Friday, February 23, 2007

Must STOP the dancing in NYC!

"Recreational dancing is not a form of expression protected by the federal or state constitutions," the court wrote.
This is crazy, what!, dancing is not a constitutional right? LMAO! What if someone just moves in an unusual or jovial way by accident, should we lock their asses up? Where do we draw the line, to many consecutive leg movements? If this is the level of insanity we have collectively reached, count me out, I might apply for moon citizenship, these people are looneytunes baby! If someone broke into the jitterbig in court would this judge give them a life sentence? Calling all cars, calling all cars! we have some illegal dancing on broadway and 5th street!, I think he is going to dip her, and possibly kiss, calling all cars! .....ahh!...beam my ass up Scotty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heaven help the poor epileptic who has a seizure on the street and five eyewitness swear it looked like breakdancing. His sorry ass is outta there.AAARRRGGG