Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Venezuela pumps troops to border...War?

All diplomats have been recalled between Equador, Venezuela to Columbia and all trade halted, In my opinion this will be a full scale South American war. The second it takes off watch oil go through the roof! Venezuela is one of our largest oil suppliers. Bush also said today we will back Columbia. I believe this is the "IN" door Washington wanted and needed to justify invading Venezuela, so here we go again. Aphghanistan...then Iraq....now Venezuela.....AHH! don't forget Iran and Chavez, Equador and Cuba are basically firm allies. We might have $8.00 a gallon gas if this happens.


Anonymous said...

No oil is terrible, but no coffee(my addiction of choice) is unthinkable!!!!! All joking aside the last thing our poor embattled country needs right now is another conflict.

Citizen said...

D.C. wants Chavez oil, they will use XColumbia as the door...watch this pan out.

Anonymous said...

All those people south of the US have to do is wait another 20-30 years and they will weed us out. Johnny law