Sunday, February 25, 2007

Iraq war veterans living on the street

This is typical, now we know why we are called "human resources" because we are used up just like one, once the "human" is physically and mentally trashed they discard them and they become invisible, almost. With the massive military budget, it would only make sense to do what needs to be done for veterans, from a humanistic standpoint, and from a propaganda standpoint, what better popular opinion could be had than a vet who says the government does right for them, as opposed to saying they were discarded like a used up battery. For public relations alone in their own self interest I would think the pentagon would do a better job of re-entering these guys into society. Where are all the churches?, don't they help out as they say, no they are hypocrites, The Catholic priests are chasing around alter boys, The pope is busy making up an extra dozen saints to keep the cheap plastic injection mold automobile rear view mirror saints business afloat, Ted haggards doing meth amphetamine and servicing male prostitutes, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker are putting in air conditioning in their dog house and spooning on cosmetics, Pat Robertsons leeching on old lady's social security checks when he's not praying on someones toothache and aching hip, buying 747's and Cadillacs, and blasting all the demonic UFO's. Benny Hinn is ripping away walkers from crippled old ladys and smacking idiots on the forehead in a healing fiasco extravaganza circus raking in billions in a disgusting display of preying on the weakminded. I got a job for the homeless vets, why don't they crash the party all of these phony holymen are having, seems to be plenty of money, drugs, booze, women, lear jets, luxury cars and elaborate self indulgent nonsense to go around. No, I am not bashing all churches, some really try to help humanity and are not hypocrites and are well meaning good people, just 99% of them that are looneybin's for the criminally insane who lead the naive into collective mental illness. But hey, that's just one humble opinion.-Citizen


Anonymous said...

The god of the Robertsons and the Bakers and the Benny Hinns has been replaced by the greedy god of wealth, power and corruption. My God takes care of His own. He doesn't need any fancy building. He lives in the hearts of those who beleive. And Heaven help the poor people coming "home" from Iraq if they're looking to their government for help.Our government also worships the god of wealth, power and corruption.

Anonymous said...

Dear Citizen, You make mw want to be a better person.