The bell rings loud still, though we sit idle and wait for deliverance from some elusive saviour, the bell still rings, cautions and tells us to wake, to take heed of the times and stay awake, this old soul sits at the watchtower and waits, waits for the end.
He coughs with illness at the darkness to come, cares not for all of them, he stands blind in mind and deaf to them, though he can see the light, he cannot reveal it, they would go blind.
The truth lays quiet in the meadow whilst the lie blazes forth as it always has, they fall victim as the others have, one in a million holds the white dove.-Citizen
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thomas Paine
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, December 19, 1776
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Give me liberty or give me death!
This speaks for itself.-Citizen
"They tell us, sir, that we are weak -- unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?
Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of the means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.
The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable -- and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come!
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, "Peace! Peace!" -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH!" -- Patrick Henry March 23, 1775
"They tell us, sir, that we are weak -- unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?
Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of the means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.
The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable -- and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come!
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, "Peace! Peace!" -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH!" -- Patrick Henry March 23, 1775
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The great drought of 2007?

It looks like we have been short on water for quite a while, mostly out west and down south. This will inevidibly result in higher food prices, time to stock up before this coupled with high fuel prices make eating a very costly affair. I water all the plants with well water everyday, unless of course it rains. The ground is like a sponge now, with large cracks forming. Using vermiculite and sphagnum peat moss with your soil will retain moisture well, I am about to pick my first pepper, a hungarian wax pepper about 6 inches long, tons of little ones are popping up, I will post more pictures in a couple weeks, things are growing fast in that soil mix.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
COOKING with wood!
I just acquired some nice Mulberry tree wood due to the damaging storm so I went to further research which woods for what foods and what is good and what is poison, Mulberry is said to give of a cotton candy smoke flavor, sounds good to me.
I found this interesting article on COOKING with wood, which is a bit different than SMOKING with wood, actually just think of this as replacing charcoal, and you can still add water soaked chips to smoke as well, but if all your fuel is wood there should be plenty of wood smoke flavor in a regular barbecue, cold smoking for 2 days is another deal all together.-CITIZEN
I was asked recently by my cousin to “barbecue” the chicken for her party. She has a Weber kettle, so I thought I would actually “Q” it, but what she really wanted was for me to grill the food. After explaining the differences of grilling vs. barbecue, we inevitably got into the classic wood vs. gas discussion.
“Gas is cleaner.” “Gas is easier to control.” “Gas is faster.” “It tastes the same.” “You can’t cook over wood/charcoal in the winter.” Well, I agree with two points. Gas is cleaner since you don’t have any ash to clean up afterwards and gas is faster. Sure it’s faster. Flip a switch and the fire is on. But to me these don’t outweigh the negative aspects of gas cooking.
First and foremost, a gas grill can not match the flavor imparted on the food from a real wood, or wood and charcoal fire. Some people say that they can’t taste the difference. I can. My family can. When I cook for people over a wood fire, they can tell the difference. Isn’t that the real reason for cooking any food..the flavor? Wood and charcoal = flavor.
You can’t create real barbeque on a gas grill. Barbeque, by definition requires low, slow heat using wood. Gas grills can not maintain a low enough temperature for proper slow cooked barbeque. So, IMHO, gas grills are only good for grilling.
Second, if you know what you’re doing, it’s very easy to control a wood/charcoal fire. Sure you have hot and cold spots in your cooker whether you’re smoking or grilling, but working with this is part of the fun of the cooking process.
Third, I like building and maintaining fires. Cooking, camping, or bon fires, it doesn’t matter. Maybe I have some pyromaniac tendencies, but somehow fire connects with something primitive in my soul. I can watch a fire for hours.
Lastly, you can cook using wood/charcoal regardless of the outside temperature. It will require more fuel to maintain the cooking temperature, but so what. You’ll use more gas in the winter as well.
I’ll get into the confusion about barbeque vs. grilling so other time, but they are two completely different methods of cooking.
Wood, when properly used is actually another “spice” in your recipe. Each type of wood imparts a different flavor on your food. Try using each wood separately at first, then mix them for your own flavor stamp.
So what are the wood types suitable for smoking? Here’s a list that was compiled from various sources on the internet including the BBQ Faq and Life Tyme Grills.
ACACIA - these trees are in the same family as mesquite. When burned in a smoker, acacia has a flavor similar to mesquite but not quite as heavy. A very hot burning wood.
ALDER - Very delicate with a hint of sweetness. Good with fish, pork, poultry, and light-meat game birds.
ALMOND - A sweet smoke flavor, light ash. Good with all meats.
APPLE - Very mild with a subtle fruity flavor, slightly sweet. Good with poultry (turns skin dark brown) and pork.
ASH - Fast burner, light but distinctive flavor. Good with fish and red meats.
BIRCH - Medium-hard wood with a flavor similar to maple. Good with pork and poultry.
CHERRY - Mild and fruity. Good with poultry, pork and beef. Some List members say the cherry wood is the best wood for smoking. Wood from chokecherry trees may produce a bitter flavor.
COTTONWOOD - It is a softer wood than alder and very subtle in flavor. Use it for fuel but use some chunks of other woods (hickory, oak, pecan) for more flavor. Don’t use green cottonwood for smoking.
CRABAPPLE - Similar to apple wood.
GRAPEVINES - Tart. Provides a lot of smoke. Rich and fruity. Good with poultry, red meats, game and lamb.
HICKORY - Most commonly used wood for smoking–the King of smoking woods. Sweet to strong, heavy bacon flavor. I don’t know if I get the flavor of bacon from this wood, but it does taste like BBQ to me. Good with pork, ham and beef.
LILAC - Very light, subtle with a hint of floral. Good with seafood and lamb.
MAPLE - Smoky, mellow and slightly sweet. Good with pork, poultry, cheese, and small game birds.
MESQUITE - Strong earthy flavor. Good with beef, fish, chicken, and game. One of the hottest burning. Can be bitter. My family doesn’t like it if I use only mesquite in the fire. They feel it makes the food “hot” and “spicy.”
MULBERRY - The smell is sweet and reminds one of apple. My friend old Phil calls this “cotton candy” wood because the smoke smells a lot like cotton candy.
OAK - Heavy smoke flavor–the Queen of smoking wood. RED OAK is good on ribs, WHITE OAK makes the best coals for longer burning. All oak varieties reported as suitable for smoking. Good with red meat, pork, fish and heavy game.
ORANGE, LEMON and GRAPEFRUIT - Produces a nice mild smoky flavor. Excellent with beef, pork, fish and poultry.
PEAR - A nice subtle smoke flavor. Much like apple. Excellent with chicken and pork.
PECAN - Sweet and mild with a flavor similar to hickory. Tasty with a subtle character. Good with poultry, beef, pork and cheese. Pecan is an all-around superior smoking wood.
SWEET FRUIT WOODS - APRICOT, PLUM, PEACH, NECTARINE - Great on most white or pink meats, including chicken, turkey, pork and fish. The flavor is milder and sweeter than hickory.
WALNUT - ENGLISH and BLACK - Very heavy smoke flavor, usually mixed with lighter woods like almond, pear or apple. Can be bitter if used alone. Good with red meats and game.
BBQ List members and other internet sources report that wood from the following trees is suitable for smoking: AVOCADO, BAY, CARROTWOOD, KIAWE, MADRONE, MANZANITA, GUAVA, OLIVE, BEECH, BUTTERNUT, FIG, GUM, CHESTNUT, HACKBERRY, PIMIENTO, PERSIMMON, and WILLOW. The ornamental varieties of fruit trees (i.e. pear, cherry, apple, etc.) are also suitable for smoking.
Don’t use any wood from conifer trees, such as PINE, FIR, SPRUCE, REDWOOD, CEDAR, CYPRESS, etc.There are many trees and shrubs in this world that contain chemicals toxic to humans–toxins that can even survive the burning process. Remember, you are going to eat the meat that you grill and the smoke particles and chemicals from the wood and what may be on or in the woodare going to get on and in the meat. Use only wood for grilling that you are sure of.
If you have some wood and do not know what it is, DO NOT USE IT FOR COOKING FOOD. Burn it in your fireplace but not your smoker.
ELM and EUCALYPTUS wood is unsuitable for smoking, as is the wood from SASSAFRAS, SYCAMORE and LIQUID AMBER trees.
Here are some more woods that you should not to use for smoking:
Never use lumber scraps, either new or used. First, you cannot know for sure what kind of wood it is; second, the wood may have been chemically treated; third, you have no idea where the wood may have been or how it was used. For all you know, that free oak planking could have been used in a sewage treatment plant.
Never use any wood that has been painted or stained. Paint and stains can impart a bitter taste to the meat and old paint often contains lead.Do not use wood scraps from a furniture manufacturer as this wood is often chemically treated.
Never use wood from old pallets. Many pallets are treated with chemicals that can be hazardous to your health and the pallet may have been used to carry chemicals or poison.Avoid old wood that is covered with mold and fungus that can impart a bad taste to your meat. If you have some good cherry wood (or other good smoking wood) that is old and has a fungus growth and you want to use it, pre-burn it down to coals before you put it into your smoker.
Never burn leaves or poisonous vines. Be especially careful not to burn poison ivy, sumac, poison oak etc. The oils in the vines when burned will spread the toxins in the air and onto your food.
Some people say to pull the bark off the wood before you burn it. Bark is a natural fire block on the trees. Healthy bark will help a tree to survive a fire. Some people say that bark produces a bitter smoke. I don’t know, I’ve never tested the theory. If I can get the bark off easily, I do it. If not, it goes right into the fire.
Grilling or smoking over a wood fire is more challenging than cooking over charcoal. Wood burns hotter than most charcoal and as a consequence, burns faster. Wood also stays in the ‘hot coals’ stage for a shorter period of time than charcoal.
There are other things besides wood that can be used to flavor your food. Some people use spices or onions, garlic etc. I’ve tried them. I didn’t notice a real change in the flavor of the food. AND spices are expensive. I’d rather use a pinch of oregano in a marinade to flavor the meat than to burn a jar full in the fire. When I was in New Hampshire, I had bacon that was smoked over corn cobs. It was the best bacon I’ve ever had in my life. I’m going to try that soon.
One last thing about cooking with wood. When you cook with wood, you want to see very little or no smoke. Clean, almost invisible blue smoke is what you’re after. White thick smoke is bitter. Black smoke is toxic. Play with your wood. You’ll see what I mean.
I found this interesting article on COOKING with wood, which is a bit different than SMOKING with wood, actually just think of this as replacing charcoal, and you can still add water soaked chips to smoke as well, but if all your fuel is wood there should be plenty of wood smoke flavor in a regular barbecue, cold smoking for 2 days is another deal all together.-CITIZEN
I was asked recently by my cousin to “barbecue” the chicken for her party. She has a Weber kettle, so I thought I would actually “Q” it, but what she really wanted was for me to grill the food. After explaining the differences of grilling vs. barbecue, we inevitably got into the classic wood vs. gas discussion.
“Gas is cleaner.” “Gas is easier to control.” “Gas is faster.” “It tastes the same.” “You can’t cook over wood/charcoal in the winter.” Well, I agree with two points. Gas is cleaner since you don’t have any ash to clean up afterwards and gas is faster. Sure it’s faster. Flip a switch and the fire is on. But to me these don’t outweigh the negative aspects of gas cooking.
First and foremost, a gas grill can not match the flavor imparted on the food from a real wood, or wood and charcoal fire. Some people say that they can’t taste the difference. I can. My family can. When I cook for people over a wood fire, they can tell the difference. Isn’t that the real reason for cooking any food..the flavor? Wood and charcoal = flavor.
You can’t create real barbeque on a gas grill. Barbeque, by definition requires low, slow heat using wood. Gas grills can not maintain a low enough temperature for proper slow cooked barbeque. So, IMHO, gas grills are only good for grilling.
Second, if you know what you’re doing, it’s very easy to control a wood/charcoal fire. Sure you have hot and cold spots in your cooker whether you’re smoking or grilling, but working with this is part of the fun of the cooking process.
Third, I like building and maintaining fires. Cooking, camping, or bon fires, it doesn’t matter. Maybe I have some pyromaniac tendencies, but somehow fire connects with something primitive in my soul. I can watch a fire for hours.
Lastly, you can cook using wood/charcoal regardless of the outside temperature. It will require more fuel to maintain the cooking temperature, but so what. You’ll use more gas in the winter as well.
I’ll get into the confusion about barbeque vs. grilling so other time, but they are two completely different methods of cooking.
Wood, when properly used is actually another “spice” in your recipe. Each type of wood imparts a different flavor on your food. Try using each wood separately at first, then mix them for your own flavor stamp.
So what are the wood types suitable for smoking? Here’s a list that was compiled from various sources on the internet including the BBQ Faq and Life Tyme Grills.
ACACIA - these trees are in the same family as mesquite. When burned in a smoker, acacia has a flavor similar to mesquite but not quite as heavy. A very hot burning wood.
ALDER - Very delicate with a hint of sweetness. Good with fish, pork, poultry, and light-meat game birds.
ALMOND - A sweet smoke flavor, light ash. Good with all meats.
APPLE - Very mild with a subtle fruity flavor, slightly sweet. Good with poultry (turns skin dark brown) and pork.
ASH - Fast burner, light but distinctive flavor. Good with fish and red meats.
BIRCH - Medium-hard wood with a flavor similar to maple. Good with pork and poultry.
CHERRY - Mild and fruity. Good with poultry, pork and beef. Some List members say the cherry wood is the best wood for smoking. Wood from chokecherry trees may produce a bitter flavor.
COTTONWOOD - It is a softer wood than alder and very subtle in flavor. Use it for fuel but use some chunks of other woods (hickory, oak, pecan) for more flavor. Don’t use green cottonwood for smoking.
CRABAPPLE - Similar to apple wood.
GRAPEVINES - Tart. Provides a lot of smoke. Rich and fruity. Good with poultry, red meats, game and lamb.
HICKORY - Most commonly used wood for smoking–the King of smoking woods. Sweet to strong, heavy bacon flavor. I don’t know if I get the flavor of bacon from this wood, but it does taste like BBQ to me. Good with pork, ham and beef.
LILAC - Very light, subtle with a hint of floral. Good with seafood and lamb.
MAPLE - Smoky, mellow and slightly sweet. Good with pork, poultry, cheese, and small game birds.
MESQUITE - Strong earthy flavor. Good with beef, fish, chicken, and game. One of the hottest burning. Can be bitter. My family doesn’t like it if I use only mesquite in the fire. They feel it makes the food “hot” and “spicy.”
MULBERRY - The smell is sweet and reminds one of apple. My friend old Phil calls this “cotton candy” wood because the smoke smells a lot like cotton candy.
OAK - Heavy smoke flavor–the Queen of smoking wood. RED OAK is good on ribs, WHITE OAK makes the best coals for longer burning. All oak varieties reported as suitable for smoking. Good with red meat, pork, fish and heavy game.
ORANGE, LEMON and GRAPEFRUIT - Produces a nice mild smoky flavor. Excellent with beef, pork, fish and poultry.
PEAR - A nice subtle smoke flavor. Much like apple. Excellent with chicken and pork.
PECAN - Sweet and mild with a flavor similar to hickory. Tasty with a subtle character. Good with poultry, beef, pork and cheese. Pecan is an all-around superior smoking wood.
SWEET FRUIT WOODS - APRICOT, PLUM, PEACH, NECTARINE - Great on most white or pink meats, including chicken, turkey, pork and fish. The flavor is milder and sweeter than hickory.
WALNUT - ENGLISH and BLACK - Very heavy smoke flavor, usually mixed with lighter woods like almond, pear or apple. Can be bitter if used alone. Good with red meats and game.
BBQ List members and other internet sources report that wood from the following trees is suitable for smoking: AVOCADO, BAY, CARROTWOOD, KIAWE, MADRONE, MANZANITA, GUAVA, OLIVE, BEECH, BUTTERNUT, FIG, GUM, CHESTNUT, HACKBERRY, PIMIENTO, PERSIMMON, and WILLOW. The ornamental varieties of fruit trees (i.e. pear, cherry, apple, etc.) are also suitable for smoking.
Don’t use any wood from conifer trees, such as PINE, FIR, SPRUCE, REDWOOD, CEDAR, CYPRESS, etc.There are many trees and shrubs in this world that contain chemicals toxic to humans–toxins that can even survive the burning process. Remember, you are going to eat the meat that you grill and the smoke particles and chemicals from the wood and what may be on or in the woodare going to get on and in the meat. Use only wood for grilling that you are sure of.
If you have some wood and do not know what it is, DO NOT USE IT FOR COOKING FOOD. Burn it in your fireplace but not your smoker.
ELM and EUCALYPTUS wood is unsuitable for smoking, as is the wood from SASSAFRAS, SYCAMORE and LIQUID AMBER trees.
Here are some more woods that you should not to use for smoking:
Never use lumber scraps, either new or used. First, you cannot know for sure what kind of wood it is; second, the wood may have been chemically treated; third, you have no idea where the wood may have been or how it was used. For all you know, that free oak planking could have been used in a sewage treatment plant.
Never use any wood that has been painted or stained. Paint and stains can impart a bitter taste to the meat and old paint often contains lead.Do not use wood scraps from a furniture manufacturer as this wood is often chemically treated.
Never use wood from old pallets. Many pallets are treated with chemicals that can be hazardous to your health and the pallet may have been used to carry chemicals or poison.Avoid old wood that is covered with mold and fungus that can impart a bad taste to your meat. If you have some good cherry wood (or other good smoking wood) that is old and has a fungus growth and you want to use it, pre-burn it down to coals before you put it into your smoker.
Never burn leaves or poisonous vines. Be especially careful not to burn poison ivy, sumac, poison oak etc. The oils in the vines when burned will spread the toxins in the air and onto your food.
Some people say to pull the bark off the wood before you burn it. Bark is a natural fire block on the trees. Healthy bark will help a tree to survive a fire. Some people say that bark produces a bitter smoke. I don’t know, I’ve never tested the theory. If I can get the bark off easily, I do it. If not, it goes right into the fire.
Grilling or smoking over a wood fire is more challenging than cooking over charcoal. Wood burns hotter than most charcoal and as a consequence, burns faster. Wood also stays in the ‘hot coals’ stage for a shorter period of time than charcoal.
There are other things besides wood that can be used to flavor your food. Some people use spices or onions, garlic etc. I’ve tried them. I didn’t notice a real change in the flavor of the food. AND spices are expensive. I’d rather use a pinch of oregano in a marinade to flavor the meat than to burn a jar full in the fire. When I was in New Hampshire, I had bacon that was smoked over corn cobs. It was the best bacon I’ve ever had in my life. I’m going to try that soon.
One last thing about cooking with wood. When you cook with wood, you want to see very little or no smoke. Clean, almost invisible blue smoke is what you’re after. White thick smoke is bitter. Black smoke is toxic. Play with your wood. You’ll see what I mean.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Oh no inflation worries! YAWN
Corporate profits are down, break out the tiny violins. An complete idiot could see the inflation everywhere, they have been running the presses full speed for months printing the fiat currency, everything is going up in price by a hefty %, but incomes only a fraction. With the steady flow of virtual slave labor from Mexico hurting the middle class the corporate big wigs are now feeling the pinch, GOOD! The system in America will not be happy until this place looks like a third world country, they have, are gutting this nation. So plant a garden, be cheap, frugal, and disconnect yourself from "the system" as much as possible, don't buy useless things. The mother of all invention is necessity, as this corrupt corrosive system crumbles the need for something better will become awake, the American people are asleep at the wheel, economic hardship will correct this problem, real quick like. The Fascist corporate stranglehold on a once free republic can only be broken with a collapse, this is coming. Like Rome fell so will the American empire because fools run it, when fuel prices soar due to the war coming with Iran milk will be $7 a gallon, eggs $4 and a pound of hamburger $5, this will break the back of whats left of the middle class, The New York capitalist/marxist vermin will have completed most all the planks of the communist manifesto, the big one, eliminating the middle class. When blue collar Joe cannot buy his cigarettes and beer or get his television repaired then change will come. Think about it, Rome survived by exporting war and importing slaves, dress that up in a 21 century three piece suit and we have the PAX AMERICANA! Hail CAESAR! now back to farming.-Citizen;_ylt=Ake4K488voEIeXiHVEHAKpxmM3wV;_ylt=Ake4K488voEIeXiHVEHAKpxmM3wV
Monday, June 4, 2007
Some garden pictures

Here are a few pictures of the garden, I tried different soil mixes for each box to see what happens, some with menure, dirt, vermiculite and peat moss, some with peat moss, menure, and little dirt, also some with the natural soil strained through a screen mixed with peat moss and vermiculite, things seem to be growing quick, I have some peppers already starting and the little onion bulbs I stuck in are growing fast. I decided to bark chip/mulch between the boxes to cut down on weeds, this will make care of the boxes easy and give the plants some room. I am not quite finished yet with the whole garden, might fence it off, might not, some critters have been digging a bit. I am working on something to hold the tomatoes up well, otherwise they will take a dive on everything, some scrap wood will work fine for this. I will post more pictures in a few weeks.-Citizen
Friday, May 11, 2007
NEW-Some Dirt From Earth Forum
I started a forum, called "SOME DIRT FROM EARTH"
Its only several days old so it is still being built, but is starting to take form. It has several different areas to discuss issues, opinions, video, audio, music, many hobbys etc. even a trading area to barter, buy or sell items or services. It is all done in a Medieval feudal system style to add flavor to the forum.
Stop by and check it out at the link below or the link to the right.-CITIZEN
Its only several days old so it is still being built, but is starting to take form. It has several different areas to discuss issues, opinions, video, audio, music, many hobbys etc. even a trading area to barter, buy or sell items or services. It is all done in a Medieval feudal system style to add flavor to the forum.
Stop by and check it out at the link below or the link to the right.-CITIZEN
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Treasure hunting

Several years ago I bought a cheap metal detector and periodically went out and found some stuff, nothing big, just quite a bit of nickels dimes and pennies mostly. I sold the cheap radio shack metal detector on Ebay and have been looking for a professional model. There are many places to look, parks, beaches, old home sites etc. check out these videos on this subject, alot of these guys score big, finging 15 lost gold rings on a beach in one day has got to be cool. At any rate this would be a healthy hobby and even quite profitable. The fun thing about it is you always find something, if you spend an hour on a little beach like mine you could find about 40 items, maybe 25% are coins. How many gold wedding rings have slipped off the finger of a swimmers in the last 120 years at a beach? 100's at least, its there for the taking now that we have the technology. I am definately getting back into this.
Treasure hunting america #1
Treasure hunting america #2
Treasure hunting america #1
Treasure hunting america #2
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Taking more food from Europe!
You can find this in most major grocery stores, its imported from Switzerland, I have made these for years with german meals.

The average american diet can be described as somewhat unhealthy, lots of french fries, potato chips, hot dogs, pizza, pasta and fast food. Most of our foods have evolved from European food but have been cheapened down to fit into the fast paced society, Americans produce more and work more than any other country and our GNP shows that, we have basically sacrificed a quality diet of healthy food for time and convienience. You are exactly what you eat, Mexico is the fattest country on earth due to their extreme consumption of animal fat, contrary to popular propoganda Mexico is not a poor nation but the wealth is in the hands of a few and cheap unhealthy food is where its at, plagued with corruption and brutality America is the safety valve where the bottom of their society flees so america is number two gaining quick. The quality of ethnic food should be judged by its health value, although I may like a BBQ pork taco and deep fried pork skins unless I want to look like "Pepe the huge" I better stay clear of too much of that. So as you search for new foods as I do, I do not believe that every family should have a list of fifteen dinners they rotate endlessly with zero imagination, so I look to Europe to provide some new ideas. I already eat a good deal of German dishes, Americanized italian dishes, some Chinese, Irish and English etc. Its amazing how much great food is out there we never try, and if you think about it, "eating" is a huge part of life, I am going on a crusade to find some new stuff, or better stuff, not too many Americans eat German Spaetzle, its a potato noodle, its fast and easy and better than uhh! "mashed potatoes" blaaah! and real Italian food is far better than the American tomato sauce type dumped on some spaghetti noodles, most Italian food has zero tomatoes. Have to get out of the food rut, most of Europe is healthier than America because they eat far better, I think this is where to look for some new ideas.
I have made these quite a bit in differant variations, I cannot yet match the great taste of the stuff out of the box.
I started making these from scratch last fall, filled with sauerkraut, or potato and onion, or potato and cheese etc. they are killer, you can also fill them with meat or whatever, Polish food is close to German in many ways, its all good.
Whats wrong with the american diet?-
Cooking with charcoal and wood chips

If you are not using Kingsford charcoal and a variety of wood chips/chunks to cook with then you are missing the boat, you should find the nearest and tallest building and hurl yourself off, because once you experience the exuberant bliss of natural woodsmoke cooking all other methods will fall short. Join the movement, join the charcoal woodsmoke "purests" join the "puritans" ! LOL.....Yes this is a shot across the bow of all of the "gas grillers" out there and the "woodless" the charcoal wood crusaders will hunt down the gas grills from coast to coast and smash them with wooden mallets like a fiery eyed avenger at an out of control southern baptist record smashing convention! HE HE! [DISCLAIMER-The above remarks do not constitute a real and grave threat to your cooking appliances, I have nor have I ever held any brand of twisted, obsessive or sociopathic malice towards gas grills or any other shortcut to culinary satisfaction, furthermore this is not an attempt to educate the vast unwashed masses as to how to properly prepare food in the outdoors, nor does the above statements reflect a general irreverant condescending arrogance when it comes to cooking in general, nor do I have any idea why you are reading this unless you are incredibly bored,lol.]
Dozens of different wood to use, basically I just use Hickory, mesquite and apple, but depending on the meat you could expand and experiment.
Dozens of different wood to use, basically I just use Hickory, mesquite and apple, but depending on the meat you could expand and experiment.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Walkers wood jerk seasoning

I have been eating this stuff for years, mostly marinated on chicken breast and grilled over charcoal with mesquite wood. There may be other suppliers but I just grabbed this one. Some other brands are good as well, like Bushka browns, is even hotter. If you have never had jerk seasoning, don't go by the weak stuff in the stores, order from Jamaica. Its also good on fish and pork, I usually make it with black beans and rice, some shredded cheddar on a flour tortilla.
If you are ambitious and want to make your own jerk sauce check this out, video and recipe.
This stuff will make you sweat, I have not found anything else that tastes anything like it, its unique, a jar will last a while, I have 2 of these jars of walkers wood in the fridge right now and one Bushka browns, marinade meat with a little extra olive oil mixed in, other wise it's too dry, they sell marinade but don't waste your money, buy the concentrate like above. I tried some jerk chicken strips marinated with homemade seasoning by a chef who used to live in the Turks 'n Cacos islands, cooked on the grill it was comparable to Walkers wood. I must be hungry looking at all this stuff!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Capsaicin cream

Capsaicin, the hot in hot peppers is extracted and made into a cream, a topical ointment for pain relief, it is used commonly all over the world, if it was not a plant, an alternative medicine I am sure the drug companies would grab it and control it, demanding top dollar and a prescription.
Capsaicin shuts down the nerve transmitters, shutting down the pain and the feeling, to much can cause a burn but the right amount kills all types of pain. My personal experience with using the capsaicin in pepper powder to clean out my throat and lungs backfired, although my lungs were perfect, having also killed the bacterial infection of the minor chest cold, I effectively shut down the neurotransmitters in my lungs, I could not feel them, nor could I feel the air moving into and out of them, this caused a drowning sensation which sent a signal to the brain to panic.
After about 10 days the feeling was returning to my lungs, having been put on a powerful anti-panic medication served its purpose in the beginning had some extremely bad side effects which I won't go into. The hot pepper is a double edged sword, use it with caution, gargle some tea with ceyanne pepper and it will completely destroy strep throat etc. but too much could put you into a bad spot. I am going to order some capsaicin cream to try, considering ibuprofen and acetaminophen both have been recently discovered to be very bad at any dose for the liver and kidneys, alternative pain relief options should be explored.
Capsaicin shuts down the nerve transmitters, shutting down the pain and the feeling, to much can cause a burn but the right amount kills all types of pain. My personal experience with using the capsaicin in pepper powder to clean out my throat and lungs backfired, although my lungs were perfect, having also killed the bacterial infection of the minor chest cold, I effectively shut down the neurotransmitters in my lungs, I could not feel them, nor could I feel the air moving into and out of them, this caused a drowning sensation which sent a signal to the brain to panic.
After about 10 days the feeling was returning to my lungs, having been put on a powerful anti-panic medication served its purpose in the beginning had some extremely bad side effects which I won't go into. The hot pepper is a double edged sword, use it with caution, gargle some tea with ceyanne pepper and it will completely destroy strep throat etc. but too much could put you into a bad spot. I am going to order some capsaicin cream to try, considering ibuprofen and acetaminophen both have been recently discovered to be very bad at any dose for the liver and kidneys, alternative pain relief options should be explored.
What is capsaicin cream?-
Here is a website where they sell it, I am sure there are hundreds more-
I am going to experiment using Capsaicin, pepper powder mixed into an ointment for mesquito bites this summer, because its not regulated by the FDA it could be marketed I suppose as an "afterbite" type medicine. In fact their might even already be one on the market somewhere.
THE POLISH FARMER mesquito repellant- Cut a lemon in half and rub it onto the skin, it smells good and is natural, mesquitos hate it, the chemical "deet" in the standard repellants absorb into the blood stream through the skin and do no good, I have tried this, its not as sure a thing as drenching yourself with chemicals that stink and poison your blood but it works well.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Scoville heat ratings
When eating hot peppers, if they get too hot, water or soda is the worst thing to drink, it simply expands the heat and distributes it out, alcohol nullifys capcaicin, milk or bread is best, but why put out the fire?
List of Scoville ratings
Pungency values for any pepper, stated in "Scoville units," are imprecise, due to expected variation within a species—easily by a factor of 10 or more—depending on seed lineage, climate and even soil (this is especially true of habaneros). The inaccuracies described in the measurement methods above also contribute to the imprecision of these values. When interpreting Scoville ratings, this should be kept in mind.[2][3]
Scoville rating
Type of pepper
Pure capsaicin[4]
Standard US Grade pepper spray [5]
Naga Jolokia [6][7][8][9]
Dorset Naga [10][5]
Red Savina™ Habanero[11]
Habanero Chile [12]
Scotch Bonnet [12]
Jamaican Hot Pepper [5]
Thai Pepper, Malagueta Pepper, Chiltepin Pepper
Cayenne Pepper, Ajà pepper [12], Tabasco pepper
Serrano Pepper
Tabasco Sauce (Habanero)[13]
Wax Pepper
Jalapeño Pepper
Tabasco Sauce (Tabasco pepper) [13]
Rocotillo Pepper
Poblano Pepper
Tabasco Sauce (Green Pepper) [13]
Anaheim pepper
Pimento [5], Pepperoncini
No heat, Bell pepper [5]
List of Scoville ratings
Pungency values for any pepper, stated in "Scoville units," are imprecise, due to expected variation within a species—easily by a factor of 10 or more—depending on seed lineage, climate and even soil (this is especially true of habaneros). The inaccuracies described in the measurement methods above also contribute to the imprecision of these values. When interpreting Scoville ratings, this should be kept in mind.[2][3]
Scoville rating
Type of pepper
Pure capsaicin[4]
Standard US Grade pepper spray [5]
Naga Jolokia [6][7][8][9]
Dorset Naga [10][5]
Red Savina™ Habanero[11]
Habanero Chile [12]
Scotch Bonnet [12]
Jamaican Hot Pepper [5]
Thai Pepper, Malagueta Pepper, Chiltepin Pepper
Cayenne Pepper, Ajà pepper [12], Tabasco pepper
Serrano Pepper
Tabasco Sauce (Habanero)[13]
Wax Pepper
Jalapeño Pepper
Tabasco Sauce (Tabasco pepper) [13]
Rocotillo Pepper
Poblano Pepper
Tabasco Sauce (Green Pepper) [13]
Anaheim pepper
Pimento [5], Pepperoncini
No heat, Bell pepper [5]
Thursday, May 3, 2007
All I need is garlic!
I have been buying fresh garlic bulbs for years and chopping them fresh to cook with, it lowers the blood pressure, prevents cancer and many other things, plus it adds real life to food. It might be a good idea to eat fresh garlic, and fresh{cooked} as well as aged, from what I gather to reap all the benefits. You are what you eat, people feel like crap because of what they put in their bodies, if we were as picky about what we eat as the music we listen to we would be better off. I still eat stuff I should not, it is hard to avoid, but I am trying to increase the % of stuff I know is "clean". I had a huge salad with blue cheese, croutons, bacon bits and olives with dinner, If I dumped the blue cheese and bacon and just used vinegar and olive oil dressing it would be about perfect. I made some garlic noodles, two fat cloves of garlic sauteed in about half a cup of olive oil, with basil, oregano, black pepper and sea salt, when it starts to brown throw in the spaghetti noodles and some fresh grated parmesan and romano and sea salt to add some twang, I may smell like a Cambodian farmer but it tastes great and its a good way to ingest some fresh garlic. Processed foods make me fell like crap, so little by little I am working towards natural clean foods, people scrape crap out of a can for decades and then wonder why they feel like cow manure. Next time your at the store grab the big bulk pack of garlic bulbs, it keeps at room temperature for a long time, and tastes ten times better than the stuff in the jar and you will not have to worry about vampyrs coming near you, or anybody else for that matter. Check out this medical article on garlic---
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Trying different plants this year

I Bought some Poblano pepper plants from the local greenhouse, they are mild but can get up to four feet tall so I figured I would give them a try. I have bought them at the store before , they are mild but spicier than a sweet bell pepper, 12,000 scoville heat units is very mild, they are the main pepper in Mexico. Jalapenos are 60,000 units so these are more for flavor than heat.
I also bought just one plant of each, Cayenne pepper, Italian basil, Jalapeno pepper, Hungarian hot wax pepper, Green pepper, Big boy tomato, just wanted to get some stuff in the ground. Now that the frost is over I planted some seeds in pots, so we planted a ton of parsley and sage, they grow fast.
Still clearing out the main garden area of a huge pile of trimmed tree branches ready to bundle into kindling. Was just going to burn it all but I decided it is "fuel" so why waste it. Next week I will run a tiller, going to expand the existing area by 25% or so.
After a while when all the stuff is in the ground and growing I am going to take pictures and post them, so others can see what grows well. This should be interesting because I am transferring my well known maniacal obsessive compulsive behavior into something positive, growing as much edible vegetation as possible! lol, I am going to scrape the grassy thatch from under all of the fence lines and dump some soil and lay about 100" of pole bean seeds, in about 8 weeks they should completely take over the fence and start putting out massive quantities of huge beans, why waste a perfectly good vegetable fence.
Anyone have any thoughts on using that miracle grow stuff?
Ceyanne Pepper, the miracle drug

Ceyanne pepper is one of the most powerful of all hot peppers, It has wide ranging effects on the body and my inclusion of many hot peppers into my diet in the past has been very positive, coupled with raw garlic these two together have many benefits. Keeping your blood more on the acidic side makes the development of cancer nearly impossible, something society has come to accept as a disease is really more of a result of poisoning ourselves with all of the processed garbage most shovel into their pieholes from coast to coast with little question. I am going to grow a few of these plants and what I dont eat fresh I will dry out and grind into powder, use some of that for cooking and also I am thinking of buying those empty capsules you fill yourself, so if you don't want super hot and spicy food that day just dump a couple ceyanne capsules. They sell them of course, but better to just make your own.
"Cayenne pepper - prized for thousands of years for its healing power. Folklore from around the world recounts amazing results using cayenne pepper in simple healing and in baffling health problems. But cayenne pepper is not just a healer from ancient history. Recent clinical studies have been conducted on many of the old-time health applications for this miracle herb. Again and again, the therapeutic value of cayenne pepper has been medically validated."Dr. Patrick Quillin---click link here---> The Healing Power of Cayenne Pepper
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I want fresh Vegetables, no chemicals please!

Time to get moving on a garden, thinking about Pole beans, Roma tomatoes, regular tomatoes, Ceyanne peppers, hungarian hot wax peppers, maybe some squash, jalapenos.
Green peppers and onions, potatoes, carrots etc. do not do the best and are rather cheap to buy so I want to concentrate on the good stuff that grows well.
I am going to go with a vertical set-up, growing upwards on wire supported by posts, I have seen pole beans get 12" long doing this!, also tomatoes do well on tall round wire set-ups.
Jalapenos and ceyannes do good in pots you can move around on the deck. Looking for some new ideas, might put a stone path down the center and side, do it all in a box set-up.
I tried , garlic and onions and it did not work well, potatoes were like golfballs last garden, I think the best plan is to concentrate on the ones I know do well.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Disease mongering engine
This would be funny if it was not true, I randomly generated a couple disorders myself, they are so official sounding, I can't see how they peddle this stuff with a straight face really, it goofy, every other commercial on TV has some slap happy people riding bikes in lah lah land in perpetual bliss all attributed to drugs. Whats their new slogan for our times "Say no to their drugs, not ours!"........How about "PRTTD"- or "People who refuse to take our drugs disorder", don't worry they probably have a pill for that too! I believe in rare cases some people actually benefit from some meds obviously, but it seems they are handed out like candy now to the population.
The secret history of Big Pharma's role in creating and marketing heroin, LSD, meth, Ecstasy and speed
Interesting article, I think we know the wave of the future, take your soma today folks? what! no, having a happy happy day!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Europeans settled in N.America 15,000 years ago!

The skeleton discovered in Washington state using carbon 14 dating dates back to between 7265-7535 BC ,over 9,000 years old, It is of European-Caucasoid species with a primitive spearhead found lodged into his hip, which also was of ancient design. What was a white man doing here? Increasing proof that Europeans were here 10-12,000 years ago plus shatter the conventional American Indian claims, clearly the Europeans here were wiped out, or rather were bred out into the Ojibwa tribes. The claim on land by species is really silly, what you can keep by force is really yours, all else is irrelevant, case in point, the American southwest today. It "was" yours is a nice thing to say but means absolutely nothing in reality, ask the American Indians today or the Europeans here 9,000 years ago, all that ever mattered is the ability to keep it.
VIDEO below, they are all less than ten minutes long but will show clearly Europeans were in the great lakes region 15,000 years ago using DNA! The spearheads found in all 48 states today of the very unique Clovus point style were only found in France 20,000 years ago, made by the Solutrians.
part 2-
VIDEO below, they are all less than ten minutes long but will show clearly Europeans were in the great lakes region 15,000 years ago using DNA! The spearheads found in all 48 states today of the very unique Clovus point style were only found in France 20,000 years ago, made by the Solutrians.
part 2-
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
USC football players created group called "white nation" under fire.
An inside joke on the USC football team went awry when a Facebook group sparked outrage among students.The racist Facebook group was created by a USC football player and showed a graphic of a black baby in handcuffs. An athletic department source said the group was a joke and had no serious purpose. Junior linebacker Clay Matthews created the group, "White Nation," which featured a graphic with the caption, "arrest black babies before they become criminals."
It was a joke, but people are hyper sensitive to white ethnocentricity in any form, I think what hit a nerve here was the arrest all the black babies, LMAO! people need to get a sense of humor. While congress and our tax dollars fund "LA RAZA" [the race] which goal is a conquest of the southwest U.S. , and the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations fund the top 6-7 groups who aim is the same, this Mexican racial nazi groups we pay for get a free ride, its all too ludicrous to see a Mexican Nazi with a sign "racist go home" and the one next to him with a sign, "For our race everything for them nothing!", "Go back to Europe white scum!" while protesting the minutemen. This is not news however, but a bunch of college kids with a silly joke is news, its ridiculous.-Citizen
It was a joke, but people are hyper sensitive to white ethnocentricity in any form, I think what hit a nerve here was the arrest all the black babies, LMAO! people need to get a sense of humor. While congress and our tax dollars fund "LA RAZA" [the race] which goal is a conquest of the southwest U.S. , and the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations fund the top 6-7 groups who aim is the same, this Mexican racial nazi groups we pay for get a free ride, its all too ludicrous to see a Mexican Nazi with a sign "racist go home" and the one next to him with a sign, "For our race everything for them nothing!", "Go back to Europe white scum!" while protesting the minutemen. This is not news however, but a bunch of college kids with a silly joke is news, its ridiculous.-Citizen
Saturday, March 10, 2007
North American Union replaces U.S.A.
Ahh! could the government have shared this with us first?
Women fined $2000 for smoking cigarette in her backyard garden!
Any other cigarettes lit up will be $280 a piece, evil smoker! Is this the kind of nutty world we want to live in?, some reason has to return, this is insanity, political correctness gone wild.
Give us a kidney and we will let you out of the cage!
Am I crazy or is this a ridiculous idea, and dangerous, if a program develops out of this it sets a dangerous precedent, prisons are already being farmed out to private corporations, and inmates held for long periods especially if they work well making McDonald's uniforms for 7 cents an hour. Now we will offer them a ticket out of hell if they dummy up some body parts! what is this the twilight zone? If this proceeds and I am sure it will, you can bet prisons will become the main source of body parts, run by corporations, you can bet it will not be long before donation is mandatory. Get a DUI, give us a kidney! this is a slippery slope if I ever saw one. People who break the law should be held accountable, but this scares the hell out of me. Hey tax evader, give us your eyes and some bone marrow you evil criminal!,CST-NWS-in09.article,CST-NWS-in09.article
101 year old women with walker beat by negro mugger!
Thats not the end of his fun, he heads down the road and beats and robs an old women with a walker with parkinsons disease. Is it time to educate america on the science of genetics? I believe so.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
U.S.A. and CHINA in arms race!
China sees the U.S. dominating the entire middle east, they are nervous, they are building their military at a stunning pace, they know that once we have all the oil, they are next. It's true whomever controls the massive oil resources can dominate, if we pull out of Iraq we are screwed. I hate war, but reason and necessity dictate we secure the region for American interests, if we are pushed out of the middle east, the U.S. is done. The propaganda people in Washington have dropped the ball, they need to redefine, reinstall the importance of our strategic and economic interests in the minds of Americans, in logical coherent and truthful terms, stop the lies and put the truth before the American people. Do we want China controlling all the oil in 2015? yes, China is a paper tiger now, but growing fast,.I say lock down the entire middle east whatever the cost. Crack open Iran like a coconut with all at our disposal, roll over the Saudis, Jordan, Syria, grab it all and raze every last damn Muslim temple to ashes, you want Allah? here you go! delivered. Its easy to sit back and say no more war, no more aggression, everything will be fine, but when the rest of the world does not share your rosy view of things that sentiment falls flat on its face. We withdraw from Iraq, it becomes an Islamic superstate under Iranian Islamic theocratic control, all the oil, with China sucking it up and us left sucking our thumbs. This is reality, make a choice, I believe this is all that needs to be sold to the American public to create the will to do what is needed, pussyfooting around will get zero respect, lay it all on the table in this manner cold and real. If we falter now, between the Islamic question and the Chinese question we are screwed and we know it.
China build rocketship da go to moon, finish spacesuits first!
Catchy title huh? Yes will China beat the U.S. to land a man on the moon? ha! ha! they say make spacewalk first, then go to moon by 2015, rocket happy to go now, only must first finish spacesuit for man! ......NASA is worried by rumors China will make 5 million spaceships real cheap, run them out of business! lol
U.S. Military needs to get its head out of its ass and take care of its people!
This is shameless, be all you can be! and when they do they get the big gigantic royal bend over.
U.S. truckers getting screwed!
Its the old deal, no one cared till they came for them, the construction trades have been screwed for years, now the truckers. Mexicans will drive for peanuts.
Why Mexico and America stand in stark contrast!
Mexicans have everything to gain and Americans have everything to lose.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Interview of guy who got kids 2&5 high on pot, no big deal!?
He says "they gonna be smokin it soona or lata anyways!" starting them off early champ?
Modern day witch hunt!
What is this Salem 1600 AD? The U.S. is well on its way to becoming a theocracy, when do we start burning people at the stake!
"Every school that I go to interview in I have to disclose to them that I was denied tenure for enticing children into witchcraft and magic."
This is all silly, when do we start rounding up Harry Potter books and burning them at rallies?
How is this different from what the radical fundamentalist Islamics do? it's not. Ever hear of freedom of religion? This lady converted from Catholicism to Judaism and is teaching witchcraft supposedly, she may not be very sane, but that's not the point, we tread a dangerous path, a theocratic fascist state would be a living nightmare.-Citizen
"Every school that I go to interview in I have to disclose to them that I was denied tenure for enticing children into witchcraft and magic."
This is all silly, when do we start rounding up Harry Potter books and burning them at rallies?
How is this different from what the radical fundamentalist Islamics do? it's not. Ever hear of freedom of religion? This lady converted from Catholicism to Judaism and is teaching witchcraft supposedly, she may not be very sane, but that's not the point, we tread a dangerous path, a theocratic fascist state would be a living nightmare.-Citizen
Middle school kids have intercourse in class!
"...during school hours in a classroom with an experienced teacher present, two sixth graders completed the act of least ten students were witnesses. No disciplinary actions were taken against the teacher... All teachers were told to keep quiet."
mmmm, maybe we need a tadbit more discipline in the classroom, ya think! east side of Indianapolis? ah-huh! yup you guessed it!
mmmm, maybe we need a tadbit more discipline in the classroom, ya think! east side of Indianapolis? ah-huh! yup you guessed it!
Man ejaculates on woman during flight gets arrested for assault!
An off-duty Northwest Airlines employee was arrested after a woman on a flight from Seattle complained that the man had ejaculated on her.The FBI identified the man as Samuel Oscar Gonzalez, 20, of Lakewood, Wash. He was charged in federal court with simple assault, a misdemeanor.
Near the end of the flight, the FBI said Gonzalez sat next to the woman as she was trying to sleep. He touched her, which she described as spooning, lifted her shirt and then got up and left. Court documents said she felt a warm fluid on her back, clothes and seat after he walked away. She told the officers he had ejaculated on her.
Near the end of the flight, the FBI said Gonzalez sat next to the woman as she was trying to sleep. He touched her, which she described as spooning, lifted her shirt and then got up and left. Court documents said she felt a warm fluid on her back, clothes and seat after he walked away. She told the officers he had ejaculated on her.
Britney Spears draws 666 on her bald head then screams "I am the anti-christ!"
While in rehab detoxing from drugs and alcohol she draws 666 on her head, runs around screaming "I am the anti-Christ" then tries to hang herself with the bedsheets...mmm dare I say mixing ancient religious dogma with detox is bad news! Ya know the bald head Joan Of Arc thing was kind of cool, but I can see she is freaking gone loony tunes. Did some religious nut convince her she was an evil seductress and should burn in hell? She may be a plastic media creation, but I don't think she has 5 billion demons in her head, maybe Pat Robertson sent her an e-mail, and she freakin read it! ,or some blood cult Christians tried to save her soul and screwed up her head, who knows! Someone is feeding her some screwy religious dogma and turning her mind into scrambled eggs, take some Librium Britney and chill out, nutty stuff man.
What have you bought from the world? what's in your bags? bought any lies?
Ever wonder why from the second you wake up in the morning till the moment you go to sleep you are bombarded with continuous negative story's of disaster and dismay? There is always some huge problem, some seemingly unsolvable mess, always some nasty story that is put on your shoulders to bear. The answer, they are selling you something, they are selling their worldview to you, selling their burdens, selling their wants, desires, hopes, dreams, nightmares, in total they are selling you bullshit. From day one you never had a chance, bombarded with ideology implanted by the world, yes you are a product of the world, there are things you bought and things you sold and things you decided to pass on, but many things you hold next to yourself as truth and every morning when the sun rises and your eyes open you download them as your operating system, this is what fills up a person, all of those things we bought.
Imagine if you can waking up one morning and not downloading anything, keeping the bare essence of consciousness, but without the baggage, without the nonsense, without all of these things we have come to believe as truth.
The amazing thing one can realize when you forget one day you have had enough is to not download the world, simply exist as a core, lose the rest, just consciousness, all the rest is illusion, all of the goods purchased for the price of your well being your sanity some may say the soul, it's all just to serve another.
That which we can see is truth, we exist, is truth, we are riders in a storm, thrown into a world we try to make sense of, with many salesman, and they all have the answers, the worlds marketplace is a dangerous place for any animal.
To be told our entire lives it is virtuous to be full of faith, spirit, and superstition falls flat on its face, but to get slammed into the dirt of reality and truth is refreshing. Life it real, when I wake in the morning there is just me, nothing else, no Gods, no demons, no illusions nor delusions, I am at home, finally and at last in complete peace of mind, having sold myself to nothing and to no one, I am neither afraid nor arrogant in the question of life, it as as it is. Think about death? why? have you never worried about where you were before you were born? is this not as equally puzzling? its the same place and I guarantee will hurt as much, not at all. It is that simple and you know it, and its OK. The preoccupation with death and afterlife in civilization destroys the joy of life, this is it folks, no evidence to say different, and that's fine, it's not like one minute after your dead you will say "Oh shit I am dead, this sucks" no your freakin dead! why is that so bad, what perverted salesman would sell someone a policy beyong that reality?
I say life and death is beautiful because its all nature, we must embrace life every second for what it is, I believe billions of people would live their lives better, and to the fullest if they understood that this is it, and that's perfectly fine, why struggle against a coming season? one cannot defy death no more than one can defy winter, and why would you want to? its natural.
What arrogance to think we can defy nature, we cannot no more than the flower, we are of nature, do not let anyone tell you different, it is the oldest lie.-Citizen
Imagine if you can waking up one morning and not downloading anything, keeping the bare essence of consciousness, but without the baggage, without the nonsense, without all of these things we have come to believe as truth.
The amazing thing one can realize when you forget one day you have had enough is to not download the world, simply exist as a core, lose the rest, just consciousness, all the rest is illusion, all of the goods purchased for the price of your well being your sanity some may say the soul, it's all just to serve another.
That which we can see is truth, we exist, is truth, we are riders in a storm, thrown into a world we try to make sense of, with many salesman, and they all have the answers, the worlds marketplace is a dangerous place for any animal.
To be told our entire lives it is virtuous to be full of faith, spirit, and superstition falls flat on its face, but to get slammed into the dirt of reality and truth is refreshing. Life it real, when I wake in the morning there is just me, nothing else, no Gods, no demons, no illusions nor delusions, I am at home, finally and at last in complete peace of mind, having sold myself to nothing and to no one, I am neither afraid nor arrogant in the question of life, it as as it is. Think about death? why? have you never worried about where you were before you were born? is this not as equally puzzling? its the same place and I guarantee will hurt as much, not at all. It is that simple and you know it, and its OK. The preoccupation with death and afterlife in civilization destroys the joy of life, this is it folks, no evidence to say different, and that's fine, it's not like one minute after your dead you will say "Oh shit I am dead, this sucks" no your freakin dead! why is that so bad, what perverted salesman would sell someone a policy beyong that reality?
I say life and death is beautiful because its all nature, we must embrace life every second for what it is, I believe billions of people would live their lives better, and to the fullest if they understood that this is it, and that's perfectly fine, why struggle against a coming season? one cannot defy death no more than one can defy winter, and why would you want to? its natural.
What arrogance to think we can defy nature, we cannot no more than the flower, we are of nature, do not let anyone tell you different, it is the oldest lie.-Citizen
Monday, March 5, 2007
U.S. Army staff sargeant orders recruits to dress as superman and engage in sex acts!
Hey Sarge, they never said anything about this in the commercials!...shut up private! LMAO!
Dare I say the quality of the military has dropped a few knotches, and that's not all they are dropping, unbelievable, sick, sick, sick!
Dare I say the quality of the military has dropped a few knotches, and that's not all they are dropping, unbelievable, sick, sick, sick!
Bush to send hundreds of millions to Latin America!
In a speech peppered with Spanish phrases, Bush told members of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Washington that U.S. aid to Latin American and Caribbean nations has doubled to about $1.6 billion [That's sixteen-hundred thousand million to U.S. high school students who don't know what a billion is.] a year since he took office in 2001.
Including 75 million to bring people here to study in the university's, wow!, what a nice guy! LMAO! No this was a bunch of payoffs to isolate Chavez, the recent meeting of all S.American leaders with Chavez twisting their arms trying to create a unified coalition against D.C. ,prompted Bush to fly down and shore up support against Chavez. Chavez runs an independent country, that is not allowed anymore, they will pay for defiance, much like the mafia, the are on the list with Iran and the rest. If the CIA does not topple, eliminate Chavez, I would say massive air strikes will do it in a few years, once our HUGE new air base is complete in Paraguay. Picture all world leaders like the godfather, with a dozen marbles in their mouths, a cigar and pin stripe suit and you will get a much clearer idea as to what really goes on, it is never what they say, c'mon you will never see the headline "Bush regime fly's to S. America to pay off S. American regimes to isolate and pressure Chavez regime, ramping up pressure to topple socialist upstart, moving closer to a CIA implanted puppet regime to secure the oil supply".
Including 75 million to bring people here to study in the university's, wow!, what a nice guy! LMAO! No this was a bunch of payoffs to isolate Chavez, the recent meeting of all S.American leaders with Chavez twisting their arms trying to create a unified coalition against D.C. ,prompted Bush to fly down and shore up support against Chavez. Chavez runs an independent country, that is not allowed anymore, they will pay for defiance, much like the mafia, the are on the list with Iran and the rest. If the CIA does not topple, eliminate Chavez, I would say massive air strikes will do it in a few years, once our HUGE new air base is complete in Paraguay. Picture all world leaders like the godfather, with a dozen marbles in their mouths, a cigar and pin stripe suit and you will get a much clearer idea as to what really goes on, it is never what they say, c'mon you will never see the headline "Bush regime fly's to S. America to pay off S. American regimes to isolate and pressure Chavez regime, ramping up pressure to topple socialist upstart, moving closer to a CIA implanted puppet regime to secure the oil supply".
Global warming a complete fraud!

OK Gore, busted and exposed! Looks like you have been skimming off the top of the Global warming coffers and sneaking a few Twinkies on the side, huh pal? Its about time this was made into a mainstream documentary to be aired, this whole global warming deal is a sham, designed to extract billions from the public because they are evil consumers, a U.N. lie backed by paid off kook scientists, junk science. 15 years ago I pegged this as a lie, Al Gore is a liar, a mouthpiece of global elites, we will eventually have world government, but lying to achieve the funding for that is nonsense, we all must demand honesty, we are not cattle, some of us anyway. Some numbskull's have turned global warming into a religion, sure I want clean water and sneaky corporations watched but we have to adhere to reason and truth, something that's virtually gone extinct, we need to start a movement to "save the truth" from complete and utter extinction! save the whales! save the seals! save the trees! save the bees! save our souls! save some money! how about save the TRUTH!-Citizen
Negro's [african american gentlemen] teach kids, 2 and 5 to smoke pot!
Your honor, the court, I rest my case!
Notice the title of the article "video appears to show brothers 2 and 5 smoking pot" These journalists are so browbeat by political correctness they can't even say it when they are looking right at it! it's so outrageous they have to report it but at the same time scared to death because it deviates from the official stereotype they always portray, the noble oppressed black whose poor behavior is always the fault of someone else. To illustrate the lunacy of these word games how about "video appears to to show undocumented immigrant running through bus stop killing 15 children", like the one in California. How about "Unlicensed illegal mexican border jumber plows through schoolchildren slaughtering them all over the pavement!" like the story from California that got little press,mmmmm?, I'll shut up now! but these suttle word games piss me off! -Citizen
Notice the title of the article "video appears to show brothers 2 and 5 smoking pot" These journalists are so browbeat by political correctness they can't even say it when they are looking right at it! it's so outrageous they have to report it but at the same time scared to death because it deviates from the official stereotype they always portray, the noble oppressed black whose poor behavior is always the fault of someone else. To illustrate the lunacy of these word games how about "video appears to to show undocumented immigrant running through bus stop killing 15 children", like the one in California. How about "Unlicensed illegal mexican border jumber plows through schoolchildren slaughtering them all over the pavement!" like the story from California that got little press,mmmmm?, I'll shut up now! but these suttle word games piss me off! -Citizen
Sunday, March 4, 2007
On portraying white men as idiots in media
This short article is 100% right, commercial after commercial vilifies the white male, this is done over and over again on sitcoms, the dumb idiot stupid dolt father screwing everything up as the wife rips him up and the kids talk down to him. This is malicious and sinister attempt to manipulate society into twisting their perception of reality to achieve many goals, one is the overthrow of the European power structure, to break down the nuclear family structure and another is genetic, the white man is far to rebellious for the tastes of the establishment, so they seek to cull the herd, and breed out this rabidly independent thinking animal, with perhaps a more subservient breed. If simultaneously the media can paint black men as noble powerful superheroes and white men as weak spineless weenies, they can encourage if not guarantee that young white women intermix in much larger numbers, this will facilitate their goals of wiping the European genes into oblivion by 2100 AD. This is social engineering on a most sinister level, committing genocide, once the host people have been psychologically disarmed. To illustrate my case a bit further, imagine if media portrayed black men as stupid dolts, weak fools, nerd like wieners, in order to convince black women to breed with white or Mongolian gene pools guaranteeing the black gene is watered out of existence, that no one would be "black" in 100 years? I believe the several thousand black civil rights groups would demand that their unique expression of people be preserved, because after all, diversity means "respecting the different" in modern PC terms, how is it that it is simultaneously a codeword for "the different does not exist"? they deny any genetic "racial" difference while simultaneously demanding that we respect those differences. I say people are different, but that's OK, that is nature, they are not equal by any measure, that is OK as well, it has to be, because it is the truth. What many do not realize is that culture comes from the top, it is manufactured then implanted into society, the gang banger gun toting drug kingpin MTV image came from the greatest intellects in social engineering, designed to facilitate the simultaneous slaughter of the black male with the culling of the white male, a process instituted into the diverse herd designed to achieve a specific goal. After all, their end goal is a genetic mix, a genetically engineered animal, capable of maintaining the gears of society without asking any questions, this can be achieved through media and government preferences based on sex and race. I do embrace diversity in a very real sense, I respect that the different species of the human animal each have their strengths and weaknesses, it would seem to me that to erase all the species genetic variants is really very hateful in a sinister sense. Though it appears the media and establishment have set their sights on destroying our diverse traits and especially target white people as evil incarnate, is one of the most devious genocidal programs they have ever embarked on. I believe in conversation and rational discussion, not censorship, the media creates a whole list of things the people are not supposed to talk about, this is one of them, I don't care, I believe its time to come out of the dark ages, all answers lie not in political thought policing, but in reasoned discussion.-Citizen
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Texas cop to get 7 years for violating civil rights of invading mexicans
They are trying to make an example out of every cop that questions or confronts illegal aliens, making them immune to law to serve corporate interests, shameless. Is it me or have mexicans become "super citizens" immune from all law that applies to everyone else. Clearly beyond a shadow of a doubt this whole situation is wrecking the nation.
Friday, March 2, 2007
NASA releases new pictures of Saturn
This is the closest and clearest photos we have ever taken, awesome. Of all the planets Saturn was worshipped more than others, "Saturnalia" with the possible exception of earth.
Pope is warned of green anti-christ! ...scary!........Yawn
Wow, the ultimate abomination, an ecologist and pacifist will be the biggest of baddybad guys warns the bishop of Boloney, Oh I agree the guys who like clean water and are against endless wars are the ones to watch, what? Its kind of like saying, "its the quiet one's you have to watch!", never mind the psychopathic ones running around slaughtering people daily, watch out for the pacifists!. It's all silly nonsense, as if daily life does not have enough problems to deal with I am suppose to burden myself with grave concern about some super evil dude they have been waiting for for centuries, all these idiots should lose the dresses and the silly hats, stop chasing alter boys, and get a real job. Whenever I see one of these bozo's I cannot help but think, "what a self important twat!" OOOH! your gonna burn in hell!, great I will let you know what its like so you won't be surprised!...oh you, I am going to be with God you heretic!, Oh yeah smart ass, I don't think she would have you!....LMAO! Good God is nothing sacred! OHHH, I am going to prey for you... No that's ok, but can I have the money instead? your hopeless, why can't you just believe everything your told to believe? because the world is stuffed full of 6.5 billion salesman, and I prefer to travel light, so I ain't buying jack. Good day-Citizen
No place for "nigger" in New York!
DON"T FLY off the handle with the child like "I'm offended" stuff, that's the actual title of the news article!
Is this kind of like eliminating the word "illegal alien" in Florida, more politically correct silliness, the main user of the word "nigger" is blacks, though through Hollywood they project it as the only word some toothless slovenly inbred backwood hick uses. It all ridiculousness, scared to death PC white people say, the "n-word" whilst we hear it from blacks 100 times a day, whatever, with all the problems the country has, condemning a word does absolutely nothing, its all feel good mushy cushy crap for liberals, turning the entire country into a dumb mass of worthless weenies, where are we, Romper room?
Is this kind of like eliminating the word "illegal alien" in Florida, more politically correct silliness, the main user of the word "nigger" is blacks, though through Hollywood they project it as the only word some toothless slovenly inbred backwood hick uses. It all ridiculousness, scared to death PC white people say, the "n-word" whilst we hear it from blacks 100 times a day, whatever, with all the problems the country has, condemning a word does absolutely nothing, its all feel good mushy cushy crap for liberals, turning the entire country into a dumb mass of worthless weenies, where are we, Romper room?
Germany to go to moon in 2013!
Germany is sending an unmanned craft to orbit the moon, and land on her. Sounds promiscuous! [yes, its a she, why? because if a ship is a she, a car is a she, the moon has to be a she!, besides I have never walked outside at night and commented "look at the moon, isn't he beautiful!" lol, no that sounds just plain stupid, in any case, I digress...]
Why is it unmanned? maybe because the radiation belt surrounding the earth would kill humans that's why, maybe they can do what NASA only pretended to do in 1969, what! you believe the moon walk, LMAO! one born every minute, their story has more holes in it that a Swiss cheese factory!, yeah!, like why was the U.S. flag flapping in the wind on the moonwalk, their is no wind on the moon folks, zero, ziltch!-
Germany became the first nation to launch a man-made object into space in the 1940s when it tested the V-2 ballistic missile,the entire rocket program of the U.S. was pioneered by Nazi scientists after WW2.
Why is it unmanned? maybe because the radiation belt surrounding the earth would kill humans that's why, maybe they can do what NASA only pretended to do in 1969, what! you believe the moon walk, LMAO! one born every minute, their story has more holes in it that a Swiss cheese factory!, yeah!, like why was the U.S. flag flapping in the wind on the moonwalk, their is no wind on the moon folks, zero, ziltch!-
Germany became the first nation to launch a man-made object into space in the 1940s when it tested the V-2 ballistic missile,the entire rocket program of the U.S. was pioneered by Nazi scientists after WW2.
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