Is it a coincidence that the areas infected with Islam are also the most backward unstable regions of the world, I don't think so, Some warrior 1400 years ago claimed he had a red phone direct line to God, wrote down a bunch of ramblings from a barbaric bloodthirsty worldview that even includes child sex, maybe because he himself was a pedophile. The taboo that every one's religion must be respected is nonsense, no free passes anymore, religion and belief have a massive impact on our worlds direction, the Muslim view that all must be converted or get the sword has real Geo-political ramifications, there should be zero respect for such barbaric beliefs, and in the age of political correctness its ironic that the last thing the Islamics would extend anyone else is a shred of tolerance to an opposing viewpoint, no they would just lopp their heads off. So to the politically correct, perhaps you should be locked up to protect yourself from yourself, as you preach a suicidal mantra, you extend a hand of tolerance to the intolerant, precipitating its growth and foothold in the west, definitely suicidal and incredibly stupid.
The beliefs of people do not exist in a vacuum, they have Geo-political consequences, thus should be held up to reasonable critique in daily discourse, for instance, the evangelical christian belief that the invisible all powerful omnipresent real estate broker in the sky gave Israel to the Jews, has real consequences, as they vote to elect politicians who reflect that silly notion. Most do not know that Judaism refutes that completely, the only ones who believe that is evangelical American Christians, and the Zionist atheist Jews who control Israel use this conveniently, quite masterfully I might add, as a proxy of U.S. power in the middle east it is palatable to U.S. strategic goals as well, so this delusion is useful however ridiculous. If someone said two plus two was seven I would not respect that, why on earth would I respect someone telling me, "If you don't support slaughtering the Palestinians, man, women and child God will cast you into a lake of fire forever and ever and ever", wow!, scary, burning forever is a long time, maybe I should reconsider! No, I cannot and will not respect that sheer lunacy, murdering for the invisible man!, no more than I will respect the idea that "God demands women be covered up from head to toe, not an inch of flesh to be seen, or she should be stoned to death!", medieval ramblings of lunatics. Its far past time we halt all "tolerance" for this corrosive ancient mentally ill rubbish, amounting to nothing more than the criminal execution of the rational and reasonable mind, its psychological murder, bury it all, toss it into the ash bin of history. Yes, the truth can be painful, enough so that one kills to silence those who speak it. I am the infidel and the heretic, for thousands of years you have burned me, stoned me, tortured me, ran me through, drowned me, decapitated me, cut my tongue out, sewn my lips closed but you cannot kill me, why? because I am truth and reason manifested in words, and it will always be looking over the shoulder of the lost.-Citizen
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One religion, two sects, and they can't even get along with each other. Sick twisted freaks.
Once the war goes into overdrive, those fundementalist Islamics in western countries will either shed their religion or be thrown into work camps, thats the good news.
As special ops keeps blowing up sunni and shitte mosques in Iraq, they will and have descended into continuous civil war, making a growing and continuous troop flow into the region necessary, setting the stage to take Iran. Once Iran and Syria fall, western governments can be set up, making the rest of the region easy pickings. Then we do China with Russian aide, by 2040-2050 the world will rest under one sword. cheers mate!
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