Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Ridiculous mainstream press!

Their story-"Border patrol shoots at immigrants!" what? the term "immigrant" implies legality, my great grandfather was an immigrant to Ellis island from Scotland, he had to bend over and cough, if he was sick they would of shipped him back, the rules were plain and reasoned. The media are now so twisted and biased in their reporting that when a foreign national invades the U.S. illegally and then assaults and pommels our border patrol with rocks not only is this fine by them but our border patrol agents cannot even defend themselves! what absolute garbage, they fail to mention how many border guards have been killed by rocks not to mention the constitutional right to guard ones border against invasion. What complete and utter insanity, what the hell is the border patrol supposed to do? sign them up with welcome wagon? Do these invasion advocates realize that 185 MILLION are born every year in third world countries and they all want in, do they have any concept of reality? will these idiots be happy with a slum U.S.A., no schools, no hospitals, nothing but poverty and chaos? are they really this stupid? do these media people have the mentality of a kindergartner passing out friggin flowers, what the hell! No, they are pawns of corporations, they want cheap slave labor and they don't give a damn how they get it, its friggin classic when the commie red star assholes come out with the no border crap and one comes to find out they are funded by huge corporations, its all bullshit, don't be fooled. The influx of slave labor into america is done solely for profit. they are bleeding us dead slow, like a frog slowly boiling in the pot never takes notice. I hope americans like the system of India and China because they are the model society our corporations have planned for us, not that americans can do a damn thing about it, so spineless, so apathetic, so self absorbed and stupid, I just thought they would like to know what the world will be like for their children, and for their childrens children, they will all be slaves.-Citizen

"Living in Eden has its advantages, as a marginalized member of a spectator democracy, you choose our own dependencies, lust, hate, blood, love, don't think of it as manufactured consent, think of it as the candy everybody wants".

"So their minds are soft and lazy, we'll give them what they want!" 10,000 maniacs video on the animalistic consumerism of the stupid masses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Screw the freaken MARXicans.Did we offend the mexican government? aaawww. If you're in OUR Country illegally and get shot call 1-800 wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha. All complaints will be dealt with promptly by the second Tuesday of next week. lol.