power of propaganda and the big lie.
-We are faced with permanent conflict until the world is united, the lie is easier than the truth.
Initially, the 9/11 attack was blamed on Osama bin Laden, but after an American puppet was installed in Afghanistan, the blame for 9/11 was shifted to Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, who was said to have weapons of mass destruction that would be used against America. The regime sent Secretary of State Colin Powell to tell the lie to the UN that the Bush-Cheney regime had conclusive proof of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
-Osama bin Laden is a patsy. Of course the U.S. will install a U.S. governor in a conquered territory? and of course evidence will be manufactured or dug up to gain support to roll over the next target.
Having conned the UN, Congress, and the American people, the regime invaded Iraq under totally false pretenses and with totally false expectations. The regime’s occupation of Iraq has failed in a military sense, but the neoconservatives are turning their failure into a strategic advantage. At the beginning of this year President Bush began blaming Iran for America’s embarrassing defeat by a few thousand lightly armed insurgents in Iraq.
-Naturally it has to be painted as a disaster, that's how to justify escalation, but in fact it is going perfect, civil war, religious sectarian violence, deconstruction of the existing order, chaos, we are building massive military bases, if chaos reigns so what, let it run its course, in fact we can claim Iran, Syria is behind it, clever huh?
Bush accuses Iran of arming the Iraqi insurgents, a charge that experts regard as improbable. The Iraqi insurgents are Sunni. They inflict casualties on our troops, but spend most of their energy killing Iraqi Shi’ites, who are closely allied with Iran, which is Shi’ite. Bush’s accusation requires us to believe that Iran is arming the enemies of its allies.
The American public does not think that deeply about anything, it does not matter, as long as the average person believes Iran is screwing with us we can maintain some support to carry out what has to be done.
On the basis of this absurd accusation – a pure invention – Bush has ordered a heavy concentration of aircraft carrier attack forces off Iran’s coast, and he has moved US attack planes to Turkish bases and other US bases in countries contingent to Iran. In testimony before Congress on February 1 of this year, former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski said that he expected the regime to orchestrate a "head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large." He said a plausible scenario was "a terrorist act blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran." He said that the neoconservative propaganda machine was already articulating a "mythical historical narrative" for widening their war against Islam.
Rolling over the Islamic world requires at least moderate support of the masses, if we have to attack ourselves to facilitate this, so be it, the end justifies the means. The masses within the western world do not have to have a firm grasp of Geo-political strategy of securing the globe under one arm, all they have to do is be afraid, a primal emotion easily controlled.
Why is the US spending one trillion dollars on wars, the reasons for which are patently false. What is going on?
There are several parts to the answer. Like their forebears among the Jacobins of the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks of the communist revolution, and the National Socialists of Hitler’s revolution, neoconservatives believe that they have a monopoly on virtue and the right to impose hegemony on the rest of the world. Neoconservative conquests began in the Middle East because oil and Israel, with which neocons are closely allied, are both in the Middle East. The American oil giant, UNOCAL, had plans for an oil and gas pipeline through Afghanistan, but the Taliban were not sufficiently cooperative. The US invasion of Afghanistan was used to install Hamid Karzai, who had been on UNOCAL’s payroll, as puppet prime minister. US neoconservative Zalmay Khalilzad, who also had been on UNOCAL’s payroll, was installed as US ambassador to Afghanistan.
It has nothing to do with a monopoly on virtue, the idea that all ideas and religions or worldviews have equal credence or truth is silly, obviously the most powerful one will crush the rest, screaming equality is meaningless, their is no such thing, but a novel little idea of children and the naive.
Two years later Khalilzad was appointed US ambassador to Iraq. American oil companies have been given control over the exploitation of Iraq’s oil resources.
-By what silly concept would the U.S. simply hand over control of a valuable resource, equality again, or some kind of childlike fairness concept.
The Israeli relationship is perhaps even more important. In 1996 Richard Perle and the usual collection of neocons proposed that all of Israel’s enemies in the Middle East be overthrown. "Israel’s enemies" consist of the Muslim countries not in the hands of US puppets or allies. For decades Israel has been stealing Palestine from the Palestinians such that today there is not enough of Palestine left to comprise an independent country. The US and Israeli governments blame Iran, Iraq, and Syria for aiding and abetting Palestinian resistance to Israel’s theft of Palestine.
Yes the strong overcome the weak, welcome to earth, Israel is a fancy name for a U.S. military presence in the region. The entire middle east will be dominated and dismantled because we can, that simple.
The Bush-Cheney regime came to power with the plans drawn to attack the remaining independent countries in the Middle East and with neoconservatives in office to implement the plans. However, an excuse was required. Neoconservatives had called for "a new Pearl Harbor," and 9/11 provided the propaganda event needed in order to stampede the public and Congress into war. Neoconservative Philip Zelikow was put in charge of the 9/11 Commission Report to make certain no uncomfortable facts emerged.
So the twin towers were toppled to facilitate world government, if they were not, we face a nuclear Islamic superstate than turns us into powder in 2030, make a choice.
The neoconservatives have had enormous help from the corporate media, from Christian evangelicals, particularly from the "Rapture Evangelicals, " from flag-waving superpatriots, and from the military- industrial complex whose profits have prospered. But the fact remains that the dozen men named in the second paragraph above were able to overthrow the US Constitution and launch military aggression under the guise of a preventive/preempti ve "war against terrorism."
The evangelicals were a convenient support base to manipulate, already in place, using religious doctrine they can be whipped up into a frenzy, making them super patriots, again the end justifies the means, manipulating populations to achieve the end goal is acceptable, because it can be done, all else is irrelevant.
When the American people caught on that the "war on terror" was a cloak for wars of aggression, they put Democrats in control of Congress in order to apply a brake to the regime’s warmongering. However, the Democrats have proven to be impotent to stop the neoconservative drive to wider war and, perhaps, world conflagration. We are witnessing the triumph of a dozen evil men over American democracy and a free press.
Obviously you are under the belief that the American people control something, they are too incredibly uneducated and fanatically religious to be put in charge of a hot dog stand, let alone the future of the world. Democracy is a tool used to give the illusion of representative government, through media and control election outcomes are managed those who are elected are already players, puppets who have no real power at all in any case. There is far too much at stake to leave the future in the hands of a collectively, mentally ill mob of citizenry. The illusions handed down to populations are palatable for the most part, but when people ask too many questions they find answers they may not want to hear. Opposing a global one world superstate is like biting on a rock, the old world will crack and and crush its teeth and then disappear into time, we all will have it, served up hot or served up cold, its perhaps our only choice, our own nature of acceptance. A state in the world must exist where our missiles are pointed outward instead of inward at each other, this must be achieved at all costs, whomever or whatever opposes this will be crushed, this end does justify any means.-Citizen
and my comments.-in red.
Americans Have Lost Their Country by Paul Craig Roberts March 1, 2007
The Bush-Cheney regime is America’s first neoconservative regime. In a few short years, the regime has destroyed the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, the Geneva Conventions, and the remains of America’s moral reputation along with the infrastructures of two Muslim countries and countless thousands of Islamic civilians. Plans have been prepared, and forces moved into place, for an attack on a third Islamic country, Iran, and perhaps Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon as well.
-Yes you are 100% right, the U.S. is taking over the entire middle east.
This extraordinary aggressiveness toward the US Constitution, international law, and the Islamic world is the work, not of a vast movement, but of a handful of ideologues – principally Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libby, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Zalmay Khalilzad, John Bolton, Philip Zelikow, and Attorney General Gonzales. These are the main operatives who have controlled policy. They have been supported by their media shills at the Weekly Standard, National Review, Fox News, New York Times, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page and by "scholars" in assorted think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute.
-The U.S. constitution has been eroded over time whenever it interferes with "the plan", as far as international law, raw power is the law, international law is words, ignored because it has no teeth, thus meaningless.
The entirety of their success in miring the United States in what could become permanent conflict in the Middle East is based on the power of propaganda and the big lie.
-We are faced with permanent conflict until the world is united, the lie is easier than the truth.
Initially, the 9/11 attack was blamed on Osama bin Laden, but after an American puppet was installed in Afghanistan, the blame for 9/11 was shifted to Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, who was said to have weapons of mass destruction that would be used against America. The regime sent Secretary of State Colin Powell to tell the lie to the UN that the Bush-Cheney regime had conclusive proof of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
-Osama bin Laden is a patsy. Of course the U.S. will install a U.S. governor in a conquered territory? and of course evidence will be manufactured or dug up to gain support to roll over the next target.
Having conned the UN, Congress, and the American people, the regime invaded Iraq under totally false pretenses and with totally false expectations. The regime’s occupation of Iraq has failed in a military sense, but the neoconservatives are turning their failure into a strategic advantage. At the beginning of this year President Bush began blaming Iran for America’s embarrassing defeat by a few thousand lightly armed insurgents in Iraq.
-Naturally it has to be painted as a disaster, that's how to justify escalation, but in fact it is going perfect, civil war, religious sectarian violence, deconstruction of the existing order, chaos, we are building massive military bases, if chaos reigns so what, let it run its course, in fact we can claim Iran, Syria is behind it, clever huh?
Bush accuses Iran of arming the Iraqi insurgents, a charge that experts regard as improbable. The Iraqi insurgents are Sunni. They inflict casualties on our troops, but spend most of their energy killing Iraqi Shi’ites, who are closely allied with Iran, which is Shi’ite. Bush’s accusation requires us to believe that Iran is arming the enemies of its allies.
The American public does not think that deeply about anything, it does not matter, as long as the average person believes Iran is screwing with us we can maintain some support to carry out what has to be done.
On the basis of this absurd accusation – a pure invention – Bush has ordered a heavy concentration of aircraft carrier attack forces off Iran’s coast, and he has moved US attack planes to Turkish bases and other US bases in countries contingent to Iran. In testimony before Congress on February 1 of this year, former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski said that he expected the regime to orchestrate a "head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large." He said a plausible scenario was "a terrorist act blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran." He said that the neoconservative propaganda machine was already articulating a "mythical historical narrative" for widening their war against Islam.
Rolling over the Islamic world requires at least moderate support of the masses, if we have to attack ourselves to facilitate this, so be it, the end justifies the means. The masses within the western world do not have to have a firm grasp of Geo-political strategy of securing the globe under one arm, all they have to do is be afraid, a primal emotion easily controlled.
Why is the US spending one trillion dollars on wars, the reasons for which are patently false. What is going on?
There are several parts to the answer. Like their forebears among the Jacobins of the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks of the communist revolution, and the National Socialists of Hitler’s revolution, neoconservatives believe that they have a monopoly on virtue and the right to impose hegemony on the rest of the world. Neoconservative conquests began in the Middle East because oil and Israel, with which neocons are closely allied, are both in the Middle East. The American oil giant, UNOCAL, had plans for an oil and gas pipeline through Afghanistan, but the Taliban were not sufficiently cooperative. The US invasion of Afghanistan was used to install Hamid Karzai, who had been on UNOCAL’s payroll, as puppet prime minister. US neoconservative Zalmay Khalilzad, who also had been on UNOCAL’s payroll, was installed as US ambassador to Afghanistan.
It has nothing to do with a monopoly on virtue, the idea that all ideas and religions or worldviews have equal credence or truth is silly, obviously the most powerful one will crush the rest, screaming equality is meaningless, their is no such thing, but a novel little idea of children and the naive.
Two years later Khalilzad was appointed US ambassador to Iraq. American oil companies have been given control over the exploitation of Iraq’s oil resources.
-By what silly concept would the U.S. simply hand over control of a valuable resource, equality again, or some kind of childlike fairness concept.
The Israeli relationship is perhaps even more important. In 1996 Richard Perle and the usual collection of neocons proposed that all of Israel’s enemies in the Middle East be overthrown. "Israel’s enemies" consist of the Muslim countries not in the hands of US puppets or allies. For decades Israel has been stealing Palestine from the Palestinians such that today there is not enough of Palestine left to comprise an independent country. The US and Israeli governments blame Iran, Iraq, and Syria for aiding and abetting Palestinian resistance to Israel’s theft of Palestine.
Yes the strong overcome the weak, welcome to earth, Israel is a fancy name for a U.S. military presence in the region. The entire middle east will be dominated and dismantled because we can, that simple.
The Bush-Cheney regime came to power with the plans drawn to attack the remaining independent countries in the Middle East and with neoconservatives in office to implement the plans. However, an excuse was required. Neoconservatives had called for "a new Pearl Harbor," and 9/11 provided the propaganda event needed in order to stampede the public and Congress into war. Neoconservative Philip Zelikow was put in charge of the 9/11 Commission Report to make certain no uncomfortable facts emerged.
So the twin towers were toppled to facilitate world government, if they were not, we face a nuclear Islamic superstate than turns us into powder in 2030, make a choice.
The neoconservatives have had enormous help from the corporate media, from Christian evangelicals, particularly from the "Rapture Evangelicals, " from flag-waving superpatriots, and from the military- industrial complex whose profits have prospered. But the fact remains that the dozen men named in the second paragraph above were able to overthrow the US Constitution and launch military aggression under the guise of a preventive/preempti ve "war against terrorism."
The evangelicals were a convenient support base to manipulate, already in place, using religious doctrine they can be whipped up into a frenzy, making them super patriots, again the end justifies the means, manipulating populations to achieve the end goal is acceptable, because it can be done, all else is irrelevant.
When the American people caught on that the "war on terror" was a cloak for wars of aggression, they put Democrats in control of Congress in order to apply a brake to the regime’s warmongering. However, the Democrats have proven to be impotent to stop the neoconservative drive to wider war and, perhaps, world conflagration. We are witnessing the triumph of a dozen evil men over American democracy and a free press.
Obviously you are under the belief that the American people control something, they are too incredibly uneducated and fanatically religious to be put in charge of a hot dog stand, let alone the future of the world. Democracy is a tool used to give the illusion of representative government, through media and control election outcomes are managed those who are elected are already players, puppets who have no real power at all in any case. There is far too much at stake to leave the future in the hands of a collectively, mentally ill mob of citizenry. The illusions handed down to populations are palatable for the most part, but when people ask too many questions they find answers they may not want to hear. Opposing a global one world superstate is like biting on a rock, the old world will crack and and crush its teeth and then disappear into time, we all will have it, served up hot or served up cold, its perhaps our only choice, our own nature of acceptance. A state in the world must exist where our missiles are pointed outward instead of inward at each other, this must be achieved at all costs, whomever or whatever opposes this will be crushed, this end does justify any means.-Citizen
"Twentieth century retards who are living in a time time that no longer exists"
This statement by an Italian security minister rings true on very many levels, many people see the world as it was, not as it is. He was commenting on the Italian communists the Red brigade.
The Pentagon knows the landscape we live in now, its not a nationalist one, as technology created in sane minds leeches its way into "retarded" Islamic nations, into the hands of first century thought, they know the reality's of letting insane people play with nuclear toys, and its not good. Nationalism is a thing of the past, can the world afford to let fundamentalist religious wackos hide behind nationalism, sovereignty? no I don't think so, and I believe those who make the real decisions think so either, regardless of the ramifications, I think sooner rather than later would be a good time to clean out the middle east completely. If you cannot kill the virus of Islamic iron age religions, then you must kill the vessal, the container, and that happens to be the head, the brain, that can be achieved by carpet bombing relentlessly for a couple years.
Sound cold?, sound evil? it is not, it is to ensure the earth sees the next century, I believe the end justifies the means, they should not take it personally, we are not attacking them, we are killing Allah, killing God, the invisible man in their heads that demands they kill us. Denounce Allah and burn down your mosques and maybe the west can talk, otherwise the medieval voice in their heads is going to be shut down forever. Consider it chemotherapy for the entire muslim world, or killing cancer. Why do we deal well with China? because they do not suffer from the Allah delusion.
What must be done does not get any clearer than that.-Citizen
The Pentagon knows the landscape we live in now, its not a nationalist one, as technology created in sane minds leeches its way into "retarded" Islamic nations, into the hands of first century thought, they know the reality's of letting insane people play with nuclear toys, and its not good. Nationalism is a thing of the past, can the world afford to let fundamentalist religious wackos hide behind nationalism, sovereignty? no I don't think so, and I believe those who make the real decisions think so either, regardless of the ramifications, I think sooner rather than later would be a good time to clean out the middle east completely. If you cannot kill the virus of Islamic iron age religions, then you must kill the vessal, the container, and that happens to be the head, the brain, that can be achieved by carpet bombing relentlessly for a couple years.
Sound cold?, sound evil? it is not, it is to ensure the earth sees the next century, I believe the end justifies the means, they should not take it personally, we are not attacking them, we are killing Allah, killing God, the invisible man in their heads that demands they kill us. Denounce Allah and burn down your mosques and maybe the west can talk, otherwise the medieval voice in their heads is going to be shut down forever. Consider it chemotherapy for the entire muslim world, or killing cancer. Why do we deal well with China? because they do not suffer from the Allah delusion.
What must be done does not get any clearer than that.-Citizen
Stock sell off continues!.....Iran?
The U.S. economy has and is depressed, I knew it was immediately as I kept hearing that the economy was healthy, why would the medias trumpet this message if it was not evident, to counter the reality people see, typical. In alot of cases, whatever they say, consider the opposite as truth, in this way they telegraph themselves time and time again.
The U.S. weak housing market, what drives our economy has tanked, this coupled with the behind the closed door whispers that we are going to bomb the hell out of Iran is coming soon, the big boys know the score, as they move to protect themselves in the market they let us all know.
We all know whats going to happen if we read between the lines, Putin distancing himself from U.S. war policy is a sign he knows the light is green, as word leaks out into certain circles, the bankers then the financial markets tell us as well the light is green, The Bush administration switching gears from hardline to a sit down with Iran and Syria tells us the light is green, as they always do this to say afterword, "the diplomatic solutions were exhausted". A land invasion was ruled out, I suspect a very long campaign of tactical and strategic bombing to ensue, U.S. special forces have been in western Iran mountain regions for sometime now gaining intelligence and working with rebel forces in the no man's land Iran does not control. Mossad and CIA have been funneling out intell. from within Iran.
The next step is to galvanize public opinion against Iran, this will be done using a false flag operation, the media will frenzy over the insane Iran regime of terrorists!, lol many will know the score but as long as Joe shmoe believes Iran did it thats all that counts. Anyone who opposes this tactic and calls it a false flag will be denounced as a conspiracy wacko, simple, LMAO!
So hold on to your ass, Iran and Syria have a mutual protection pact, we are about to see the greatest most intense fury of hell unleashed on Muslim governments. The alternative is an Islamic nuclear superstate in ten or twenty years with the will and the way to punish all the infidels, the entire western world.-Citizen
The U.S. weak housing market, what drives our economy has tanked, this coupled with the behind the closed door whispers that we are going to bomb the hell out of Iran is coming soon, the big boys know the score, as they move to protect themselves in the market they let us all know.
We all know whats going to happen if we read between the lines, Putin distancing himself from U.S. war policy is a sign he knows the light is green, as word leaks out into certain circles, the bankers then the financial markets tell us as well the light is green, The Bush administration switching gears from hardline to a sit down with Iran and Syria tells us the light is green, as they always do this to say afterword, "the diplomatic solutions were exhausted". A land invasion was ruled out, I suspect a very long campaign of tactical and strategic bombing to ensue, U.S. special forces have been in western Iran mountain regions for sometime now gaining intelligence and working with rebel forces in the no man's land Iran does not control. Mossad and CIA have been funneling out intell. from within Iran.
The next step is to galvanize public opinion against Iran, this will be done using a false flag operation, the media will frenzy over the insane Iran regime of terrorists!, lol many will know the score but as long as Joe shmoe believes Iran did it thats all that counts. Anyone who opposes this tactic and calls it a false flag will be denounced as a conspiracy wacko, simple, LMAO!
So hold on to your ass, Iran and Syria have a mutual protection pact, we are about to see the greatest most intense fury of hell unleashed on Muslim governments. The alternative is an Islamic nuclear superstate in ten or twenty years with the will and the way to punish all the infidels, the entire western world.-Citizen
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