Sunday, March 4, 2007

On portraying white men as idiots in media

This short article is 100% right, commercial after commercial vilifies the white male, this is done over and over again on sitcoms, the dumb idiot stupid dolt father screwing everything up as the wife rips him up and the kids talk down to him. This is malicious and sinister attempt to manipulate society into twisting their perception of reality to achieve many goals, one is the overthrow of the European power structure, to break down the nuclear family structure and another is genetic, the white man is far to rebellious for the tastes of the establishment, so they seek to cull the herd, and breed out this rabidly independent thinking animal, with perhaps a more subservient breed. If simultaneously the media can paint black men as noble powerful superheroes and white men as weak spineless weenies, they can encourage if not guarantee that young white women intermix in much larger numbers, this will facilitate their goals of wiping the European genes into oblivion by 2100 AD. This is social engineering on a most sinister level, committing genocide, once the host people have been psychologically disarmed. To illustrate my case a bit further, imagine if media portrayed black men as stupid dolts, weak fools, nerd like wieners, in order to convince black women to breed with white or Mongolian gene pools guaranteeing the black gene is watered out of existence, that no one would be "black" in 100 years? I believe the several thousand black civil rights groups would demand that their unique expression of people be preserved, because after all, diversity means "respecting the different" in modern PC terms, how is it that it is simultaneously a codeword for "the different does not exist"? they deny any genetic "racial" difference while simultaneously demanding that we respect those differences. I say people are different, but that's OK, that is nature, they are not equal by any measure, that is OK as well, it has to be, because it is the truth. What many do not realize is that culture comes from the top, it is manufactured then implanted into society, the gang banger gun toting drug kingpin MTV image came from the greatest intellects in social engineering, designed to facilitate the simultaneous slaughter of the black male with the culling of the white male, a process instituted into the diverse herd designed to achieve a specific goal. After all, their end goal is a genetic mix, a genetically engineered animal, capable of maintaining the gears of society without asking any questions, this can be achieved through media and government preferences based on sex and race. I do embrace diversity in a very real sense, I respect that the different species of the human animal each have their strengths and weaknesses, it would seem to me that to erase all the species genetic variants is really very hateful in a sinister sense. Though it appears the media and establishment have set their sights on destroying our diverse traits and especially target white people as evil incarnate, is one of the most devious genocidal programs they have ever embarked on. I believe in conversation and rational discussion, not censorship, the media creates a whole list of things the people are not supposed to talk about, this is one of them, I don't care, I believe its time to come out of the dark ages, all answers lie not in political thought policing, but in reasoned discussion.-Citizen


Anonymous said...

The lesbian jewish feminist Susan Sontag said the white race must be wiped off of the face of the earth!, Is this not the ultimate in hatred? by a long shot the white europeans have given the world the most science, reason and civilization, white's now only 8% of the world population deserve more than abject slaughter. But I guess the establishment tipped their hand when Sontag stated the goal, genocide. She is a psychopath, even david Duke says that all of the unique variants of human species deserve the right of self determination, deserve survival and should be preserved as any endangerered species would, the kill an entire species is literal genocide, a mindset of an evil mind.

Anonymous said...

I think without the White race the
World would fail. Look at the nations in Africa, wars, starvation
and just one big mess! Look at the
money givin to them and they still
cannot get it right.

Anonymous said...

The white intelligence will overcome the media hype. Most people with a half a brain can see what's going on. If a white woman looks on a man of "difference" and desires him, It may be best to "mark" the offspring with other than white characteristics to identify them. Even in the bible, tribal mixing was frowned upon as an abomination.