Here are a few pictures of the garden, I tried different soil mixes for each box to see what happens, some with menure, dirt, vermiculite and peat moss, some with peat moss, menure, and little dirt, also some with the natural soil strained through a screen mixed with peat moss and vermiculite, things seem to be growing quick, I have some peppers already starting and the little onion bulbs I stuck in are growing fast. I decided to bark chip/mulch between the boxes to cut down on weeds, this will make care of the boxes easy and give the plants some room. I am not quite finished yet with the whole garden, might fence it off, might not, some critters have been digging a bit. I am working on something to hold the tomatoes up well, otherwise they will take a dive on everything, some scrap wood will work fine for this. I will post more pictures in a few weeks.-Citizen
I used to use old milk cartons and or coffee cans, it keeps those little amimals off of the plant untill you can use the wire stand. IA
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