<---I suppose the ordeal went something like this!
Lightning rod on top of tower looks like "christian cross"
Cries vandalism!
Must remove cross now!
Is it just me or is this guy on the needle?
Fulwood, who is Jewish, believes the cross was put atop the tower to harass him.
Thats almost as extreme as when Israel removed all of the "plus" signs out of the Israeli arithmetic schoolbooks and ordered the "Red Cross" volunteers to paint over their insignia while operating in Israel, is this jewish McCarthyism?, seeing an anti-semite under every bed? oh nooo! have I said too much? hey maybe that cross was harassment, maybe it was the same cross that was ripped off of the christian church in Israel under government order!
Oh, the persecution!!!GET OVER IT!!! Oy vey. If they hadn't nailed Jesus to the cross, they'rd be no problem. Makes me want to stomp a menhorrah!
Could be call this anti-gentile-ism? If I freaked out everytime I saw a star of david they would have to put me in a rubber room!
How about exercising a little...[clears throat] tolerance?
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