Sunday, February 25, 2007

U.S. Generals to resign if ordered to attack Iran!

Let me get this straight, six years of continuous military expansion in the middle east, I somewhat get my mind around the possible unavoidable necessity of wiping the Islamic religion off the face of the earth, and only hours later 5 top U.S. generals publicly oppose expanding our efforts to dominate the middle east! is this rotten luck or what?
I really don't see anymore a possibility of a diplomatic solution with these Islamics stuck in the iron age, first century mentality, with 21st century technology is a recipe for disaster. The Islamic religion never had a reformation to cut the radical edges off of itself like Christianity and Judaism have, making it less corrosive and toxic to an orderly civilization. For instance the western christian church does not burn people to death for saying the earth is not flat and does not sit on a set of huge pillars. Blowing up crap and killing people for "GOD" is a very dangerous delusion to be spreading around. The taboo of questioning all religious dogma needs to be removed in popular discourse, in any other facet of modern society we expect calm reasoning from people to explain their positions or beliefs but in the case of religion, we not only give a free pass we actually consider it a virtue the more someone accepts without evidence, or accepts on faith. Its very dangerous when a college educated intelligent computer technician can program a weapon system on one hand and simultaneously believe that 50 virgins awaits him if he liquidates the infidels on the other. Its a subconscious partitioning withing the mind, 1st century beliefs with 21st century technology. That same partitioning exists in Christianity and Judaism as well, like "After I get through running a virus scan on the computer, checking the satellite weather, e-file the taxes, and look at the latest electric hybrid 2007 auto's online maybe I will ponder the finer points of the talking snake in the garden of Eden, or in what cases would I agree stoning someone to death is a really great idea", much of our belief system exists behind a partition, mostly if not totally unquestioned, or exposed to any even basic critical analysis.
All religions come with their own anti-virus program installed, passed down from generation to generation which above all restricts any reasoned critique of its dogma, this explains why such a chasm can exist in the minds of what appear to be very normal people, what is behind the partition can be a very barbaric and archaic belief system downloaded and patched since childhood.
The middle east has less to do about real estate and resources as it has to do with whats in the minds of men. It would be rather preferable if we can all collectively reach a point when jihad and holy war for a deity can be tossed into the ashcan of history but we are not quite there yet. If some nut comes running out of the woods with an axe all fiery eyed telling me he has to kill me for Posiedon or Oden or Thor or whoever to get virgins in Valhalla I am not going to sit down and chat, I am going to drop him as quick as I can.-citizen

STORY HERE- Link repaired!


Anonymous said...

hey citizen, keep up the good work.
PS, your General story has a bad link. I think. Maybe my puters tired.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fresh link...AAAHHHH
Thats better. It looks like Tony Blair is pulling out before the "you know what" hits the fan.The radical Islamic mentality is better suited to stone throwing. At the very least they will kill some people with stones. With nukes the whole world will blow apart like an M80. The end of life as we know it. They don't need nukes.