OK Gore, busted and exposed! Looks like you have been skimming off the top of the Global warming coffers and sneaking a few Twinkies on the side, huh pal? Its about time this was made into a mainstream documentary to be aired, this whole global warming deal is a sham, designed to extract billions from the public because they are evil consumers, a U.N. lie backed by paid off kook scientists, junk science. 15 years ago I pegged this as a lie, Al Gore is a liar, a mouthpiece of global elites, we will eventually have world government, but lying to achieve the funding for that is nonsense, we all must demand honesty, we are not cattle, some of us anyway. Some numbskull's have turned global warming into a religion, sure I want clean water and sneaky corporations watched but we have to adhere to reason and truth, something that's virtually gone extinct, we need to start a movement to "save the truth" from complete and utter extinction! save the whales! save the seals! save the trees! save the bees! save our souls! save some money! how about save the TRUTH!-Citizen
Gore is a "liar liar pants on fire" but then what do we expect from a politician? Certainly not the truth. Meanwhile , meteorogists in certain colleges are losing their jobs bacause they refuse to sacrafice their principles and go along with the lie. It kind of reminds me of the bullies when I was in school.Do what we want, or get hurt. Truth again is right down the memory hole!
As I just dug out of a foot of snow
in the midwest, where is the warming? Bugs cause more global warming than man has.
AlGore looks like a very overweight eagle, well dressed one, lol.
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