It looks like we have been short on water for quite a while, mostly out west and down south. This will inevidibly result in higher food prices, time to stock up before this coupled with high fuel prices make eating a very costly affair. I water all the plants with well water everyday, unless of course it rains. The ground is like a sponge now, with large cracks forming. Using vermiculite and sphagnum peat moss with your soil will retain moisture well, I am about to pick my first pepper, a hungarian wax pepper about 6 inches long, tons of little ones are popping up, I will post more pictures in a couple weeks, things are growing fast in that soil mix.
I totally agree. It's time to stock up. In times of famine only the strong with skills to work the land will come out ahead. Everyone alse will raid gardens for food. So, keep your powder dry and get a BIG dog.
Or... a little dog with a BIG bark works good too.
We have been feeding africa for years. The U.S. goverment pays to grow this and not that, insane. IA
Paying farmers to sit idle is nuts, yes it drives the price down when the market is flooded with food but there has to be another way, I would say they should plant an exotic crop instead, one that draws a decent market price.-CITIZEN
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