Despite the culturally and politically entrenched religious explanations for the origin of man science appears to shred that dogma again and again, will science, religion and politics ever be reconciled? don't count on it anytime soon. The fight sparks in Africa between science and evangelicals., I say fight, because their is no debate, science rips apart the myths.
Canadian professor J. Phillip Rushton Ph.D. website has alot of interesting papers on the subject...
---NOTE---Before the pitchforks and torches come out let me say this, truth is never black and white, usually its grey, brown or yellow, it is really not an either or question. I believe we have been here for several tens of thousands of years in our current form, the existence of primitive man is fact, a failure to reconcile that into a religion does not diminish this truth. Did a supreme being make him on a potter's wheel, well not likely, but a convenient story for a primitive civilization like Rome or Egypt and Babylon. As science progresses it will force us all to reconcile fact with the romantic fanciful whoppers tailored for the common people some thousands of years ago.
If we evolved,say from apes....Why are they still here??? mmmm???
I don't know if you can call early man apes, but a species that gained traction in development propelling it forward. I will say their is no proof that we developed from an apelike character, but early man was differant, smaller brain etc. ya know we got the bones, we have to deal in fact.
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