Is it a coincidence that the areas infected with Islam are also the most backward unstable regions of the world, I don't think so, Some warrior 1400 years ago claimed he had a red phone direct line to God, wrote down a bunch of ramblings from a barbaric bloodthirsty worldview that even includes child sex, maybe because he himself was a pedophile. The taboo that every one's religion must be respected is nonsense, no free passes anymore, religion and belief have a massive impact on our worlds direction, the Muslim view that all must be converted or get the sword has real Geo-political ramifications, there should be zero respect for such barbaric beliefs, and in the age of political correctness its ironic that the last thing the Islamics would extend anyone else is a shred of tolerance to an opposing viewpoint, no they would just lopp their heads off. So to the politically correct, perhaps you should be locked up to protect yourself from yourself, as you preach a suicidal mantra, you extend a hand of tolerance to the intolerant, precipitating its growth and foothold in the west, definitely suicidal and incredibly stupid.
The beliefs of people do not exist in a vacuum, they have Geo-political consequences, thus should be held up to reasonable critique in daily discourse, for instance, the evangelical christian belief that the invisible all powerful omnipresent real estate broker in the sky gave Israel to the Jews, has real consequences, as they vote to elect politicians who reflect that silly notion. Most do not know that Judaism refutes that completely, the only ones who believe that is evangelical American Christians, and the Zionist atheist Jews who control Israel use this conveniently, quite masterfully I might add, as a proxy of U.S. power in the middle east it is palatable to U.S. strategic goals as well, so this delusion is useful however ridiculous. If someone said two plus two was seven I would not respect that, why on earth would I respect someone telling me, "If you don't support slaughtering the Palestinians, man, women and child God will cast you into a lake of fire forever and ever and ever", wow!, scary, burning forever is a long time, maybe I should reconsider! No, I cannot and will not respect that sheer lunacy, murdering for the invisible man!, no more than I will respect the idea that "God demands women be covered up from head to toe, not an inch of flesh to be seen, or she should be stoned to death!", medieval ramblings of lunatics. Its far past time we halt all "tolerance" for this corrosive ancient mentally ill rubbish, amounting to nothing more than the criminal execution of the rational and reasonable mind, its psychological murder, bury it all, toss it into the ash bin of history. Yes, the truth can be painful, enough so that one kills to silence those who speak it. I am the infidel and the heretic, for thousands of years you have burned me, stoned me, tortured me, ran me through, drowned me, decapitated me, cut my tongue out, sewn my lips closed but you cannot kill me, why? because I am truth and reason manifested in words, and it will always be looking over the shoulder of the lost.-Citizen
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Russia concerned about potential strikes on Iran!,... YAWN
If one thinks for a second Russia and the U.S. are not playing a puppet show for the world you need to smell the coffee, Russia has to play the part of a concerned regional critic of U.S. policy, they understand as does the Pentagon that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable. For decades the plan for the middle east has been planned, it states total domination, we will pulverize Iran with air power in the near future, not without consequences, but in the grand game necessary. If anyone thinks for a second the west will tolerate an Islamic superstate complete with ICBMs in 2020 they are mad, Islamic religious fundamentalism is viewed as a mental illness in the basements of the pentagon, as it should be. Do I care for war? as no sane man does I do not, however the alternative is a nuclear exchange between west and east, and that is a much harder pill to swallow. The middle east must be systematically dismantled and redrawn, period. The world must be brought under one power, nationalist conflicts in times of nuclear capability is simply archaic and global suicide.
Putin distances himself from U.S. war policy, this is being done to insulate Russia from ramifications of U.S. pending air strike on Iran, Russia will sit politically in a grey area to preserve its relations with China and other states, not to mention its own populace. I do not see this as a real breaking with the U.S., the loose alliance at all, I see this as all show, in fact a hidden signal that we are fast approaching military offensive against iran.
Putin distances himself from U.S. war policy, this is being done to insulate Russia from ramifications of U.S. pending air strike on Iran, Russia will sit politically in a grey area to preserve its relations with China and other states, not to mention its own populace. I do not see this as a real breaking with the U.S., the loose alliance at all, I see this as all show, in fact a hidden signal that we are fast approaching military offensive against iran.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Iran deal is heating up
Tehran promises "devastating response" if attacked.
Tehran promises "devastating response" if attacked.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Man busted having sex with his girlfriends dead dog!
This has to take the sickest story of the year award! Dog gets killed, hit by a car, days later police witness a Michigan man getting it on with the corpse. Thought I'd lighten up the blog with a little tabloid stuff, did it work? lol
Chimps hunt using spears!- see folks, maybe Darwin was on to something!
100 Mexican trucking companies start unlimited access to U.S.
See, the North American union is here, and has been here, people can jump up and down , hoot and holler, but whether we like it or not its here. It is a well known fact that the huge drug cartels bought up most all Mexican trucking companies to traffic drugs. It would seem ridiculous to even try to search thousands of semi's moving back and forth daily.
U.S. Generals to resign if ordered to attack Iran!
Let me get this straight, six years of continuous military expansion in the middle east, I somewhat get my mind around the possible unavoidable necessity of wiping the Islamic religion off the face of the earth, and only hours later 5 top U.S. generals publicly oppose expanding our efforts to dominate the middle east! is this rotten luck or what?
I really don't see anymore a possibility of a diplomatic solution with these Islamics stuck in the iron age, first century mentality, with 21st century technology is a recipe for disaster. The Islamic religion never had a reformation to cut the radical edges off of itself like Christianity and Judaism have, making it less corrosive and toxic to an orderly civilization. For instance the western christian church does not burn people to death for saying the earth is not flat and does not sit on a set of huge pillars. Blowing up crap and killing people for "GOD" is a very dangerous delusion to be spreading around. The taboo of questioning all religious dogma needs to be removed in popular discourse, in any other facet of modern society we expect calm reasoning from people to explain their positions or beliefs but in the case of religion, we not only give a free pass we actually consider it a virtue the more someone accepts without evidence, or accepts on faith. Its very dangerous when a college educated intelligent computer technician can program a weapon system on one hand and simultaneously believe that 50 virgins awaits him if he liquidates the infidels on the other. Its a subconscious partitioning withing the mind, 1st century beliefs with 21st century technology. That same partitioning exists in Christianity and Judaism as well, like "After I get through running a virus scan on the computer, checking the satellite weather, e-file the taxes, and look at the latest electric hybrid 2007 auto's online maybe I will ponder the finer points of the talking snake in the garden of Eden, or in what cases would I agree stoning someone to death is a really great idea", much of our belief system exists behind a partition, mostly if not totally unquestioned, or exposed to any even basic critical analysis.
All religions come with their own anti-virus program installed, passed down from generation to generation which above all restricts any reasoned critique of its dogma, this explains why such a chasm can exist in the minds of what appear to be very normal people, what is behind the partition can be a very barbaric and archaic belief system downloaded and patched since childhood.
The middle east has less to do about real estate and resources as it has to do with whats in the minds of men. It would be rather preferable if we can all collectively reach a point when jihad and holy war for a deity can be tossed into the ashcan of history but we are not quite there yet. If some nut comes running out of the woods with an axe all fiery eyed telling me he has to kill me for Posiedon or Oden or Thor or whoever to get virgins in Valhalla I am not going to sit down and chat, I am going to drop him as quick as I can.-citizen
STORY HERE- Link repaired!
I really don't see anymore a possibility of a diplomatic solution with these Islamics stuck in the iron age, first century mentality, with 21st century technology is a recipe for disaster. The Islamic religion never had a reformation to cut the radical edges off of itself like Christianity and Judaism have, making it less corrosive and toxic to an orderly civilization. For instance the western christian church does not burn people to death for saying the earth is not flat and does not sit on a set of huge pillars. Blowing up crap and killing people for "GOD" is a very dangerous delusion to be spreading around. The taboo of questioning all religious dogma needs to be removed in popular discourse, in any other facet of modern society we expect calm reasoning from people to explain their positions or beliefs but in the case of religion, we not only give a free pass we actually consider it a virtue the more someone accepts without evidence, or accepts on faith. Its very dangerous when a college educated intelligent computer technician can program a weapon system on one hand and simultaneously believe that 50 virgins awaits him if he liquidates the infidels on the other. Its a subconscious partitioning withing the mind, 1st century beliefs with 21st century technology. That same partitioning exists in Christianity and Judaism as well, like "After I get through running a virus scan on the computer, checking the satellite weather, e-file the taxes, and look at the latest electric hybrid 2007 auto's online maybe I will ponder the finer points of the talking snake in the garden of Eden, or in what cases would I agree stoning someone to death is a really great idea", much of our belief system exists behind a partition, mostly if not totally unquestioned, or exposed to any even basic critical analysis.
All religions come with their own anti-virus program installed, passed down from generation to generation which above all restricts any reasoned critique of its dogma, this explains why such a chasm can exist in the minds of what appear to be very normal people, what is behind the partition can be a very barbaric and archaic belief system downloaded and patched since childhood.
The middle east has less to do about real estate and resources as it has to do with whats in the minds of men. It would be rather preferable if we can all collectively reach a point when jihad and holy war for a deity can be tossed into the ashcan of history but we are not quite there yet. If some nut comes running out of the woods with an axe all fiery eyed telling me he has to kill me for Posiedon or Oden or Thor or whoever to get virgins in Valhalla I am not going to sit down and chat, I am going to drop him as quick as I can.-citizen
STORY HERE- Link repaired!
Iraq war veterans living on the street
This is typical, now we know why we are called "human resources" because we are used up just like one, once the "human" is physically and mentally trashed they discard them and they become invisible, almost. With the massive military budget, it would only make sense to do what needs to be done for veterans, from a humanistic standpoint, and from a propaganda standpoint, what better popular opinion could be had than a vet who says the government does right for them, as opposed to saying they were discarded like a used up battery. For public relations alone in their own self interest I would think the pentagon would do a better job of re-entering these guys into society. Where are all the churches?, don't they help out as they say, no they are hypocrites, The Catholic priests are chasing around alter boys, The pope is busy making up an extra dozen saints to keep the cheap plastic injection mold automobile rear view mirror saints business afloat, Ted haggards doing meth amphetamine and servicing male prostitutes, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker are putting in air conditioning in their dog house and spooning on cosmetics, Pat Robertsons leeching on old lady's social security checks when he's not praying on someones toothache and aching hip, buying 747's and Cadillacs, and blasting all the demonic UFO's. Benny Hinn is ripping away walkers from crippled old ladys and smacking idiots on the forehead in a healing fiasco extravaganza circus raking in billions in a disgusting display of preying on the weakminded. I got a job for the homeless vets, why don't they crash the party all of these phony holymen are having, seems to be plenty of money, drugs, booze, women, lear jets, luxury cars and elaborate self indulgent nonsense to go around. No, I am not bashing all churches, some really try to help humanity and are not hypocrites and are well meaning good people, just 99% of them that are looneybin's for the criminally insane who lead the naive into collective mental illness. But hey, that's just one humble opinion.-Citizen
U.S. to open military option against Iran, OK let's do it!
US Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday warned that "all options" are on the table if Iran continues to defy UN-led efforts to end Teheran's nuclear ambitions, leaving the door open to military action.
The true issue here is world government and religion, we are in a post modern age, the old world and the new will struggle for domination. Do we really need all of these religions to explain our existence? Tell me where I am wrong with this short analysis, go ahead, shoot, I will consider silence as everyone being in complete agreement!
Lets take an honest look at what is going on here, for decades the domination of the middle east has been in the works, the prime opponent in the new world order is religious fanatics, those who base their entire lives on some archaic text , rarely if ever connected to any present day reality with a burning desire to convert and spread their "truth" to the unbelievers.
What is the end result of not nipping all of this in the bud? A continued spreading of this backwards mono and polytheistic religions, those who would behead scientists and close schools, those who would be more than happy to cover every inch of a women's body in public while smashing radios and TVs to quell education and free expression, throwing the entire world back into the dark ages of which we are only now truly emerging.
The western worlds government is secular with a populace that spans a multitude of beliefs, the fractured christian church, broken into many thousands of rather weak and strange denominations has more or less merged with modern society, becoming a shadow of what it once was in power, and in substance, really nothing more than a "be happy" temple sitting on the street corner. The evangelical power base in America is being manipulated by government to support a secularization of the middle east through war, obviously they have chose this over trying to use reason to herd popular support, polarizing people on religious grounds is truly tapping into deep and old entrenched systems of control and manipulation.
If the west does not move forward in crushing the middle east then we are left with one scenario, a middle east that grows in power, with Islamic government fueled by oil trade to China and elsewhere, creating an Islamic Nuclear powered Union, and even the dim can understand what that means. The chess game of revolving CIA implanted governments in Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan etc. is a less than perfect mechanism of control, with an Islamic populace, eventually the people overthrow this proxy.
The big picture is that someone always comes out on top, its just like mafia, except on a grand scale, the world will rest under one government, its inevitable, it's the unalienable path of nature and evolution of civilizations, resisting that is like biting on a rock.
I believe this is not a neo-conservative worldview, it is a realistic one, if the world does not move forward it moves backward, with 300 Mosques in Britain and Islam spreading like fire in Europe, if the west does not ignite the fire now, we will be overrun in a few decades.
I do not want to live under any religious government, a secular government means a religion is not shoved down the throats of the people, we really don't need some archaic text dictating our moral compass, human beings are capable of knowing right from wrong, someone without an ancient book under their arm to dictate behavior does in most cases behave better than those who do. The concept, the idea, the control mechanism of threatening people with eternal damnation and the fiery pits of hell is a crude and primitive method to extract obedience to government through its mouthpiece, its propaganda arm, the preachers on the pulpit "belief system" snake oil salesmen of the varied religions, 501-C3 tax exempt churches remain tax exempt as long as they spoon feed the sheep the latest talking points and tell them exactly what to think. This whole system is on its way out, though it will be used as one mechanism to manipulate the populations until its already hollow doctrines erode to Nil, as science and education fill the gap.
It may seem quite insane to use war as unpleasant as it is to bring a world government into view, this is the most effective tool by far, using destruction, before something can be built something first has to be destroyed. I do believe it is the sanest option when the big picture is viewed with plain reason, I guess its a simple question, in 2300 AD. do we want captain Kirk flying around in the solar system or Shiek allah abu baba adid and the 40 birka chicks?, oh wait, I forgot they will smash all the university's in 2050 so we can all stay in 500 AD forever, ahh and all the birka chicks will be dumb and silent smashing rice in the corner of their mud huts. It all comes down to what kind of world do we want for our posterity, we should all seriously consider the big picture, the future starts now, the past is as gone as death, it all may have well never existed if we wish it, what kind of world do you want?, yes it matters.-Citizen
The true issue here is world government and religion, we are in a post modern age, the old world and the new will struggle for domination. Do we really need all of these religions to explain our existence? Tell me where I am wrong with this short analysis, go ahead, shoot, I will consider silence as everyone being in complete agreement!
Lets take an honest look at what is going on here, for decades the domination of the middle east has been in the works, the prime opponent in the new world order is religious fanatics, those who base their entire lives on some archaic text , rarely if ever connected to any present day reality with a burning desire to convert and spread their "truth" to the unbelievers.
What is the end result of not nipping all of this in the bud? A continued spreading of this backwards mono and polytheistic religions, those who would behead scientists and close schools, those who would be more than happy to cover every inch of a women's body in public while smashing radios and TVs to quell education and free expression, throwing the entire world back into the dark ages of which we are only now truly emerging.
The western worlds government is secular with a populace that spans a multitude of beliefs, the fractured christian church, broken into many thousands of rather weak and strange denominations has more or less merged with modern society, becoming a shadow of what it once was in power, and in substance, really nothing more than a "be happy" temple sitting on the street corner. The evangelical power base in America is being manipulated by government to support a secularization of the middle east through war, obviously they have chose this over trying to use reason to herd popular support, polarizing people on religious grounds is truly tapping into deep and old entrenched systems of control and manipulation.
If the west does not move forward in crushing the middle east then we are left with one scenario, a middle east that grows in power, with Islamic government fueled by oil trade to China and elsewhere, creating an Islamic Nuclear powered Union, and even the dim can understand what that means. The chess game of revolving CIA implanted governments in Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan etc. is a less than perfect mechanism of control, with an Islamic populace, eventually the people overthrow this proxy.
The big picture is that someone always comes out on top, its just like mafia, except on a grand scale, the world will rest under one government, its inevitable, it's the unalienable path of nature and evolution of civilizations, resisting that is like biting on a rock.
I believe this is not a neo-conservative worldview, it is a realistic one, if the world does not move forward it moves backward, with 300 Mosques in Britain and Islam spreading like fire in Europe, if the west does not ignite the fire now, we will be overrun in a few decades.
I do not want to live under any religious government, a secular government means a religion is not shoved down the throats of the people, we really don't need some archaic text dictating our moral compass, human beings are capable of knowing right from wrong, someone without an ancient book under their arm to dictate behavior does in most cases behave better than those who do. The concept, the idea, the control mechanism of threatening people with eternal damnation and the fiery pits of hell is a crude and primitive method to extract obedience to government through its mouthpiece, its propaganda arm, the preachers on the pulpit "belief system" snake oil salesmen of the varied religions, 501-C3 tax exempt churches remain tax exempt as long as they spoon feed the sheep the latest talking points and tell them exactly what to think. This whole system is on its way out, though it will be used as one mechanism to manipulate the populations until its already hollow doctrines erode to Nil, as science and education fill the gap.
It may seem quite insane to use war as unpleasant as it is to bring a world government into view, this is the most effective tool by far, using destruction, before something can be built something first has to be destroyed. I do believe it is the sanest option when the big picture is viewed with plain reason, I guess its a simple question, in 2300 AD. do we want captain Kirk flying around in the solar system or Shiek allah abu baba adid and the 40 birka chicks?, oh wait, I forgot they will smash all the university's in 2050 so we can all stay in 500 AD forever, ahh and all the birka chicks will be dumb and silent smashing rice in the corner of their mud huts. It all comes down to what kind of world do we want for our posterity, we should all seriously consider the big picture, the future starts now, the past is as gone as death, it all may have well never existed if we wish it, what kind of world do you want?, yes it matters.-Citizen
Friday, February 23, 2007
Must STOP the dancing in NYC!
"Recreational dancing is not a form of expression protected by the federal or state constitutions," the court wrote.
This is crazy, what!, dancing is not a constitutional right? LMAO! What if someone just moves in an unusual or jovial way by accident, should we lock their asses up? Where do we draw the line, to many consecutive leg movements? If this is the level of insanity we have collectively reached, count me out, I might apply for moon citizenship, these people are looneytunes baby! If someone broke into the jitterbig in court would this judge give them a life sentence? Calling all cars, calling all cars! we have some illegal dancing on broadway and 5th street!, I think he is going to dip her, and possibly kiss, calling all cars! .....ahh!...beam my ass up Scotty!
This is crazy, what!, dancing is not a constitutional right? LMAO! What if someone just moves in an unusual or jovial way by accident, should we lock their asses up? Where do we draw the line, to many consecutive leg movements? If this is the level of insanity we have collectively reached, count me out, I might apply for moon citizenship, these people are looneytunes baby! If someone broke into the jitterbig in court would this judge give them a life sentence? Calling all cars, calling all cars! we have some illegal dancing on broadway and 5th street!, I think he is going to dip her, and possibly kiss, calling all cars! .....ahh!...beam my ass up Scotty!
New law would criminalize homeless dumping
This a step in the right direction, but what also needs to be addressed is mandating hospitals to provide free health care, the cost should be transferred to the state. As we export billions in foreign aid I see that as secondary to the call to provide for those who are helpless and sick right here in our country. It just a choice of what kind of people we want to be, one that we can be proud of, with some form of human altruism and compassion, or one that kicks sick people out onto street corners into mud puddles dragging busted colostomy bags behind them. It strikes me as odd that many will lament for a sick stray dog or the animal abuse five O'clock news story but never look twice at at some poor sap in the gutter of society usually there from mental illness, drug abuse[mental illness], alcoholism[mental illness], sickness or just very bad luck. Society, government and corporations have made it a point to make sure the average American does not see the unfortunates, the dregs of society are there because they are "sinners", or by "choice", its classic, some poor sap crapping his pants in an alley, frazzled by sickness, kicked out of a VA hospital weeks earlier, no food, maybe a cardboard box, and the smug prick in the BMW drives by and actually thinks someone would choose that for themselves, its the ultimate in ridiculousness. Its a failure of society that this thing exists, their is no material profit for materialistic consumption addicted shallow Americans to give a damn. Health care is not a "right" as some say, but it is a societal obligation in my view, rooted in our own human altruistic tendencies, it's not that we have to take care of those who fall down, but that we want to, or that we should want to, its about who we are as a people, and what we see when we look into the mirror, something as a whole society rarely does, if ever. Our corrupt politicians drop the ball daily, because we let them, if these bureaucrats are the best we can do, then I would say we are a crappy people, is this really the best we can do in the creation of a sane society?, no its not, probably because a "sane" society is not the goal, a hedonistic self centered materialistic consumer crazy self indulgent one is, why because most people simply don't give a damn, their heads are somewhere else, I run across very few who are actually "here" on earth right now, maybe they are planning for an eternity in bliss, I don't know. -Citizen
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Senate Illegal's bill near a done deal!
Ted kennedy never stops screwing with america! Well the way I see it America is done, stick a fork in it, if someone thinks we are not merged with Canada and Mexico are suffering from a delusion, we are and have been in the North American Union for 2 years officially.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
RFID chips for truant kids!
Why don't we just get it over with and implant everyone with a tracking chip, after all every citizen is a thought criminal, has dangerous thoughts, could possibly do something wrong, hey think of how safe we will be connected 24/7 to central control. Satellite linked tracking chip for all schoolchildren now!, that way the police can bring them to justice. Try to skip out of science class, you will be hunted to the corners of the earth! ha ha! Time to buy stock in verichip or digital angel because we all will get tagged for tracking, and our own safety.
U.S. army is busy in Iraq shooting at dogs
Our tax dollars at work!
U.S. poised to strike Iran!
PRESIDENT BUSH is preparing to attack Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of April and the US Air Force's new bases in Bulgaria and Romania would be used as back-up in the onslaught, according to an official report.
The Saxon goddess Eastre, rabbits and eggs!
Its interesting to see the intertwining of religions, many parents march the kids off for the church Easter egg hunt to honor the fertility goddess Eastre and her sidekick the rabbit, its amazing how many things people do and never question them, how about dragging a live tree into the living room for a while? I am all for it, gives people something to do and keeps them out of trouble. The Roman empires expansion into the barbarian lands created a strange mix of tradition and the church was quite creative, instead of trying to wipe out pagan traditions they included them to placate the converted, making the new religion more acceptable, if they resisted outright they would just put them to the sword six thousand at a crack, the really bad ones they would put a pointy hat on them [thus the witch's hat] in the shape of a church steeple thought to cleanse their soul just before lighting them on fire, thats why pagans were portrayed with a pointy hat, but in reality this was put on them just before a very hot education.
Have you ever wondered where the celebration of the Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ acquired its unusual name and odd symbols of colored eggs and rabbits?
The answer lies in the ingenious way that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices. After discovering that people were more reluctant to give up their holidays and festivals than their gods, they simply incorporated Pagan practices into Christian festivals. As recounted by the Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer, clever clerics copied Pagan practices and by doing so, made Christianity more palatable to pagan folk reluctant to give up their festivals for somber Christian practices.
In second century Europe, the predominate spring festival was a raucous Saxon fertility celebration in honor of the Saxon Goddess Eastre (Ostara), whose sacred animal was a hare.
The colored eggs associated with the bunny are of another, even more ancient origin. The eggs associated with this and other Vernal festivals have been symbols of rebirth and fertility for so long the precise roots of the tradition are unknown, and may date to the beginning of human civilization. Ancient Romans and Greeks used eggs as symbols of fertility, rebirth, and abundance- eggs were solar symbols, and figured in the festivals of numerous resurrected gods.
Pagan fertility festivals at the time of the Spring equinox were common- it was believed that at this time, when day and night were of equal length, male and female energies were also in balance. The hare is often associated with moon goddesses; the egg and the hare together represent the god and the goddess, respectively.
Moving forward fifteen hundred years, we find ourselves in Germany, where children await the arrival of Oschter Haws, a rabbit who will lay colored eggs in nests to the delight of children who discover them Easter morning. It was this German tradition that popularized the 'Easter bunny' in America, when introduced into the American cultural fabric by German settlers in Pennsylvania.
Many modern practitioners of Neo-pagan and earth-based religions have embraced these symbols as part of their religious practice, identifying with the life-affirming aspects of the spring holiday. (The Neopagan holiday of Ostara is descended from the Saxon festival.) Ironically, some Christian groups have used the presence of these symbols to denounce the celebration of the Easter holiday, and many churches have recently abandoned the Pagan moniker with more Christian oriented titles like 'Resurrection Sunday.'
The Roman pagan Saturnalian [worship of Saturn] incidentally Saturn is prominent in many free-masonic lodges, the winter solstice was incorporated into Roman Catholicism as well, the Christe masse, people would run around naked and drink, kiss under mistletoe, exchange gifts and feast for 12 days, [12 days of Christ-masse] put candles in the window, so the neighbors would know they were "partying", in modern times christmas lights. They would often hang slaves and animals from a yule tree, an Oak as a sacrifice, and throw people, sometimes the local criminal on the "yule log". In 16th century England it was banned for sometime because it got out of hand, murders, drinking and riots, sex in the streets, but that's a long story for another posting. People are touchy about "sacred" holidays stiffling debate on their origins, that's OK, it would not be the first can of worms I opened, "can of worms" hey, where did that term originate? In the early twentieth century people would buy worms for fishing in a small tin can with a little handle then dump them on the riverbank, they would squirm all over the place uncontrollable, kind of like opening "pandora's box", hey! where did that term come from? maybe Pandora is a two dollar whore from Tim Buk Two with the crabs? I don't know, OK I'll shut up now... -Citizen
Have you ever wondered where the celebration of the Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ acquired its unusual name and odd symbols of colored eggs and rabbits?
The answer lies in the ingenious way that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices. After discovering that people were more reluctant to give up their holidays and festivals than their gods, they simply incorporated Pagan practices into Christian festivals. As recounted by the Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer, clever clerics copied Pagan practices and by doing so, made Christianity more palatable to pagan folk reluctant to give up their festivals for somber Christian practices.
In second century Europe, the predominate spring festival was a raucous Saxon fertility celebration in honor of the Saxon Goddess Eastre (Ostara), whose sacred animal was a hare.
The colored eggs associated with the bunny are of another, even more ancient origin. The eggs associated with this and other Vernal festivals have been symbols of rebirth and fertility for so long the precise roots of the tradition are unknown, and may date to the beginning of human civilization. Ancient Romans and Greeks used eggs as symbols of fertility, rebirth, and abundance- eggs were solar symbols, and figured in the festivals of numerous resurrected gods.
Pagan fertility festivals at the time of the Spring equinox were common- it was believed that at this time, when day and night were of equal length, male and female energies were also in balance. The hare is often associated with moon goddesses; the egg and the hare together represent the god and the goddess, respectively.
Moving forward fifteen hundred years, we find ourselves in Germany, where children await the arrival of Oschter Haws, a rabbit who will lay colored eggs in nests to the delight of children who discover them Easter morning. It was this German tradition that popularized the 'Easter bunny' in America, when introduced into the American cultural fabric by German settlers in Pennsylvania.
Many modern practitioners of Neo-pagan and earth-based religions have embraced these symbols as part of their religious practice, identifying with the life-affirming aspects of the spring holiday. (The Neopagan holiday of Ostara is descended from the Saxon festival.) Ironically, some Christian groups have used the presence of these symbols to denounce the celebration of the Easter holiday, and many churches have recently abandoned the Pagan moniker with more Christian oriented titles like 'Resurrection Sunday.'
The Roman pagan Saturnalian [worship of Saturn] incidentally Saturn is prominent in many free-masonic lodges, the winter solstice was incorporated into Roman Catholicism as well, the Christe masse, people would run around naked and drink, kiss under mistletoe, exchange gifts and feast for 12 days, [12 days of Christ-masse] put candles in the window, so the neighbors would know they were "partying", in modern times christmas lights. They would often hang slaves and animals from a yule tree, an Oak as a sacrifice, and throw people, sometimes the local criminal on the "yule log". In 16th century England it was banned for sometime because it got out of hand, murders, drinking and riots, sex in the streets, but that's a long story for another posting. People are touchy about "sacred" holidays stiffling debate on their origins, that's OK, it would not be the first can of worms I opened, "can of worms" hey, where did that term originate? In the early twentieth century people would buy worms for fishing in a small tin can with a little handle then dump them on the riverbank, they would squirm all over the place uncontrollable, kind of like opening "pandora's box", hey! where did that term come from? maybe Pandora is a two dollar whore from Tim Buk Two with the crabs? I don't know, OK I'll shut up now... -Citizen
Monday, February 19, 2007
How about some new teeth, a liver, kidneys?
I like the idea of a new set of teeth, maybe some replacement organs just in case, talk about a product in demand, custom grown body parts of your very own, cool!
New JFK video discovered!
Its only been 44 years or so, I wonder what they were waiting for, at any case I believe that it would be interesting to capture the still frames and analyze the crowd in the background, might reveal some interesting people.
This was just before the coup'd etat took place, short clip.
This was just before the coup'd etat took place, short clip.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Two headed girl in Russia news video

This is unbelievable, one body, two heads, she...they...goes about everyday life, unreal!
If you think you have problems, imagine dealing with this everyday, whoa! The state made them take the drivers test twice, and they each have their own license, damn bureaucrats!
If you think you have problems, imagine dealing with this everyday, whoa! The state made them take the drivers test twice, and they each have their own license, damn bureaucrats!
Most dangerous job in America?
Gunman walks into convenient store and just opens fire, this really is not news, its an everyday occurance, but that fact should be news.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Jewish radio station owner cries cross is vandalism!

<---I suppose the ordeal went something like this!
Lightning rod on top of tower looks like "christian cross"
Cries vandalism!
Must remove cross now!
Is it just me or is this guy on the needle?
Fulwood, who is Jewish, believes the cross was put atop the tower to harass him.
Thats almost as extreme as when Israel removed all of the "plus" signs out of the Israeli arithmetic schoolbooks and ordered the "Red Cross" volunteers to paint over their insignia while operating in Israel, is this jewish McCarthyism?, seeing an anti-semite under every bed? oh nooo! have I said too much? hey maybe that cross was harassment, maybe it was the same cross that was ripped off of the christian church in Israel under government order!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Mad as hell!
"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
This sentiment so eloquently expressed in the movie "Network" a few decades ago is in need of more so today than it was then, turn up the volume and watch this network clip.
This sentiment so eloquently expressed in the movie "Network" a few decades ago is in need of more so today than it was then, turn up the volume and watch this network clip.
Records of man dumped on skid row released
Witnesses reported a man, described by police as a 41-year-old who lost use of his legs in a 1990 car crash, crawling in the street Feb. 8 after being dropped off by a van contracted by Hollywood Presbyterian.
So let me get this straight, if you become a wounded animal due to unfortunate events in America you get thrown out of a van into the mud onto skid row dragging behind you a busted colostomy bag, a throw away of society, a discarded commodity, a non productive human resource, a non person, an unviable worker unit. We give billions to foreign nations to twist their political arm yet we turn our backs on our own citizens, we throw them away like garbage into the slums of America to just fade away, veterans, the mentally ill, the drug addicted, the lost, and make up smug slogans like "get a job". What system turns its back on its own people who are completely broken? a corrupt lying system, I am no bleeding heart liberal as they say, I simply call it as I see it, and for a nation so rich as the U.S. to dump its unfortunates like trash in alleyways is despicable, it's positively shameless and inexcusable.
So let me get this straight, if you become a wounded animal due to unfortunate events in America you get thrown out of a van into the mud onto skid row dragging behind you a busted colostomy bag, a throw away of society, a discarded commodity, a non productive human resource, a non person, an unviable worker unit. We give billions to foreign nations to twist their political arm yet we turn our backs on our own citizens, we throw them away like garbage into the slums of America to just fade away, veterans, the mentally ill, the drug addicted, the lost, and make up smug slogans like "get a job". What system turns its back on its own people who are completely broken? a corrupt lying system, I am no bleeding heart liberal as they say, I simply call it as I see it, and for a nation so rich as the U.S. to dump its unfortunates like trash in alleyways is despicable, it's positively shameless and inexcusable.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tennessee may see ban on water fluoridation
Has your teeth ever cracked or broke off? its called dental fluoridosis, got cancer, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obesity, sterility, all caused by fluoride, the list is endless, watch the hidden agenda video below. The American people have been systematically poisoned willfully and knowingly, criminally and methodically like rats in a cage.
Looks like many more are jumping on the bandwagon to remove fluoride from water supplies, most all countries in the world have banned its use but the U.S., in the 1940's it was added to water supplies under the guise of dental health, its deadly poison and used in concentration camps and prisons as well as livestock to make the subjects tame and docile. Large amounts were dumped into Germany's water supply after WW2 to calm the masses making occupation easier.
A docile population is an easy population to rule, even if its a sort of chemical lobotomy and can cause massive amounts of cancer, the government is not in the business of health they are in the business of control.
another article on fluoride history-
The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.
Video-the fluoride deception;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;hl=en
fluoride 3 minute clip-
The hidden agenda, 1 hr. video-;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;hl=en
Learn more at-
Has your teeth ever cracked or broke off? its called dental fluoridosis, got cancer, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obesity, sterility, all caused by fluoride, the list is endless, watch the hidden agenda video below. The American people have been systematically poisoned willfully and knowingly, criminally and methodically like rats in a cage.
Looks like many more are jumping on the bandwagon to remove fluoride from water supplies, most all countries in the world have banned its use but the U.S., in the 1940's it was added to water supplies under the guise of dental health, its deadly poison and used in concentration camps and prisons as well as livestock to make the subjects tame and docile. Large amounts were dumped into Germany's water supply after WW2 to calm the masses making occupation easier.
A docile population is an easy population to rule, even if its a sort of chemical lobotomy and can cause massive amounts of cancer, the government is not in the business of health they are in the business of control.
another article on fluoride history-
The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.
Video-the fluoride deception;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;hl=en
fluoride 3 minute clip-
The hidden agenda, 1 hr. video-;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;hl=en
Learn more at-
Women, ties up lover and drinks his blood for Valentine's day!
This is quite nutty, I think this symbolizes the ultimate attempt to claim possession, wow! what a looony broad. I heard of a cult in France that got busted living off of peoples blood, no food, just blood!
The Ridiculous mainstream press!
Their story-"Border patrol shoots at immigrants!" what? the term "immigrant" implies legality, my great grandfather was an immigrant to Ellis island from Scotland, he had to bend over and cough, if he was sick they would of shipped him back, the rules were plain and reasoned. The media are now so twisted and biased in their reporting that when a foreign national invades the U.S. illegally and then assaults and pommels our border patrol with rocks not only is this fine by them but our border patrol agents cannot even defend themselves! what absolute garbage, they fail to mention how many border guards have been killed by rocks not to mention the constitutional right to guard ones border against invasion. What complete and utter insanity, what the hell is the border patrol supposed to do? sign them up with welcome wagon? Do these invasion advocates realize that 185 MILLION are born every year in third world countries and they all want in, do they have any concept of reality? will these idiots be happy with a slum U.S.A., no schools, no hospitals, nothing but poverty and chaos? are they really this stupid? do these media people have the mentality of a kindergartner passing out friggin flowers, what the hell! No, they are pawns of corporations, they want cheap slave labor and they don't give a damn how they get it, its friggin classic when the commie red star assholes come out with the no border crap and one comes to find out they are funded by huge corporations, its all bullshit, don't be fooled. The influx of slave labor into america is done solely for profit. they are bleeding us dead slow, like a frog slowly boiling in the pot never takes notice. I hope americans like the system of India and China because they are the model society our corporations have planned for us, not that americans can do a damn thing about it, so spineless, so apathetic, so self absorbed and stupid, I just thought they would like to know what the world will be like for their children, and for their childrens children, they will all be slaves.-Citizen
"Living in Eden has its advantages, as a marginalized member of a spectator democracy, you choose our own dependencies, lust, hate, blood, love, don't think of it as manufactured consent, think of it as the candy everybody wants".
"So their minds are soft and lazy, we'll give them what they want!" 10,000 maniacs video on the animalistic consumerism of the stupid masses.
"Living in Eden has its advantages, as a marginalized member of a spectator democracy, you choose our own dependencies, lust, hate, blood, love, don't think of it as manufactured consent, think of it as the candy everybody wants".
"So their minds are soft and lazy, we'll give them what they want!" 10,000 maniacs video on the animalistic consumerism of the stupid masses.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Rice busted for decieving congress on Iran!
Seems Tehran made huge proposals of cooperation in 2003 including recognizing Israel as a state! , yet she swept it all under the rug and told congress Iran would not budge on anything, which is not surprising when the goal of the Bush administration is to invade Iran and occupy to harvest the resources, wants nothing to do with diplomacy. Rice's actions just illustrate that the preemptive war policy is the only policy acceptable, recognizing any country's sovereignty is not an option.The plan stands, first, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran then Syria and the rest until the entire middle east is dominated. Its only at times like this when the lie contrasts with leaked truth that the people see a glimpse of this reality. When the CIA implant the Shah was disposed of by Khomeini the U.S. proxy puppet Saddam waged an eight year war in an attempt to destabilize Iran's Islamic republic now out of control of D.C..
With 1.5 million dead, on both sides, a bankrupt Iraq with it's secular Saddam Hussein became expendable, the U.S. offered Kuwait, when Saddam took the bait set the stage for a permanent military presence in the region, enabling the elaborate sanctions and puppet show leading up to swallowing Iraq to stage a massive multi-decade domination of the entire middle east. The news and blather tailored for the masses, the gullible cattle is laughable. If the U.S. populace agrees or not with this policy is irrelevant, it seems they can go on the list as well. -Citizen
With 1.5 million dead, on both sides, a bankrupt Iraq with it's secular Saddam Hussein became expendable, the U.S. offered Kuwait, when Saddam took the bait set the stage for a permanent military presence in the region, enabling the elaborate sanctions and puppet show leading up to swallowing Iraq to stage a massive multi-decade domination of the entire middle east. The news and blather tailored for the masses, the gullible cattle is laughable. If the U.S. populace agrees or not with this policy is irrelevant, it seems they can go on the list as well. -Citizen
"Dulce Et Decorum Est pro patria mori"
The truth about war varies greatly depending on who you ask, the people cheering and waving flags or the soldier vomiting out his lungs burned out by mustard gas in a hospital till he chokes to death. Nothing has changed in a hundred years, since the great war, except the ability of the state to cover up the horror with greater ease, and some of us who used to wave flags now listen to the words of the dead, our flag now blood drenched in lies.-Citizen
Wilfred Owen
Before WWI Wilfred Owen was a English teacher in France but after hearing his nations call he enlisted. He served as a Company Commander in the British Army's Manchester Regiment of the Artists' Rifles. During his service he was awarded the Military Cross and was injured on more then one occasion. His poetry however did not fit the moral of the day. He joined the military not to speak of brave deeds and heroic acts but to describe the TRUE face of war, DEATH. Although many go as far as to call him an pacifist, I disagree. He was not against Britain entering the WAR, he was just against the onslaught of future senseless wars. He felt that if he could publish the truth about war then HOPEFULLY people would be less likely to start one. His poems like Strange Meeting or Dulce Et Decorum Est showed war from its much more pitiful side.
"I came out in order to help these boys--directly by leading them as well as an officer can; indirectly, by watching their sufferings that I may speak of them as well as a leader can. I have done the first."
Wilfred Owen
Just a few of his poems were published during the war. The few that were published were due to his friends and fellow poets Siegfried Sassoon and Robert Graves who he met while being treated for shell shock. He returned to the front soon after and continued to lead his troops until November 4, 1918. While the Victory Bells rang in England his parents received a post. Wilfred Owen had been killed by machine gun fire just one week before the armistice was signed (November 4, 1918). While leading his troops across the Sambre Canal.
We hear the heroic stories because they made it back. Wilfred Owen on the other hand is a voice of the ones that didn't. His life reminds us that War cannot be taken lightly. The cost can very well be our future poets, teachers, neighbors , friends, family, this list is eternal.
"Dulce Et Decorum Est pro patria mori!" latin- "It is a sweet and honorable thing to die for ones country"
It begins with a description of war-weary soldiers marching "through sludge," "blood-shod" and "drunk with fatigue". As gas shells begin to fall, the soldiers scramble to put their gas masks on. In the rush, one man clumsily drops his mask, and the narrator sees the man "yelling out and stumbling / and flound'ring like a man in fire or lime". The image of the man "guttering, choking, drowning" permeates his thoughts and dreams, forcing him to live this grotesque nightmare over and over again.
The poem
Disturbing Iraq medical unit video
Baghdad ER-
Wilfred Owen
Before WWI Wilfred Owen was a English teacher in France but after hearing his nations call he enlisted. He served as a Company Commander in the British Army's Manchester Regiment of the Artists' Rifles. During his service he was awarded the Military Cross and was injured on more then one occasion. His poetry however did not fit the moral of the day. He joined the military not to speak of brave deeds and heroic acts but to describe the TRUE face of war, DEATH. Although many go as far as to call him an pacifist, I disagree. He was not against Britain entering the WAR, he was just against the onslaught of future senseless wars. He felt that if he could publish the truth about war then HOPEFULLY people would be less likely to start one. His poems like Strange Meeting or Dulce Et Decorum Est showed war from its much more pitiful side.
"I came out in order to help these boys--directly by leading them as well as an officer can; indirectly, by watching their sufferings that I may speak of them as well as a leader can. I have done the first."
Wilfred Owen
Just a few of his poems were published during the war. The few that were published were due to his friends and fellow poets Siegfried Sassoon and Robert Graves who he met while being treated for shell shock. He returned to the front soon after and continued to lead his troops until November 4, 1918. While the Victory Bells rang in England his parents received a post. Wilfred Owen had been killed by machine gun fire just one week before the armistice was signed (November 4, 1918). While leading his troops across the Sambre Canal.
We hear the heroic stories because they made it back. Wilfred Owen on the other hand is a voice of the ones that didn't. His life reminds us that War cannot be taken lightly. The cost can very well be our future poets, teachers, neighbors , friends, family, this list is eternal.
"Dulce Et Decorum Est pro patria mori!" latin- "It is a sweet and honorable thing to die for ones country"
It begins with a description of war-weary soldiers marching "through sludge," "blood-shod" and "drunk with fatigue". As gas shells begin to fall, the soldiers scramble to put their gas masks on. In the rush, one man clumsily drops his mask, and the narrator sees the man "yelling out and stumbling / and flound'ring like a man in fire or lime". The image of the man "guttering, choking, drowning" permeates his thoughts and dreams, forcing him to live this grotesque nightmare over and over again.
The poem
Disturbing Iraq medical unit video
Baghdad ER-
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
MAD TV "HOUSE" spoof!-hilarious!
MAD TV HOUSE SPOOF! Dr. House insults everyone and dumps huge quantities of vicadin, very funny stuff!
President of Czech republic calls global warming a myth!
He call's Al Gore "insane" as well, political correctness has gagged many on this issue, when you unravel it it's all about bringing us a global UN environment tax to fund world government.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Some short comedy vid's, Richard Jeni etc.
Jeni-on politics-
Jeni-On Martha Stewart-
Robin Williams on Golf-
George Carlin-on Cigars!-
George Carlin-on war-
Jeni-On Martha Stewart-
Robin Williams on Golf-
George Carlin-on Cigars!-
George Carlin-on war-
Conan O'Brian does Canadian border security!
This is kinda funny...
California pastor steals whole church!
I heard about some shiester preachers but this is ridiculous, he steals everything then gloats on his website, drinking and smoking gleefully, what gonads!
Talking urinal cakes offer drinking and driving advice!
I wonder if it will be in spanish as well, "No cerveza para tu en el carro amigo! LMAO! What, when it senses urine it starts to preach to you! this is nutty as hell! What are we to take our urinal cakes seriously?, did you heed the urinal cakes advice today? Could I sue a bar if I did not recieve advice from the urinal cake? I can see it now, some sobbing mother in the inner city complaining that her son's life would of been spared if only the run down tavern he got bombed at had talking urinal cakes! hey will the urinal cake be in a sexy womens voice? how about with a hot french accent! will it have sponsors like, "this message brought to you by mellow yellow" ha! ha!
On Sundays will it switch to a southern preachers voice telling you that your going to burn in hell forever, repent you filthy sinner, don't drink and drive? lol
On Sundays will it switch to a southern preachers voice telling you that your going to burn in hell forever, repent you filthy sinner, don't drink and drive? lol
Senator introduces bill banning human RFID implants
OKLAHOMA CITY - A Senate committee Thursday debated legislation that would prevent state government from forcing the implantation of a microchip in humans.
SB 47, by Sen. Brian Crain, R-Tulsa, prohibits the forced implantation of a microchip in humans and authorizes the Department of Health to impose a maximum fine of $10,000 against violators.
SB 47, by Sen. Brian Crain, R-Tulsa, prohibits the forced implantation of a microchip in humans and authorizes the Department of Health to impose a maximum fine of $10,000 against violators.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Presbyterian hospital van dumps sick paraplegic in gutter!
Paraplegic allegedly 'dumped' on skid row
L.A. police say man was dropped off in front of dozens of witnesses by van linked to Hollywood Presbyterian hospital.
A paraplegic man wearing a soiled hospital gown and a broken colostomy bag was found crawling in a gutter in skid row.
Witnesses told police that the man propped himself up in the door of the van. He then hurled himself from the vehicle, tumbling to the street. He pulled himself along, dragging a bag of his belongings in his clenched teeth.
These phony churches are disgusting, they claim moral authority when people are looking and dump sick paraplegic people half naked in gutters when you turn you head making them twice the child of hell. What kind of country have we become that turns its back on the sick and the elderly, a sick twisted cold one that is what kind. The state pushes them into hospitals that are all going bankrupt as they waste money on endless wars for greed and profit, eventually it will all come home to collapse the whole civilization, as it well deserves. Who is to blame? all of us who don't speak up and condemn this type of upside down society, a bankrupt cold heartless consumerist land of selfish plastic TV zombies, a hypocritical monstrous country of worthless blindfolded fools, of drugged out empty animals clawing for golden coins to insulate themselves from hell, smashing all the mirrors that might show its own reflection, demonizing all who would speak a shred of truth, no that cannot be allowed, eventually the mirrors catch up with everybody, even an entire nation. Because we are a society that throws its sick into a muddy gutter we too will be thrown into a gutter, and at that point we will deserve it. -Citizen
LA times article-,0,7452706.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Another short article-
L.A. police say man was dropped off in front of dozens of witnesses by van linked to Hollywood Presbyterian hospital.
A paraplegic man wearing a soiled hospital gown and a broken colostomy bag was found crawling in a gutter in skid row.
Witnesses told police that the man propped himself up in the door of the van. He then hurled himself from the vehicle, tumbling to the street. He pulled himself along, dragging a bag of his belongings in his clenched teeth.
These phony churches are disgusting, they claim moral authority when people are looking and dump sick paraplegic people half naked in gutters when you turn you head making them twice the child of hell. What kind of country have we become that turns its back on the sick and the elderly, a sick twisted cold one that is what kind. The state pushes them into hospitals that are all going bankrupt as they waste money on endless wars for greed and profit, eventually it will all come home to collapse the whole civilization, as it well deserves. Who is to blame? all of us who don't speak up and condemn this type of upside down society, a bankrupt cold heartless consumerist land of selfish plastic TV zombies, a hypocritical monstrous country of worthless blindfolded fools, of drugged out empty animals clawing for golden coins to insulate themselves from hell, smashing all the mirrors that might show its own reflection, demonizing all who would speak a shred of truth, no that cannot be allowed, eventually the mirrors catch up with everybody, even an entire nation. Because we are a society that throws its sick into a muddy gutter we too will be thrown into a gutter, and at that point we will deserve it. -Citizen
LA times article-,0,7452706.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Another short article-
Putin blasts aggression
Vladimir Putin Blasts U.S. for hyper use of force around the world!
Just for that Vladimir you can go on "the list" as well.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticised the United States for what he said was its "almost uncontained" use of force around the world.
Washington's "very dangerou approach to global relations was fuelling a nuclear arms raceeld a security summit in Munich.
Washington's "very dangerou approach to global relations was fuelling a nuclear arms raceeld a security summit in Munich.
U.S. Sec. of defense responds and puts Russia on the list!
America needs a very strong army to be prepared for possible threats in the future. Russia is one of those “future threats,” the new Pentagon head Roberts Gates said. “We need a full set of measures to conduct a war.
Am I some kind of idiot or did the U.S. basically say we will attack Russia as well, Putin ...your on the list too! What! huh? What? Is this a new kind of foriegn policy, "shut up about us attacking everyone or we will kill you too, your on the list as well"
RUSSIA in response to U.S. accelerates its military buildup-
Quote of the week, Patrick Henry
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery?"
Patrick Henry, 1775
Patrick Henry, 1775
Friday, February 9, 2007
Anti-illegal immigration activist given probation! [read- pro law american citizen]
It seems clear the message from U.S. courts, oppose the illegal Mexican invasion and you will be punished, Roy Warden burned a mexican flag outside the consulate in protest and now has three years probation, if you believe the U.S. actually has borders then you are a criminal!
Anti-illegal immigration activist Roy Warden, 59, was sentenced to three years of unsupervised probation Monday for an incident outside the Mexican Consulate last June.
City Court Judge Eugene Hays told Warden he cannot possess a firearm or go within 500 feet of any public demonstration during his probation.
Anti-illegal immigration activist Roy Warden, 59, was sentenced to three years of unsupervised probation Monday for an incident outside the Mexican Consulate last June.
City Court Judge Eugene Hays told Warden he cannot possess a firearm or go within 500 feet of any public demonstration during his probation.
Illegal aliens getting shot in the desert!

The gruesome scene that left one - possibly three - migrants killed by gunmen in the far Northwest side today is becoming increasingly common along the smuggling routes, a top sheriff's official said.
Such incidents are "increasing at an alarming rate," said Bureau Chief Richard Kastigar, head of investigations at the Sheriff's Department. "This is almost becoming a daily occurrance.
Such incidents are "increasing at an alarming rate," said Bureau Chief Richard Kastigar, head of investigations at the Sheriff's Department. "This is almost becoming a daily occurrance.
Watch Roy Becks, numbers USA, Immigration by the numbers video here, it will blow your mind-
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Mexicans videotape unearthly humanoid monster in woods!
The creature with glowing eyes in this videotape comes straight out of hell, it scared these guys...bigtime!
WHAT IS IT? When it looked at the camera I wanted to run too.
It's either some sort of demon from the bowels of hell or just a guy squatting in the woods...
WHAT IS IT? When it looked at the camera I wanted to run too.
It's either some sort of demon from the bowels of hell or just a guy squatting in the woods...
O'hare UFO pictures surface

On January 17th I spotted a UFO that looked much like this on my way to work, about 10:30 in the morning heading southbound on Alleghany rd. toward Peterson I noticed a silver saucer shaped disk hovering in place out of my windshield, about 1/4 to 1/2 in size, it caught my eye and I stared at it for about a minute until I turned east. In retrospect I should have had my digital camera or at least stopped and got out to observe it closer as it did not hit me til later the significance of this, I should have called the police to report a stationary silver saucer disk just frigging floating in the sky but hey, I am an idiot! In any case the O'hare photo is real close to what I saw, more sightings were at O'hare in early January only a week or so before I saw one about 30 miles north of there. I am a believer now, whether its a government or outworldly something is messing with us, so look up in the sky and carry a camera.
O'hare article and photo linkDan Akroyd is making a film about all of the O'hare sightings
Two lake Erie UFO's video
MAYBE TOMORROW-the Stereophonics
In my interpretation its the classic statement on the human condition, the lyrics, "maybe tomorrow I will find my way back home", because most feel disconnected from God, the truth or wherever we wish to be, we are never where we want to be, very few of us can ever say, "I am exactly who, where and what I want to be right now". Most are in some discontent, ever striving for something simply out of reach, I think this is what this song is about, either that or he is just sick of touring with the band, lol. They are huge in Britian but kind of an obscure band here, but very unique sound.
In my interpretation its the classic statement on the human condition, the lyrics, "maybe tomorrow I will find my way back home", because most feel disconnected from God, the truth or wherever we wish to be, we are never where we want to be, very few of us can ever say, "I am exactly who, where and what I want to be right now". Most are in some discontent, ever striving for something simply out of reach, I think this is what this song is about, either that or he is just sick of touring with the band, lol. They are huge in Britian but kind of an obscure band here, but very unique sound.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Hal Turner pulls plug on internet operations
CONTROVERSIAL internet talkradio host Hal Turner throws in the towel!
Tonight, I terminated Internet operations for lack of support
This evening during my show, I announced that I am terminating the internet portion of my weekly radio show. I will remain on the 69 low-power FM stations who presently carry the program throughout the U.S.-Hal Turner
News article on "cyber attacks" on his site.
Tonight, I terminated Internet operations for lack of support
This evening during my show, I announced that I am terminating the internet portion of my weekly radio show. I will remain on the 69 low-power FM stations who presently carry the program throughout the U.S.-Hal Turner
News article on "cyber attacks" on his site.
North american superstate commeth!

Arizona State University is allegedly teaching that the U.S., Mexico and Canada need to be "integrated" into a unified pro Big Business superstate, where U.S. citizens of the future will be known as "North Americanists," according to the taxpayer-funded "Building North America" program.
The program openly advocates for the "integration" of economic issues across the continent, and in many places goes further - such as the call for a common North American currency.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Despite the culturally and politically entrenched religious explanations for the origin of man science appears to shred that dogma again and again, will science, religion and politics ever be reconciled? don't count on it anytime soon. The fight sparks in Africa between science and evangelicals., I say fight, because their is no debate, science rips apart the myths.
Canadian professor J. Phillip Rushton Ph.D. website has alot of interesting papers on the subject...
---NOTE---Before the pitchforks and torches come out let me say this, truth is never black and white, usually its grey, brown or yellow, it is really not an either or question. I believe we have been here for several tens of thousands of years in our current form, the existence of primitive man is fact, a failure to reconcile that into a religion does not diminish this truth. Did a supreme being make him on a potter's wheel, well not likely, but a convenient story for a primitive civilization like Rome or Egypt and Babylon. As science progresses it will force us all to reconcile fact with the romantic fanciful whoppers tailored for the common people some thousands of years ago.
The old new world order idea
What is this and why is this on our U.S. dollar?
Occult researcher Jordan Maxwell will clue you in...
What is the deal with the little owl above the "1" on the dollar? Alex Jones snuck into Bohemian grove with a video camera to watch them worship the 30 foot owl, who? former presidents, bankers, world leaders of course...

What's the deal with the big rocks? Prior to being overrun by Romans, the British isles
were packed full of sun worshippers and this was the center of all of the religious activities.
Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient settlement that they believe is connected to Stonehenge, the legendary monument on England's Salisbury Plain. Archeologists say the village, known as Durrington Walls, once housed a vibrant community of ancient people.
OK You got me!
OK! You got me, my brain is a bit smaller than most 2 legged types bumbling about but I guarantee I can outrun you, probably outeat you and outsleep you, I am better looking and I can hold my own in any discussion concerning quantum physics. You won't see any of us "DOG'S" doing anything stupid like this two legger does, check this out-------------
I rest my case.-Bandit
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