An inside joke on the USC football team went awry when a Facebook group sparked outrage among students.The racist Facebook group was created by a USC football player and showed a graphic of a black baby in handcuffs. An athletic department source said the group was a joke and had no serious purpose. Junior linebacker Clay Matthews created the group, "White Nation," which featured a graphic with the caption, "arrest black babies before they become criminals."
It was a joke, but people are hyper sensitive to white ethnocentricity in any form, I think what hit a nerve here was the arrest all the black babies, LMAO! people need to get a sense of humor. While congress and our tax dollars fund "LA RAZA" [the race] which goal is a conquest of the southwest U.S. , and the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations fund the top 6-7 groups who aim is the same, this Mexican racial nazi groups we pay for get a free ride, its all too ludicrous to see a Mexican Nazi with a sign "racist go home" and the one next to him with a sign, "For our race everything for them nothing!", "Go back to Europe white scum!" while protesting the minutemen. This is not news however, but a bunch of college kids with a silly joke is news, its ridiculous.-Citizen
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I think there are bigger problems in the world besides "whos the victim this week" A bunch of school kids play a joke and the whole media gets up in arms. Concentrating on this petty stuff is a waste of their,and our time. They're too busy pointing their fingers to worry about the real issues.
Hope You feel better Citizen.
Thank you, I am putting humpty dumpty back together again.
Hey I wonder where the saying nappy
headed ho came from? a rap record?
the housing project? jail? or from
Don Imus? It is crazy that all this
attention is being brought to silly
issues. Why not talk about real Crime in the U.S.? Because the media does not want to seem bias
againt the minority in the country.
If we cannot face the facts how will we overcome them? IA
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