Friday, March 2, 2007

Germany to go to moon in 2013!

Germany is sending an unmanned craft to orbit the moon, and land on her. Sounds promiscuous! [yes, its a she, why? because if a ship is a she, a car is a she, the moon has to be a she!, besides I have never walked outside at night and commented "look at the moon, isn't he beautiful!" lol, no that sounds just plain stupid, in any case, I digress...]
Why is it unmanned? maybe because the radiation belt surrounding the earth would kill humans that's why, maybe they can do what NASA only pretended to do in 1969, what! you believe the moon walk, LMAO! one born every minute, their story has more holes in it that a Swiss cheese factory!, yeah!, like why was the U.S. flag flapping in the wind on the moonwalk, their is no wind on the moon folks, zero, ziltch!-
Germany became the first nation to launch a man-made object into space in the 1940s when it tested the V-2 ballistic missile,the entire rocket program of the U.S. was pioneered by Nazi scientists after WW2.


Anonymous said...

Citizen. You're right about the moon being female.Luna was the Roman godess of the moon. It is still believed in some circles that during a full moon some people become "lunatics" or suffer from "lunacy".During a full moon there are more murders, or attempted murders. Ask any ER Doc or cop. Its a proven fact the moon affects the tides, and our bodies are comprised of a high percentage of water.anyway....You're

Anonymous said...

Yes the "stuff" the human body is composed of has been floating around the cosmos for billions of years, after we die, the "stuff" returns and floats around for another billion, simple. A percentage of the worlds population believe the moon is made of cheese, yum, as long is it is new york extra sharp cheddar or Danish havarti I'm a believer, can you imagine a world where the moon is not made of cheese? no one can take that away from me...

Anonymous said...

If the moon ever disappears I'll know where to look. OK, WHO ATE THE MOON? LMAO