Let's do this by elimination, though I would like Ron Paul to win, his only chance now would be to run as an independant and the party machines would exclude him any way possible from even being on the ballot, or simply erase of flop over votes.
Mike Huckabee will dwindle off and his and his delegates will go to McCain.
John McCain is basically Bob Dole with a bad temper, and cannot secure conservatives let alone mainstream voters because he is really not a Republican let alone a conservative.
So the Republicans are out in any case, thanks to what the country has seen in the last seven years.
That leaves Barack and Hillary, Baracks purpose was to make Hillary appear mainstream, next to him, the contrast puts her as a viable option. Though many whites say in public, or voted in the primary for Barack, he is a novelty, or a liberal statement, he will conceed his delegates to Hillary because she is seen as far more "electable", because they would not take the chance of having him lose to McCain when the curtain closes on election day.
So it will be Clinton versus McCain, and because McCain is Bob Dole he will lose. Many women left and right will vote for her simply because she is a woman inside the booth, and next to McCain and with the medias help she will win. McCain and Barack are both fall guys.
I see this as simply an elaborate staged game, kind of a act to make the electoral process appear to be legitimate and the people have a choice.
The only one not inside the inner circle is Ron Paul, and for all purposes he has been "dissappeared" by the media.
So basically the american people have a choice, Lenin, Stalin, or Trotsky, yes they are all in the same gang but a choice no less.
This type of fake representative government is even more devious and deceptive and criminal than that say of Saddam or Chavez because, the illusion is created, the lie, at least with Saddam he said "I am the only choice" which as screwed up as that is, was incredibly as the very least honest.
Stalin hardline totalitarian system was direct and honest as well, in the 1984-ish 2008 american election of soft totalitarian puppet games not only do we not have a choice we are told we do. So The western so called democracies are in fact much more sinister because the people are told they have a choice, have none thus do not seek change of a system that appears to work in their favor. Who has a better chance of freedom a slave with iron shackles or a slave with none that does not know they are a slave?
So do not expect the american zombies to march out in the streets any time soon by the millions demanding a correct honest system, or at least the destruction of a bad one like the Russians did almost twenty years ago.
In such a plagued mindscrewed and sordid corrupt affair as we stand in today within the American empire, like all things eventually the bubble bursts, as the gap between percieved reality and reality ever widens, the bubble, the balloon becomes thinner and thinner, and we all know what happens after that.
So......mmmm...let me back up a bit and say, Hillary 2008, whatever, because it really and truly makes zero difference at all, whoever has been chosen by those who run the earth will be the next figurehead, those who run the earth will have their way as long as they have their system.
It does not matter if Barney Frank, Jerry Sienfeld or Fred Flintstone was sworn in next year, everything will continue as planned.
To believe that any room whatsoever to allow anyone not within the inner circle access as the most powerful position on the planet be left to silly voting of the unwashed masses is incredibly niave. I am guilty of indulging in the fantasy sometimes myself.
The Bolsheviks in Russia fell after 70 years because they told the people the truth, and the people knew they had a boot on their necks, the new soft and more devious Bolshevism will not make that same mistake so make some microwave popcorn, pull up a chair and watch the puppet show.-Citizen
Mike Huckabee will dwindle off and his and his delegates will go to McCain.
John McCain is basically Bob Dole with a bad temper, and cannot secure conservatives let alone mainstream voters because he is really not a Republican let alone a conservative.
So the Republicans are out in any case, thanks to what the country has seen in the last seven years.
That leaves Barack and Hillary, Baracks purpose was to make Hillary appear mainstream, next to him, the contrast puts her as a viable option. Though many whites say in public, or voted in the primary for Barack, he is a novelty, or a liberal statement, he will conceed his delegates to Hillary because she is seen as far more "electable", because they would not take the chance of having him lose to McCain when the curtain closes on election day.
So it will be Clinton versus McCain, and because McCain is Bob Dole he will lose. Many women left and right will vote for her simply because she is a woman inside the booth, and next to McCain and with the medias help she will win. McCain and Barack are both fall guys.
I see this as simply an elaborate staged game, kind of a act to make the electoral process appear to be legitimate and the people have a choice.
The only one not inside the inner circle is Ron Paul, and for all purposes he has been "dissappeared" by the media.
So basically the american people have a choice, Lenin, Stalin, or Trotsky, yes they are all in the same gang but a choice no less.
This type of fake representative government is even more devious and deceptive and criminal than that say of Saddam or Chavez because, the illusion is created, the lie, at least with Saddam he said "I am the only choice" which as screwed up as that is, was incredibly as the very least honest.
Stalin hardline totalitarian system was direct and honest as well, in the 1984-ish 2008 american election of soft totalitarian puppet games not only do we not have a choice we are told we do. So The western so called democracies are in fact much more sinister because the people are told they have a choice, have none thus do not seek change of a system that appears to work in their favor. Who has a better chance of freedom a slave with iron shackles or a slave with none that does not know they are a slave?
So do not expect the american zombies to march out in the streets any time soon by the millions demanding a correct honest system, or at least the destruction of a bad one like the Russians did almost twenty years ago.
In such a plagued mindscrewed and sordid corrupt affair as we stand in today within the American empire, like all things eventually the bubble bursts, as the gap between percieved reality and reality ever widens, the bubble, the balloon becomes thinner and thinner, and we all know what happens after that.
So......mmmm...let me back up a bit and say, Hillary 2008, whatever, because it really and truly makes zero difference at all, whoever has been chosen by those who run the earth will be the next figurehead, those who run the earth will have their way as long as they have their system.
It does not matter if Barney Frank, Jerry Sienfeld or Fred Flintstone was sworn in next year, everything will continue as planned.
To believe that any room whatsoever to allow anyone not within the inner circle access as the most powerful position on the planet be left to silly voting of the unwashed masses is incredibly niave. I am guilty of indulging in the fantasy sometimes myself.
The Bolsheviks in Russia fell after 70 years because they told the people the truth, and the people knew they had a boot on their necks, the new soft and more devious Bolshevism will not make that same mistake so make some microwave popcorn, pull up a chair and watch the puppet show.-Citizen
1 comment:
Once again, the only person fit to put our nation in order is overlooked simply because he's not in "the club". His down to Earth ideas don't fit into the scheme of things according to the corporate giants running this country.Ron Paul was our best hope for America. Like you said, we'll just have to break out the popcorn, kick back and see what happens next. God Bless Ron Paul!
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