Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Modern day witch hunt!

What is this Salem 1600 AD? The U.S. is well on its way to becoming a theocracy, when do we start burning people at the stake!
"Every school that I go to interview in I have to disclose to them that I was denied tenure for enticing children into witchcraft and magic."
This is all silly, when do we start rounding up Harry Potter books and burning them at rallies?
How is this different from what the radical fundamentalist Islamics do? it's not. Ever hear of freedom of religion? This lady converted from Catholicism to Judaism and is teaching witchcraft supposedly, she may not be very sane, but that's not the point, we tread a dangerous path, a theocratic fascist state would be a living nightmare.-Citizen


Anonymous said...

The Christian right in America is just like the Taliban, psychopaths. All the preachers are pediphiles and thieves, the church is dead, bury it.

Anonymous said...

The "witch" looks a little like Tammy Faye Baker.LMAO. With her long fingernails and makeup slathered on probably with a putty knife. Evil is in the eye of the beholder.Harry Potter is cool.It gets kids to read.The principal had no proof she was teaching "witchcraft" She should keep her job.And most Christians are not psycopaths. They don't put bombs in their backpacks and send them into a crowded market.

Anonymous said...

The Taliban did not put bombs in backpacks either, they just smashed all the radios and TV's and beat women into the 7th century. Why is so much stock put into what type of divine being is percieved, what diety? it has no place in modern society. Mainstream religion paves the way for extremist fanaticism, when people get chopped up, they disassociate themselves, they say they are moderates, no because the literal understanding of the text is extreme in any case.
Ever literally read the bible or the koran? The God in those books is a psychopathic sex obsessed selfish egomaniac murderer who loves slavery and child sex. Its all bullshit! fairytales!

Anonymous said...

BAH.The Koran is not the book to read, or the OLD testament for that fact.