Monday, March 5, 2007

Negro's [african american gentlemen] teach kids, 2 and 5 to smoke pot!

Your honor, the court, I rest my case!

Notice the title of the article "video appears to show brothers 2 and 5 smoking pot" These journalists are so browbeat by political correctness they can't even say it when they are looking right at it! it's so outrageous they have to report it but at the same time scared to death because it deviates from the official stereotype they always portray, the noble oppressed black whose poor behavior is always the fault of someone else. To illustrate the lunacy of these word games how about "video appears to to show undocumented immigrant running through bus stop killing 15 children", like the one in California. How about "Unlicensed illegal mexican border jumber plows through schoolchildren slaughtering them all over the pavement!" like the story from California that got little press,mmmmm?, I'll shut up now! but these suttle word games piss me off! -Citizen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just another totally disgusting incident in a long list of immoral acts comitted by sociopaths. What ever happened to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? I'd lock em up and throw away the key.To take away a childs innocence is the lowest form of crime.